Ortodonti Ana Bilim Dalı Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    Evaluation of mandibular osseous structure in patients with mandibular asymmetry: A fractal analysis study
    (Elsevier Science Inc, 2023) Alpaydın, Mehmed Taha; Büyük, Süleyman Kutalmış; Abay, Feridun; Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur
    Objective. We evaluated the effect of mandibular asymmetry on the trabecular structure of the mandible as measured through fractal analysis (FA).Study Design. We divided a sample of 105 patients with skeletal class I occlusion, cervical vertebral maturation CS6, and skeletal vertical dimension ratios within normal limits into right asymmetric, left asymmetric, and symmetric groups. We performed FA on 6 bilateral regions of interest on panoramic radiographs of the patients and calculated the mean fractal dimension (FD) for each region. We performed the Wilcoxon signed-rank and paired t tests to compare the significance of differences in FD between sides within each group and between groups for all regions. Statistical significance was established at P < .05.Results. We found statistically significant differences in mean FD values between the right and left condyles of the 2 asym-metric patient groups. The FD was greater in the left condyle of patients with right asymmetry and in the right condyle of patients with left asymmetry. The right condyle had a significantly greater FD in left asymmetric patients than in right asym-metric patients.Conclusions. The results of FA indicate that asymmetry is characterized by an increase in the mean FD of the condyle that is responsible for the asymmetry. Fractal analysis can be a valuable diagnostic technique in distinguishing trabecular differences in the condylar areas of asymmetric individuals.
  • Öğe
    Does childhood maltreatment play a role in temporomandibular disorders?
    (Churchill Livingstone, 2023) Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur; Büyük, Süleyman Kutalmış; Becet, Nursu
    The aim of this study was to find out if experiences of maltreatment in childhood have an effect on the occurrence of temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD). The study was conducted on 380 volunteer adults (252 females and 128 males), with a mean (SD) age of 27.63 (9.06) years. The level of TMD was assessed using the Fonseca Anamnestic Index (FAI). Childhood Trauma Questionnaires (CTQ) were completed by the participants and their marital status and educational level were recorded. FAI scores were significantly higher in females than in males. There was no statistically significant difference between gender and total CTQ score. Moreover, there was no statistically significant difference between educational status, marital status, and total CTQ score. FAI scores correlated positively with total CTQ scores in all individuals. Similarly FAI scores correlated positively with total CTQ scores in males and females. Childhood maltreatment is associated with TMDs. Dentists should be aware that possible collaboration with psychiatrists and/or psychologists when treating patients with TMD could increase the success of their treatment. © 2023 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    Measuring the optimum lux value for more accurate measurement of stereo vision systems in operating room of orthognathic surgery
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014) Çömlekçiler, İsmail Taha; Güneş, Salih; Irgın, Celal; Karlık, Bekir
    The successful orthognathic surgery is directly influenced by more accurate measurement of distance or size of the surgery area. There exist various methods of measurements during the orthognathic surgery. One of the newest methods is to make measurements by using stereo vision system with stereo cameras. The result of stereo vision is affected by many factors, such as captured image colour, glossiness, ambient light, geometry, etc. One of the most important influence factors is ambient light, especially on measuring distances with the value of microns (10-6 m). The stereo vision system's cameras are also influenced by ambient light and the objective of this paper is to investigate more accurate result of stereo vision according to the ambient light of the orthognathic surgery operation room. © 2014 IEEE.
  • Öğe
    Comparison of residual monomer amounts released from indirect bonding adhesives
    (E H Angle Education and Research Foundation Inc, 2023) Hezenci, Yasin; Akdeniz, Berat Serdar
    Objectives: To quantify the amount of residual monomer released from orthodontic adhesives used in the indirect bonding technique and compare it to a direct bonding composite resin.Materials and Methods: Five hundred stainless steel orthodontic brackets were bonded on bovine incisors using five groups of bonding resins: Transbond XT (TXT), Transbond Supreme LV (SLV), Sondhi Rapid-Set (SRS), Transbond IDB (IDB), and Custom I.Q. (CIQ). Liquid samples were gathered on the first, seventh, 21st, and 35th days. Residual monomer release was measured from the liquid samples with a liquid chromatography device. In addition, the amount and shape of the adhesive between the tooth surface and the bracket base was evaluated using obtained electron microscopy images. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance, and a Tukey post-hoc test was applied.Results: Hydroxyethylmethacrylate and bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate monomers were released by all study groups. Urethane-dimethacrylate was released from the TXT, SLV, IDB, and CIQ groups. Triethylene glycol dimethacrylate was released from TXT, SLV, IDB, and SRS groups. The amount of total monomer release was higher in chemically cured adhesives than in light-cured adhesives. Among the chemically cured adhesives, premix adhesives had the highest amount of total monomer release. The light-cured adhesives had less thickness.Conclusions: Light-curing adhesives have significantly less monomer release than chemically polymerized adhesives. (Angle Orthod. 2023;93:558-565.)
  • Öğe
    Comparison of dental and skeletal age estimating methods in children
    (Univ Zagreb, Sch Dental Medicine, 2023) Güler, Özge Çelik; Deniz, Yeşim; Arslan, Semiha
    Objectives: Estimating age is a crucial determinant of forensic science. Various methods have been used to estimate dental age (DA) and skeletal age (SA).The aim of the current study was to compare the Cameriere's DA method with the Cameriere's SA method in estimating CA in children. Materials and methods: A total of 216 radiographs of 130 females and 86 males (between 9 to 14.99 years of age) were evaluated in northwestern Turkey. DA was calculated on the panoramic images using Cam-eriere's open-apex method. SA was determined on the lateral cephalograms using the fourth cervi-cal vertebrae method by Cameriere. The DA, SA, and CA data were compared using a paired t-test and Wilcoxon test. Results: The mean CA of all groups was calculated as 12.96 +/- 0.30, the mean DA of 12.74 +/- 0.68 and the mean SA of 12.89 +/- 0.89. In males, the DA method presented an underestima-tion between ages of 14.00 and 14.99 (p<0.05) and an overestimation between ages 9.00 and 11.99 (p<0.05). In females, the DA method showed an underestimation in the 13.00-and 14.99-year-old age groups (p<0.05) and an overestimation in the 10.00-and 11.99-year-old age groups (p<0.05). The SA method revealed a significant underestimation in females between the ages of 13.00 and 14.99 and in males between the ages of 14.00 and 14.99 (p<0.05). Conclusions: The SA estimation method may provide more accurate results compared to the DA method with children of both sexes aged between 9.00 to 12.99 in the determination of CA.
  • Öğe
    Comparison of the effects of removable functional appliance therapy applied in pubertal and postpubertal periods: A retrospective cephalometric and fractal analyses study
    (Mosby-Elseiver, 2023) Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur; Akbulut, Sibel; Bayrak, Seval
    Introduction: In this study, we compared the effects of functional treatment with Twin-block appliance on the bony architectures of the maxilla and mandible by fractal dimension (FD) analysis, and the skeletal and dentoalveolar effects by cephalometric analysis, in pubertal and postpubertal patients with Class II malocclusion. Methods: This study comprised 60 patients who underwent Twin-block treatment. Group 1 consisted of 30 patients in the pubertal period (6 boys and 24 girls; mean age 12.27 +/- 1.35 years), whereas group 2 consisted of 30 patients in the postpubertal period (6 boys and 24 girls; mean age 13.73 +/- 1.51 years). FD analysis was performed on the patients before and after Twin-block panoramic and lateral cephalometric radiographs. Cephalometric analysis was also conducted. Paired and Student t tests were used to compare the parametric data, and Wilcoxon signed rank and Mann-Whitney U tests were conducted to compare the nonparametric data. Results: SNB, Pg-N, N-Me, ANS-Me, IMPA, L1/NB, Co-Gn, Go-Gn, S -Go, Co-Go, and Go-Me significantly increased in both groups after treatment. FD values of tuber, condyle, and molar regions significantly decreased in group 1, whereas no significant differences were observed in group 2 after treatment. Conclusions: In the pubertal period, the Twin-block appliance resulted in skeletal correction by causing bone remodeling and reshaping in both jaws along with the dentoalveolar correction. In the postpubertal period, Twin-block had no significant effect on the bone trabecular arrangement in the investigated areas but produced cephalometric improvement to a certain extent with lower skeletal and higher dental impact.
  • Öğe
    Can Tiktok provide reliable information about orthodontics for patients?
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) Arslan, Semiha; Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur; Büyük, Süleyman Kutalmış
    The aim of this study was to investigate the quality and reliability of the information about orthodontics on TikTok by analyzing the related videos using DISCERN tool and Global Quality Scale. Five orthodontic-related "hashtags" were searched, and a total of 250 video posts were reviewed. Non-English and inappropriate content/quality posts were excluded from the study. The videos were evaluated by using Quality Criteria for Consumer Health Information (DISCERN) toolkit and Global Quality Scale (GQS). Most of the posts were posted by dental professionals (68 posts; 55%), followed by dental clinics (23 posts; 19%), layperson (18 posts; 15%), and technician/dental laboratories (13 posts; 11%). The mean DISCERN score (section 1 section 2) for 122 posts was 38.7/75. The mean overall quality of the 122 posts (section 3) in the DISCERN toolkit was 3.15/5. The average GQS score of 122 posts was 3.18 +/- 0.93. The DISCERN and GQS scores did not have significant differences among the groups (p > 0.05). The DISCERN and GQS results of evaluated TikTok video posts were moderate quality. DISCERN and GQS scores did not differ significantly between the groups. Orthodontists should warn their patients about the reliability of information on social media platforms and should guide them to the right resources.
  • Öğe
    Prevalence of white spot lesions during clear aligner therapy: A systematic review
    (Sciendo, 2022) Abay, Feridun; Büyük, Süleyman Kutalmış; Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur
    Objectives: To determine if an association exists between the prevalence of white spot lesions (WSLs) and orthodontic treatment using clear aligners. Methods: Electronic databases were searched with no restrictions on year. Article selection criteria included human clear aligner studies conducted during the permanent dentition and with a full description of the applied technique and oral hygiene status. Results: The search strategy resulted in a total of 4177 articles. After title and abstract screening, 156 relevant articles were identified from which five remained after the application of the exclusion criteria. The articles were mostly classified as having a low risk of bias. Conclusions: Clear aligner therapy induces a lower development rate of new WSLs than orthodontic treatment by fixed appliances. In patients who have poor oral hygiene and/or existing WSLs, clear aligner treatment could be recommended.
  • Öğe
    Effects of reverse headgear therapy on mandibular trabecular structure: A fractal analysis study
    (Wiley, 2022) Arslan, Semiha; Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur; Büyük, Süleyman Kutalmış; Tekin, Berat
    Objectives The aim of this study was to assess the effects of reverse headgear (RHG) treatment combined with rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on the trabecular structure of the mandibula using fractal dimension (FD) analysis. Methods Forty-four individuals with skeletal Class III malocclusion were selected from the archives and divided into two groups as patients who underwent treatment with RME + RHG (RHG-G, 22 patients) and untreated control group (C-G, 22 patients). The before (T0) and after (T1) treatment lateral cephalometric and panoramic radiographs were collected in the RHG-G and in the control group, radiographs obtained with similar time intervals were grouped as T0 and T1. Cephalometric and FD analysis was conducted on T0 and T1 lateral cephalometric and panoramic radiographs. The intragroup comparison of cephalometric and FD data was performed using paired t test and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test, while independent t test and Mann-Whitney U test were used for intergroup comparison. Results C-G had higher FD values in the right mandibular corpus and left mandibular ramus values at T0 (P < .05). The only significant difference in the intragroup comparisons was detected in the FD values of the right mandibular corpus in the C-G (P < .05). No significant differences were found in the FD between the groups in any of the areas measured (P > .05). Conclusions RME + RHG therapy did not cause any significant trabecular changes in the mandibula when compared to the control group.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of the effects of different composite materials and surface roughening techniques in bonding attachments of clear aligner on monolithic zirconia
    (Wiley, 2023) Arslan, Semiha; Kılınç, Hamiyet
    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the bond strengths of two different composite types used in the production of clear aligner attachments on monolithic zirconia with three different surface roughening processes.Materials and Methods: Packable composite Filtek Z250 was used in one group (PC-G) and flowable composite Filtek Supreme Ultra Flowable was used in the other group (FC-G). PC-G and FC-G groups were also divided into three subgroups as diamond bur+silane (Group 1), 50 mu m aluminium oxide (Al2O3) sandblasting+silane (Group 2) and 110 mu m Al2O3 sandblasting+silane (Group 3). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis was performed. Clear aligner attachments were bonded to the monolithic zirconia specimens. Shear bond strength (SBS) values were measured. Statistical analysis was performed using two-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey's tests (P < .05).Results: The highest SBS value was found in PC-G sandblasted with 110 mu m Al2O3 (P <= .001). The etching method with 110 mu m sandblasting showed high SBS values in both composite types. The lowest SBS value gave FC-G in diamond bur roughening (P <= .001).Conclusions: For the bonding of clear aligner attachments on monolithic zirconia, roughening with 110 mu m particle size sandblasting and the choice of packable composite could be recommended in terms of retention.
  • Öğe
    Transversal craniofacial development between skeletal maturation stages: A multi-center posteroanterior cephalometric study
    (Scientific Scholar LLC, 2022) Erhamza, Türkan Sezen; Akan, Burçin; Ciğerim, Saadet Çınarsoy; Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur; Ünver, Fatma Nazik
    Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the dentofacial transversal norms according to the stages of skeletal maturation in growing Turkish individuals and to determine differences between the genders. Material and Methods: In our multi-centered, cross-sectional retrospective study in which transversal measurements were made according to skeletal maturation stages (SMSs), posteroanterior radiographs of 572 individuals (292 female, 280 male) with skeletal and dental Class I relationships and good occlusion were examined at the age range of 7-18 years. SMSs were determined using Bjork, Grave and Brown hand-wrist radiography. A linear regression model was used for changes of transversal measurements between SMSs, and t-test was used to determine transverse changes between the genders. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between females and males in cranial, facial, and nasal width values up to SMSs. In maxillary, mandibular, maxillary intermolar, and mandibular intermolar width measurements, males had higher values in most stages of skeletal maturation compared to females. Apart from nasal width and maxillomandibular ratio values in females, the regression model in which transversal measurements were dependent variables, and SMS were independent variables was found to be significant. According to cumulative growth percentages, the growth completion in transversal measurements occurred earlier in females. Conclusion: Transversal measurements determined according to the stages of skeletal maturation can be a guide for orthodontists in the clinic to determine values that deviate from normal.
  • Öğe
    Effect of methylphenidate at different doses on new bone formation with rapid maxillary expansion: A micro-CT and histomorphometric study in rats
    (Wiley, 2022) Dursun, Saffet; Erhamza, T. Sezen; Önder, Mustafa Ercüment; Düzcü, Selma Erdoğan
    Objectives This study aimed to evaluate the effect of systemically administered methylphenidate hydrochloride (MPH) on new bone formation in premaxillary suture after rapid maxillary expansion (RME). Setting and Sample Population Thirty-three Wistar rats were divided into four groups: Group 1 (high dose, 30/60 mg/kg MPH), Group 2 (low dose, 4/10 mg/kg MPH), Group 3 (positive control) and Group 4 (negative control). Methods RME was applied on the 70th day of the study. A 5-day RME period was followed by a 12-day retention period. The experiment was terminated on the 87th day. Micro-CT for radiological evaluation, haematoxylin-eosin and Masson's trichrome staining methods were used for histomorphometric evaluation. Results Among experimental groups with RME, the lowest number of osteoblasts and capillaries in Group 1 (P < .05). New bone formation, fibrous callus formation, distal osteotomy line, proximal osteotomy union and cortex remodelling were observed to be lower in Group 1 and Group 2 than Group 3 (P < .05). There was a statistically significant difference between Group 4 and each of the other groups (P = .000) in the evaluation of the results for bone mineral density, bone volume, bone volume percentage, trabecular thickness and trabecular number. Conclusions MPH reduces cellular activity for new bone formation in suture in RME groups. Before performing rapid maxillary expansion in patients using MPH, the use of the drug should be postponed after a multidisciplinary decision process or clinical doses should be lowered.
  • Öğe
    Bullying in individuals with cleft lip and palate: A Twitter analysis
    (WILEY, 2021) Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur; Arslan, Semiha; Büyük, Süleyman Kutlamış
    Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate bullying in individuals with cleft lip and/or palate (CLP) using Twitter analysis. Materials and methods: By using Twitter's advanced search feature, the four selected keywords; bully, bullying, bullied and teased were searched along with the terms cleft lip and palate, cleft lip and cleft palate, respectively. A total of 1010 tweets meeting the criteria were selected. The data were evaluated qualitatively using thematic analysis and the determination of the themes were based on this analysis. Results: Most of the tweets were posted by a layperson (80.8%), while most of the tweets were categorised in the theme criticism of bullying (36%). The tweets were distributed according to their uploader status as irrelevant individuals (60.6%), CLP subjects (26.9%), family of CLP subjects' (12.5%). Of the 1010 tweets evaluated, 707 were identified as negative, while 90 were identified as neutral and 213 were identified as positive. No significant differences were detected in retweet and like numbers between negative, neutral and positive comments (P > .05). Conclusions: Twitter is an important platform, in which the bullying victims with CLP and their families feel free to share their personal experiences of being bullied and how they feel about it, while the others are standing against bullying and promoting social support for these individuals.
  • Öğe
    Is there a relationship between transverse maxillary deficiency and sella turcica: A cephalometric analysis study?
    (Scientific Scholar LLC, 2021) Deniz, Yeşim; Arslan, Semiha
    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the dimensions and morphological variations of sella turcica and to test whether a relationship exists between sella turcica and transverse maxillary deficiency. Materials and Methods: The cephalometric radiographs of patients older than 17.99 years, which have been taken before the orthodontic treatment, and patient records were analyzed to investigate sella turcica dimensional and morphological analysis. Linear measurements of sella are as follows sella length, sella width, sellar area, sella height anterior, posterior, and median. The sella turcica morphological shape analysis was performed into six groups (normal sella turcica, oblique anterior wall, sella turcica bridge, double contour of floor, irregularities of the posterior part of the dorsum sella, and pyramidal shape of the dorsum sella). The width of the maxillary arch is measured by the digital caliper. Male participants with a maxillary width of less than 30.8 mm and a maxillary width of less than 31.1 mm in female patients in the first molar region were determined as a transverse maxillary deficiency. The mean dimensions of sella turcica and the relationship between cases with transverse maxillary deficiency and non-skeletal anomaly were compared using independent samples t-tests. The transverse maxillary deficiency and the sellar morphology relationship were compared using Chi-square test. Post hoc multiple comparisons and analyzes were performed at 95% confidence interval by Bonferroni correction. Results: The sella length measurements yielded higher values among the patients with transverse maxillary deficiency (P < 0.05). The normal sella morphology had quantitative superiority in patients without skeletal anomaly in comparison with transverse maxillary deficiency cases (P < 0.05). It was observed that the sella turcica bridge had a statistically superiority in patients with transverse maxillary deficiency (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The increased sellar measurement and sella turcica bridging, may provide knowledge about possible transverse maxillary deficiency.
  • Öğe
    Transfer accuracy of four different lingual retainer transfer methods using digital orthodontic models: An in vivo comparative study
    (E H Angle Education Research Foundation, Inc, 2021) Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur; Arslan, Semiha
    Objectives: To compare the transfer accuracy of four different lingual retainer (LR) transfer methods using three-dimensional digital models. Materials and Methods: Four groups of 17 patients each were created: finger transfer (FT), silicone key transfer (SKT), acrylic resin transfer (ART), and indirect bonding (IDB). At the end of orthodontic treatment, the mandibular dental casts of patients were scanned with the LR wire. Then, intraoral scanning of the mandibular arches was performed after bonding the retainer wires. Linear and angular measurements were made using software on superimposed digital models. Results: Horizontal and vertical errors among the teeth were not significantly different among the FT, SKT, and ART groups. However, in the IDB group, linear transfer errors showed significant differences among the different teeth. The tip and rotation errors in the FT group were not significantly different among the teeth. The angular errors were lower in canines than in the incisors. In all measured parameters, the SKT group showed the lowest errors, whereas the FT group had the highest transfer errors in all parameters except vertical. Conclusions: Among the transfer methods tested, SKT was determined to have the highest clinical accuracy. (Angle Orthod. 2021;91:778-785.)
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of the trabecular structure of the mandibular condyles by fractal analysis in patients with different dentofacial skeletal patterns
    (Exeley Inc, 2021) Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur; Arslan, Semiha
    Objective: An orthodontic malocclusion may affect the temporomandibular joint structures in susceptible individuals. This study aims to investigate the bone density of the mandibular condyles in patients presenting with different dentofacial skeletal patterns. Methods: Panoramic radiographs of 200 randomly selected patients with a skeletal and dental Class I, Class II division 1, Class II division 2 and Class III malocclusion were evaluated. Bone density of the right and left mandibular condyles was measured using fractal analysis. Results: No significant difference was detected between the right and left condyles in the various malocclusion groups. However, post-hoc tests showed that Class I patients had significantly higher FD values than Class III and Class II division 1 patients in both right and left condyles following intergroup comparisons. The only significant difference between the genders was detected in the left condyle of Class II division 1 patients, as male patients were found to have significantly higher FD values than females. Conclusions: The results of the present study showed that Class II division 1 and Class III patients displayed significantly lower fractal dimension (FD) values in their mandibular condyles when compared to Class I patients. This might be associated with the possible presence of a temporomandibular disorder in Class II division I patients which resulted in changes to condylar structure, and with less bone complexity in the temporomandibular joint of older Class III patients likely due to continued condylar growth.
  • Öğe
    Effects of isotretinoin on new bone formation after maxillary sutural expansion
    (Urban & Vogel, 2021) Bulut, Musa; Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur; Erimşah, Sevilay
    Correction to: J Orofac Orthop (2020) 81:440–446 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00056-019-00209-2 The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The third bullet under the section Materials and Methods should read “Soybean oil (SOY) group: Soybean oil was administered via oral gavage (2 ml/kg) during the nursery period before expansion (an interval of 40 days), and during the expansion (period of 5 days) + retention period (period of 12 days—a total of 57 days)” instead of “Soybean oil (SOY) group: Soybean oil was administered via oral gavage (0.2 ml/kg) during the nursery period before expansion (an interval of 40 days), and during the expansion (period of 5 days) + retention period (period of 12 days—a total of 57 days)”.
  • Öğe
    YouTube as a patient-information source for cleft lip and palate
    (Alliance Communications Group Division Allen Press, 2020) Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur; Büyük, Süleyman Kutalmış
    Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the content and quality of the popular videos on YouTube(TM) about the treatment of cleft lip and palate. Design: Retrospective, YouTube(TM) video analysis. Methods: The 3 keywords "cleft lip and palate surgery," "cleft lip and palate treatment," and "cleft lip and palate repair" were searched on YouTube(TM). After sorted by view-count, final 50 videos were analyzed for general characteristics, primary purpose, information content, relevance, audiovisual quality, and also viewers' interaction index, and viewing rate formulas were calculated for each video. Kruskal Wallis and one-way analysis of variance tests were used to compare the video parameters between good, moderate, and poor information content videos. Results: The viewing rate was significantly higher in good content videos (P = .003). Most of the videos were uploaded by a clinic (32%), a surgeon (20%), or individuals (22%) who shared their own experience. Most of the videos (54.00%) were classified as moderate general information content and 26.00% were rated as poor, and 20.00% were rated as good. Videos generally involved patient information (60.00%), followed by patient parent's experience (14.00%), and cleft lip and palate surgery (12.00%). The average viewers' interaction index of all evaluated YouTube(TM) videos was 0.36. Conclusions: Although most of the videos were rated as moderate regarding the sufficiency of the information, the results of this study showed that YouTube(TM) could still not be considered as a fully reliable source of information for patients on treatment of cleft lip and palate.
  • Öğe
    Effect of mouthwashes on the discoloration of bracket-bonded tooth surfaces: an in vitro study
    (Springer Heidelberg, 2020) Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur; Bulut, Musa
    Objectives This in vitro study aimed to investigate the color changes of the bracket-bonded tooth surfaces after the use of 4 different mouthwashes. Materials and methods A total of 100 human premolar teeth were randomly divided into 10 equal groups. Color values (L*a*b*) of the buccal surfaces of each tooth were assessed using a digital spectrophotometer. Then the brackets were bonded. The groups were put either in sterile saline (4 test+1 control) or artificial saliva (4 test+1 control) solutions, and test groups were immersed in their mouthwashes (Colgate Plax, Listerine Cool Mint, Klorhex, and Tantum Verde) for 1 min each in the morning/evening to simulate the mouth washing for 21 days after the bonding. After the debonding and finishing procedures, final color measurements were performed. Color changes ( increment E) were calculated. Results All of the parameters showed statistically significant differences among the groups. The least noticeable color changes were detected in the control groups. The most noticeable color change (Delta E) was observed in the Tantum Verde + artificial saliva group, followed by Tantum Verde + sterile saline and Klorhex + artificial saliva groups, all of which were significantly higher than the control groups. Conclusion The use of mouthwashes during orthodontic treatment may cause noticeable changes in tooth color. Listerine Cool Mint may be the choice of mouthwash with its less discoloring effects. Artificial saliva should be preferred in similar in vitro studies to reflect the oral environment better.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of metacarpal bone morphology in normal-weight, overweight and obese adolescent subjects
    (Galenos Yayincilik, 2020) Korkmaz, Yasemin Nur; Büyük, Süleyman Kutalmış; Şimşek, Hüseyin
    Objective: The prevalence of childhood and adolescent overweight and obesity is increasing in most developed countries. This study aimed to investigate the metacarpal bone morphology in normal-weight, overweight and obese adolescent subjects at different pubertal stages. Materials and Methods: This radiographic study was performed in 124 subjects at different pubertal stages. The subjects were divided into three groups based on body mass index percentile: normal-weight, overweight and obese. The second and fourth metacarpal bone cortical thickness, width and metacarpal index (MCI) were measured on left hand-wrist radiographs. Results: The values of the second and fourth metacarpal bone cortical thickness and width were significantly different among the groups. The second metacarpal bone MCI was significantly different among the groups. Moreover, the values of the second and fourth metacarpal bone cortical thickness, width and MCI in obese and overweight subjects were greater than those in normal-weight subjects. The values of the second and fourth metacarpal bone cortical thickness and width were significantly different in subjects before and after their pubertal growth peak period. Conclusion: The metacarpal bone parameter in overweight and obese adolescent subjects was significantly greater than that in normal-weight subjects.