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Öğe Flora of archaeological landscape: Case study of Arslantepe mound and its territory(Springer Nature, 2022) Karakuş, Şükrü; Tuna, AysunFloristic research plays a key role in understanding archaeological landscapes. Floristic studies provide important information for archaeological research, for understanding the diet of societies to determining agricultural activities of the periods. With the data obtained as a result of archaeobotanical studies in recent years, important findings regarding the general flora character of archaeological landscapes have been reached. As of today, the floristic balance of current archaeological landscape is changing as the existing vegetation is destroyed in archaeological sites where excavations are continuing. Based on this, in this paper, current flora of Arslantepe Mound and its territory was examined. The aim of this paper is to determine the plant biodiversity of the study area and to identify the sensitive areas with endemic species. Within the boundaries of the study area, 440 samples were collected between August 2018 and August 2019. As a result of identification of collected samples and evaluation of plants registered in the literature, 704 taxa (681 species, 13 subspecies, 10 variate) belonging to 384 genera and 90 families were determined. 65 of the total species are endemic in the area. The phytogeographic regions of only 233 species out of the collected material have been identified; Irano-Turanian 184, Mediterranean 38, Euro-Siberian 11. The rest 471 species of the total are either pluriregional or phytogeographically unknown. Two species belong to Pteridophyte whereas 702 species belong to Spermatophyta. Within the area, gymnosperms have 16 species and angiosperms have 686 species. Dicotyledons and monocotyledons have 586 and 100 species, respectively, in the Angiosperms. The largest families identified in the study area are as follows: Fabaceae 67, Brassicaceae 65, Asteraceae 58, Poaceae 54, and Lamiaceae 53. The largest genera in the study area are as follows: Alyssum 12, Euphorbia 12, Astragalus 10, Medicago 10, and Trifolium 7. Endemic species located within the study area within the scope of the findings obtained as a result of the floristic research, deployment areas, and endangered species have been identified. Suggestions have been developed to enable the archaeological sites to appear within the urban landscape as alternative green spaces. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.Öğe Determining UHI effect by remote sensing method in Bolu city centre, Turkey(Konya Technical Univ, Fac Architecture & Design, 2022) Aydemir, Kıymet Pınar Kırkık; Altınok, Gamze Kazancı; Ünsal, ÖmerUrban Heat Island (UHI) has been described by authors as the UHI effect is among the most common forms of human origin (anthropogenic) local climate change. The increasing UHI effect with the differences in land use and landscape pattern varies depending on surface soil, watery field presence and vegetation. In this study, using Landsat 5 TM of 1994 and Landsat 7 ETM+ images of 2019, the ArcGIS 10.6.1 program and the remote sensing methods have identified surface temperature and vegetation distribution. Surface temperature values of the land -use in Bolu province of 2019, 1/5000 Urban Development Plan land uses and average temperature values were determined. The study revealed the change between urban development and the effect of land surface temperature over the course of 25 years, and discussed the UHI effect in the Bolu province. The effects of the historical process in Bolu city center on land surface temperature (with LST differences) and vegetation distribution (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; NDVI) have been surveyed. The constraints of this study are that the spatial resolution in orthophotos of 1994 is low, and the type of land-use temperature data cannot be compared to 2019. For this reason, LST and NDVI analyzes were conducted in 1994 orthophotos, classifying all parcels with structure and related area in the form of manually constructed areas (built Environment). One of the findings of this study are surface temperatures of areas used as farmland in the year 1994 data reached higher values after they quickly began to urbanize in Bolu. The main reason for the high surface temperature in the Bolu province over the 25-year period is that agricultural areas are impurized and increasing population density and the albedo effect. It has been concluded that the lack of green space and lack of vegetation in the continuous urban area has increased the UHI effect.Öğe The system design of the peat-based microbial fuel cell as a new renewable energy source: The potential and limitations(Elseiver, 2022) Erensoy, Ahmet; Mülayim, Sefa; Orhan, Ayhan; Çek, Nurettin; Tuna, Aysun; Ak, NamıkThe microbial fuel cell (MFC) is considered as a renewable, non-toxic, reliable, clean, efficient, and also an alternative source for bioenergy. It provides numerous opportunities to improve sustainable applications in various sites, ranging from industrial to home. The low power output of microbial fuel cells is one of the important factors that hinder their commercialization. Power outputs must be improved to contribute to the commercialization of MFCs. In this study, organic peat material was used as a substrate for a double chamber MFC. In addition, since Clostridium bacteria were detected in the organic peat material, an additional bacterial strain was not used. In this MFC application, where graphite is used as both anode and cathode electrodes, 1 mol/L NaOH solution was employed as the cathode chamber solution. This peat-based MFC provided the highest electrical power density of 438.116 mW/m(2). The most important limiting factor of the peat-based MFC was the spreading of the NaOH solution throughout the cell due to the rupture of the proton exchange membrane after 9 h of operation. (C) 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/).Öğe Exploring the perceived landscape with the local people: The experience of community mapping in Orduzu district (Malatya/Turkey)(Konya Technical Univ, Fac Architecture & Design, 2021) Ay, Bilge Hatun; Tuna, AysunPurpose The main purpose of the paper is to define historical landscapes through locals' perspectives and employs community mapping as a tool for defining and transferring perceived landscape elements Design/Methodology/Approach The method used in this research consists of various stages, such as determining the boundaries of the study area, determining the goals and objectives of the community mapping, evaluation of the mapping process in the examined toolkits, and the community mapping process design specific to the study area according to the toolkits reviewed in the literature, and the outputs and observations obtained from the maps. Findings As a result of the community mapping study conducted with men and women separately, items under the themes of agriculture (past and present), hydrology, tangible cultural heritage, intangible cultural heritage, built environment, connectivity, flora and fauna were identified. In this study, beyond the recognized physiographic features of the district, were discovered its "unseen" components due to the statements of locals and the analysis of the perceptual data they provided. Were acquired verbal information and point data about some archaeological sites that are not mentioned in any records or literature, as they remain undiscovered. Research Limitations/Implications This study bridged an establishing a new link with sustainable spatial planning by assessing perceptions of local people to the environment they live in. However, this study has limitations in the verbal and linear expressions of the groups participating in the mapping process.In the pre-mapping process needs to be supported by local government and non-governmental organizations for more participants. Social/Practical Implications it is suggested that the use of this methods such as spatial data production (on historical differences in landscape) within the mainframe of the participant planning approach and community mapping (to ensure collective wellbeing by creating healthy, sustainable spaces) and the inclusion of these methods in spatial planning stages will prove significantly useful. Originality/Value This study provides a framework for integrating different perspectives to better recognise and planning and manage the landscape character. This framework can be used as a foundation for a planning process in touch with "real life" and "users".Öğe Integration of medicinal and aromatic plants in an urban landscape as a living heritage: An example in Malatya City (Turkey)(Springer, 2020) Tuna, Aysun; Ay, Bilge Hatun; Karakuş, ŞükrüThis paper aims to determine the potential for using medicinal aromatic plants, which have been considered living heritage since prehistoric times, in urban landscapes. The area of study covers Malatya City and its counties, which are found in Eastern Anatolia, a region of importance in terms of the endemic species in Turkey. Malatya is specifically selected as the study area, as the city's geomorphological, hydrological and climatic characteristics favour a high floral diversity. The methods used in this paper consist of five stages: floristic field works conducted in Battalgazi county (Malatya) in the scope of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) Project No. 217O290, the identification of the plants by a taxonomist, the determination of the medicinal and aromatic species in other counties of Malatya based on literature review, the establishment of criteria for the application potential of the identified species in landscape designs and the assessment of the use of the identified species in landscape architecture according to the parameters set in the criteria. Aromatic medicinal species were analysed to generate planting designs in landscape projects; the aesthetic properties (flower, leaf and fruit characteristics), sensory properties (scent and texture), seasonal change characteristics (flowering period and colour change) and use areas (flower parterres, solitary plantings, live fences and site coverings) of the plants were analysed. As a result of ethnobotanical and floristic studies carried out within the boundaries of the study area, a total of 189 medical aromatic species were identified. A total of 157 of these species were herbaceous plants. In conclusion, it was determined that 80 aromatic medicinal species conform to the planting design criteria and could be used in landscape designs in Malatya City.Öğe Bolu kentinin mekânsal gelişimi(2014) Taner, İsmailBolu, Türkiye'nin sosyo-ekonomik yönden en gelişmiş Marmara Bölgesini, Anadolu'nun diğer bölgelerine bağlayan ulaşım sisteminin üzerinde yer alan önemli bir bağlantı kentidir. Bolu, iki büyük şehiri birbirlerine bağlayan bu ulaşım aksının ortasında ve yakın konumdadır. Kent önceleri tarihi merkez çevresinde gelişme göstermiş; daha sonra batıda açılan üniversitenin, 1999 Depremi sonrası inşa edilen konutların ve toplu konutların etkisi ile sıçrama yaparak kuzey ve batı yönlerine doğru yayılmaya başlamıştır. Özet olarak; kentin batı ve kuzey tarafında konut alanları, doğuda sanayi alanları ve askeri alan ve güneyde ise turizm alanı (dağ ve termal kaplıca) yer almaktadır. Kentin fiziksel yapısındaki değişim 1940'lı yıllarda başlamıştır: 1944 yılında meydana gelen büyük deprem sonrası, hasarlı binalarla birlikte eski yapılar, tarihe ve kültüre sahip çıkılmayarak, yıkıma uğramıştır. Hasarlı yapılar onarılmasıyla, görselliğe yönelik şekilde yeniden kullanıma sunulmuş olsaydı, bugün kent mekanı daha çekici özellik kazanmış olurdu. Bugün için yoğun trafik (özellikle merkezde otopark alanları eksikliği), hava ve çevre kirliliği (gelişigüzel yer seçen tavuk çiftliklerinin olumsuz etkileri) gibi sorunları bulunmaktadır. Türkiye toplamının üçte biri karşılanan beyaz et üretimi, Bolu ekonomisine ivme kazandırmaktadır. Ancak, tavuk çiftliklerinin ovada gelişigüzel yer seçmeleri ve atıklarının çevreye bırakılması yoğun olarak kirliliğe yol açılmaktadır. Bu durum turizmi olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Bolu'da doğal güzellikler bulunması nedeniyle turizmin ağırlığı ve önceliği bulunmaktadır. Bu değerlerin geliştirilerek kullanıma sunulması beklentisi bulunmaktadır. Kent aktif deprem kuşağı üzerinde yer almaktadır: Kentin de içinde yer aldığı Bolu Ovası en aktif deprem kuşağı olup oturmamış ve yerleşmemiş alüvyonik niteliktedir. Tektonik bakımdan çok hareketli olan bölge, kentsel alanları da etkisi altına almıştır. "Kuzey Anadolu Fayı" nın varlığı ile şekillenen jeolojik yapı, birinci derece deprem bölgesi durumundadır. Kentin tek bir merkez üzerinde sıkışık durumda yoğunlaşmış formu, 1999 Depremi sonrası ortaya çıkan konut uygulamalarıyla çözülme süreci içine girilmiştir. Doğal çevrenin sağladığı özelliklere dayanılarak, turizm potansiyeli harekete geçirilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Kentin tek bir merkez üzerinde sıkışık durumdaki yoğunlaşmış formu, 1999 Depremi sonrası ortaya çıkan konut uygulamaları (deprem konutları ve toplu konut uygulamaları) ve yeni şehirlerarası ulaşım terminalinin batıda karayolları yakınında yer alması ile çözülme süreci içine girilmiştir: Kentsel yayılma-saçılma şeklinde görülen bu gelişme; az sayıda alt merkez oluşturarak dağılmaya (desantralize) başlamıştır. 1999 depremi sonrası düzenlenen jeolojik arazi etüdlerine göre; kentin batı ve kuzeye doğru olan alanlarının zeminin, depreme karşı sağlam yapıda olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kent merkezinde haftada iki kez düzenlenen açık pazarlar, çevrede yer alan 124 köy için üretilenlerin satıldığı - ihtiyaçların satın alındığı ve toplanılan-iletişim kurulan ticari ve sosyal mekanlar işlevini görmektedir. Bolu kentinin nüfusu yavaş büyüme eğilimi göstermektedir, ancak kent yerleşimi geniş alan üzerine dağılarak ve saçılarak karmaşık ilişkiler ağına dönüşmeye başlamıştır.