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Öğe Advantages of routine flexible nephroscope usage in percutaneous nephrolithotomy operations : Early results of prospective randomized study(Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2012) Gücük, Adnan; Kemahlı, Eray; Üyetürk, Uğur; Tuygun, Can; Yıldız, Mevlüt; Metin, AhmetÖğe Association of extent and aggressiveness of inflammation with serum PSA levels and PSA density in asymptomatic patients(Elsevier Science Inc, 2007) Kandıralı, Engin; Boran, Çetin; Serin, Erdinç; Semerciöz, Atilla; Metin, AhmetOBJECTIVES The relationship between serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels and histologic prostatic inflammation is controversial. Previous studies were performed using either the intensity or extent of inflammation for grading, with a relatively lower number of specimens. In our study, the inflammation was categorized more profoundly, using both the intensity and the extent of inflammation, to determine the influence of prostatic inflammation on serum PSA levels, percent free PSA (%fPSA), and PSA density (PSAD). METHODS The study included 115 patients who underwent transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. To categorize the inflammation, a grading method that included the intensity and extent of inflammation was used. The extent and aggressiveness of inflammation were analyzed. The patients were divided into groups using five grades for the extent and four grades for the aggressiveness of inflammation. The serum PSA Levels, fPSA levels, %fPSA, and PSAD in each group were compared. RESULTS The extent of inflammation grade correlated positively with the serum PSA level (r = 0.423, P <0.001) and PSAD (r = 0.319, P = 0.001). However, a negative correlation was found between the extent of inflammation grade and %fPSA (r = -0.268, P = 0.015). The aggressiveness of inflammation grade correlated positively with the serum PSA level (r = 0.386, P <0.001) and PSAD (r = 0.341, P = 0.001) and negatively with %fPSA (r = -0.289, P = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS If the elevation of serum PSA is thought to be caused by histologic inflammation, it might prevent unnecessary repeated biopsies.Öğe Body mass index and outcome of insitu vaginal wall sling surgery(2004) Metin, Ahmet; Kayigil, Önder; Ahmed, S. IftekharIntroduction: In this study, we aimed to analyse whether body mass index (BMI) have a negative impact on the outcome of insitu vaginal wall sling surgery for Type II stress urinary incontinence. Materials and Methods: The results of modified insitu vaginal wall sling in 29 women with an average age of 54.8 years and a parity rate of 2.58 having a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18-25 kg/m2 were compared statistically with the results of 22 women with an average age of 56.9 years and a parity rate of 2.27 having a body mass index of 25-30 kg/m2 by using Chi Square test to assess whether preoperative overweight has a negative impact on surgical outcome of our technique. There was no patient in the obese group with a body mass index of more than 30 kg/m2. Preoperative evaluations included history, pet usage per day, parity rate and frequency, urgency, urgency incontinence questionnaire. Physical examinations included vaginal examination in lithotomy position to assess the condition and the accompanying pathologies such as cystocele, rectocele and enterocele, Q tip test to assess the degree of urethral mobility, cystoscopic examination to rule out intravesical pathologies such as carcinoma insitu, neoplasms and interstitiel cystitis followed by Bonney test, urodynamic examination by using Andromeda Elipse 4 multichannel cystometry and only the patients who met type II stress incontinence definition were included to the study. Body mass index was calculated by dividing the body weight in kilograms to the square of the length of the patient in meters. The patients with the body mass index of 18.5-25 kg/m2 were accepted as normal weight and 25-30 kg/m2 were accepted as overweight. All patients were operated by using a modified insitu vaginal wall sling procedure between the periods of 1996 to 2002 and followed with an average follow-up period of 28.7 (12-62) months. In our technique a rectangular vaginal wall sling incision 3x2 cm was made corresponding to the level of bladder neck and it was dissected of the surrounding vaginal wall. Two polypropylene 1-0 sutures were passed on the short sides of the rectangle as coil fashion and transferred to the suprapubic region by two bended kishner needles. The dissected vaginal wall was sutured onto the rectangular sling to cover it by two layers to reinforce its strength. Prolene sutures were tied as cross manner on the rectus fascia and urethral catheter was taken on the fifth postoperative day. The cure was defined as no more pet usage in any condition, improvement as the decrease of the pet usage more than 50% and failure it incontinence persists despite surgery. Results: There were no statistical difference between the parity of the two groups and no statistical difference between the ages of the groups. In patients whom modified insitu vaginal wall sling were performed for type II stress incontinence, the cure, improvement and failure rates in normal weight group (BMI 18-25 kg/m2) were found as 75.8%, 69% and 17.3% respectively while the results in overweight group (BMI 25-30 kg/m2) were 72.7%, 9.2% and 18.2%. respectively. There were no significant difference in the surgical outcomes between the two groups (p<0.05). Conclusions: We didn't find the preoperative overweight to be a risk factor for the failures of modified insitu vaginal wall sling operations that were followed for about 28 months when compared to normal weight group.Öğe Bolu ilindeki testis kanserli hastaların retrospektif analizi(2015) Üyetürk, Uğur; Üyetürk, Ümmügül; Metin, AhmetAmaç: Tests kanseri (Tca) erkeklerde görülen ürogenital malignitelerin yaklaşık %20’sini, tüm erkek maligni- telerinin yaklaşık %1-2’sini oluşturmasına rağmen, 15-35 yaş arası en sık görülen solid kanserlerdir. Kriptorşi- dizm, testküler mikrolitasis, Klinifelter ve Down Sendromu Tca için risk faktörleridir. Tca’lerinin %95’i germinal dokudan köken alır. Bu tümörler seminomatöz ve nonseminomatöz (embriyonel hücreli karsinom, teratom, koryokarsinom, yolk kesesi tümörü) olarak iki gruba ayrılmaktadır. Biz bu çalışmada, bölgemizde yaşayan Tca tanısı almış hastaların genel özelliklerini ve tedavi seçenekle rini retrospektf olarak değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntemler: 01.01.2012-30.07.2013 tarihleri arasında Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Tıp Fakülte - si, tbbi onkoloji polikliniğine başvuran Tca’li hastaların demografk özellikleri ve tedavi seçenekleri retrospektf olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Bu süre içinde median yaşı 31(22-45) yıl olan 15 hastanın başvurduğu bulundu. İlk başvuru şikayet olarak 11’nunda (%74) testste kitle, 2’sinde (%13) ağrı, 2’sinde (%13) kitle ile birlikte ağrı vardı. Hastaların 14’ünde tümör unilateral, 1’inde bilateraldi. Tümör boyutu ortalama 4(0.8-10) cm’di. Hastaların tümörlerinin 7’si seminomatöz, 7’si nonseminomatöz ve bilateral tümörlü hastanın sağ testsi seminomatöz, diğeri nonse - minomatöz histolojiye sahipt. Orşiektomi sonrası seminomatöz evre IA olan 2 hastaya karboplatn, 1 hastaya izlem, evre IB olan 2 hastaya karboplatn, 1 hastaya izlem, evre IIB olan 1 hastaya bleomisin, etoposid, sisplatn (BEP) kemoterapisi verildiği, nonseminomatöz evre IA 2 hastaya izlem, evre II ve üzeri hastalara ise BEP kemoterapisi verildiği görüldü. Sonuç: Bolu ilindeki Tca’li hastaların değerlendirildiği bu retrospektf analiz sonuçları literatür ile uyumlu bulundu. Türkiye verilerini elde edebilmek için diğer illerinde dahil edileceği, daha fazla hasta katlımıyla yapılacak çalışmaların gerekli olduğunu düşünmekteyiz.Öğe A case of trifid pelvis with ureteropelvic junction obstruction(2011) Akkoç, Ali; Yağlı, Ömer Faruk; Metin, Ahmet; Eroğlu, Muzeffer; Kandıralı, EnginTrifid pelvis is one of the most rare congenital malformations of the upper urinary tract. Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) is the most common congenital abnormality of the ureter. Coexistence of these conditions is extremely rare. A 54-year-old man was admitted to the Department of Urology with left flank pain and frequent urinary infection. Urinary system radiography revealed a few radio-opacities of 4-5 mm in diameter on the left side of the L3 vertebra. Delayed intravenous urography showed probable left UPJO and dilated left pelvic system. On the scintigraphy, atrophic left kidney with low-level of perfusion and concentration functions and with long extraction time was observed. Computed tomography urography revealed left UPJO and a severely dilated left pelvic system; the right kidney was completely normal. During surgical exploration, three renal pelvises joined to a common pelvis with UPJO.Öğe Contractile responses of rabbit bladder neck to adrenaline, acetylcholine and papaverine after doxazosin treatment(Springer, 2007) Eroğlu, Muzaffer; Sezgin, Aysun; Semerciöz, Atilla; Metin, Ahmet; Kandıralı, Engin; Onur, M. AliIt has been demonstrated that long-term administration of doxazosin, an alpha 1 adrenoceptor antagonist, causes an up-regulation in the expression of alpha 1 adrenoceptor subtype mRNAs in the rat genitourinary tract. The aim of this study is to determine whether this up-regulation does have any effect on contractile response of rabbit bladder neck to adrenaline, acethylcholine and papaverin after long-term doxazosin treatment. Fourteen rabbits, treated with doxazosin 3 mg/kg/day p.o for 6 months, and were fed with a diet of standard laboratory rabbit chow (100 g/kg/day). Ten rabbits received the same amount of regular chow but no drug. Contractile responses of rabbit bladder neck to adrenaline acethylcholine and papaverine were measured.Öğe Do renal cysts affect the success of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy? A retrospective comparative study(2013) Gücük, Adnan; Öztürk, Ufuk; Üyetürk, Uğur; Kemahlı, Eray; Akın, Güven; İmamoğlu, M.Abdurrahim; Metin, AhmetThe aim of this study was to assess the effect of simple renal cysts on extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (SWL) in patients with calyceal renal calculi. Patients with simple renal cysts >35 mm and ipsilateral renal calculi <20 mm that were treated with SWL constituted group 1 (cyst + calculi). The control group included patients aged >40 years that had renal calculi <20 mm and no cysts that were treated with SWL. The 2 groups were compared according to age, gender, body mass index, calculi size, localization, and density, the calculi fragmentation rate, and the percentage of stone-free patients. Mean cyst size in group 1 was 44.04 ± 9.08 mm. Mean age in group 1 was 61.4 ± 10.2 years versus 56.9 ± 8.2 years in the control group; the difference was significant (P = 0.045). There were not any other significant differences between the 2 groups, except for the stone-free rate (P > 0.05), which was 33.3% in group 1 and 68.2% in the control group (P = 0.017). The presence of renal cysts in a patient with calculi requires that an individualized treatment plan be devised, so as to provide the patient with the most effective treatment. © 2013 Adnan Gücük et al.Öğe Does an extra kidney-ureter-bladder radiograph taken in the upright position during routine intravenous urography provide diagnostic benefit?(Aves, 2008) Gürel, Kamil; Gürel, Safiye; Kalfaoğlu, Melike; Yılmaz, Özlem; Metin, AhmetPURPOSE The aim of this prospective study was to assess the diagnostic benefit of taking a kidney-ureter-bladder (KUB) radiograph in an upright position during routine intravenous urography (IVU). MATERIALS AND METHODS Between February 2005 and September 2007, 170 consecutive patients were included in the study. A basal IVU exam consisted of pre-contrast supine KUB, post-contrast supine KUB at the 7th and 15th minutes, and supine pelvic radiographs with full bladder and post-voiding. When needed, additional compression and/or oblique radiographs were taken. In this study, for all patients, a post-contrast 15th minute upright KUB radiograph was added to IVU. Two consecutive radiographs taken at the 15th minute postcontrast in supine and upright positions were evaluated by consensus of 2 radiologists. Primary benefits were improved filling and emptying of the collecting system, and secondary benefits were nephroptosis and ascertaining diagnosis of phlebolith. RESULTS Of 170 patients, 337 kidneys and collecting systems (n = 168 right; n = 169 left) were examined. Improved filling, emptying of the collecting system, nephroptosis, ascertaining diagnosis of phleboliths were detected with the rates of 12.5%, 44.2%, 8.3%, and 3.2%, respectively. Improved filling was significant in the presence of hydronephrosis (P < 0.05) and ureterolithiasis (P < 0.05) on both sides. There was a positive correlation between both improved filling and presence of hydronephrosis, and improved filling and presence of ureterolithiasis. Emptying was significant in collecting systems that had no visible pathology on IVU (P < 0.05) on either side. CONCLUSION Upright KUB radiographs provide supplementary data about urine flow in terms of improved filling and emptying of the collecting system.Öğe Does lidocaine ointment addition increase fluoxetine efficacy in the same group of patients with premature ejaculation?(Karger, 2005) Metin, Ahmet; Kayıgil, Önder; Ahmed, S. İftekharPurpose: To evaluate the efficacy of fluoxetine alone and fluoxetine + lidocaine ointment in the same patient group with premature ejaculation ( PE). Material and Methods: 78 patients with PE were given 20 mg fluoxetine by an 'as- needed treatment' 4 h before planned sexual activity for a period of 3 months. They were then told to add local lidocaine ointment to fluoxetine 30 min before sexual activity for an additional 3 months for most of their sexual attempts. They were asked to note their PE grades and intravaginal ejaculatory latency time ( IELT) scores by stopwatch technique before and after each treatment modality; the results were compared statistically afterwards. Results: Of 46 patients who completed the study, the mean pretreatment, fluoxetine alone and fluoxetine + lidocaine ointment treatment PE grades and IELT scores were found to be 6.52 +/- 1.42 and 2.58 +/- 0.49, 3.21 +/- 1.86 and 1.28 +/- 0.71, 2.17 +/- 1.56 and 1.04 +/- 0.72, respectively, showing a decrease in PE grades and IELT scores in combined therapy. On an individual patient basis, the total significant and moderate improvement rate of combined therapy was found to be 86.9%. Failure was observed in 6 ( 13.1%) patients. Conclusion: The effective treatment with fluoxetine + lidocaine ointment offers the advantage of an 'as-needed treatment' in PE with minimal side effects and can be used as one of the first-line alternatives in the treatment of PE.Öğe Does the hounsfield ünit value determined by computed tomography predict the outcome of percutaneous nephrolithotomy?(Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2012) Gücük, Adnan; Üyetürk, Uğur; Öztürk, Ufuk; Kemahlı, Eray; Yıldız, Mevlüt; Metin, AhmetPurpose: We aimed to evaluate whether the Hounsfield unit (HU) value predicts outcome in percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). Patients and Methods: One hundred and seventy-nine patients who had undergone PCNL in our clinics in the last 4 years were included. Demographic and clinical data of the patients and complications, if any, were recorded. The mean age of the patients was 45.3 +/- 14.3 years (range 5-82 y), and 111 of them were males (62%). The mean stone size and HU values were found to be 693.1 +/- 628.0 (95-4200) mm 2 and 706.3 +/- 245.0 (214-1325), respectively. Results: In logistic regression analysis, the size of the stone, the opacity of the stone, and the HU values were found to be independent predictors of the failure of the procedure (P < 0.05). A cutoff value of 677.5 was used for the HU in the receiver operating characteristics analysis. Having a HU value under the cutoff value increased the likelihood of procedure failure by 2.65 times, whereas stones residing in the staghorn localization increased failure by 5.68. It was also observed that if the stone's size was 485 mm(2) or more, the chance of failure increased by 1.9, whereas when the stone was nonopaque, failure increased by 6.04 times (P < 0.05). There was a positive correlation between hematocrit decrease and a decrease in HU values (P < 0.05), but no correlation was observed between the HU values and duration of surgery or fluoroscopy (P > 0.05). Conclusion: In addition to the size and location of the stones, the HU value determined in the unenhanced CT scan may be one of the parameters affecting PCNL outcomes. PCNL is a more efficient method in stones with higher HU values. Therefore, the HU values may be a useful tool for the selection of the treatment modality in patients with renal stones.Öğe Does the type of the peyronie's curvature effect penile vascular parameters in normopotent men?(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2005) Metin, Ahmet; Kayıgil, Önder; Atmaca, Ali Fuat; Ahmed, Seyit İfteharThe aim of this study is to assess whether the type of penile curvature in normopotent men with Peyronie's disease affects the penil vascular doppler ultrasound parameters, Eifly-three normopotent patients within the stabilization phase of Peyronie's disease were evaluated retrospectively by means of color doppler ultrasonography. Bilateral cavernosal artery diameters before and after intracavernous papaverine injections, peak systolic and end diastolic velocities and the amount of leakage in the deep dorsal penile vein were compared in dorsal and ventral curvature groups of Peyronie's disease. 61% of the patients in dorsal and 59% in ventral Peyronie's curvature group have normal ultrasonographic penile vascular system. 35% and 3.3% in dorsal curvature group and 36.4% and 4.5% in ventral curvature group have venoocclusive dysfunction and mixed vascular pathologies, respectively, having no statistical correlation between them (p > 0. 05). No arterial pathology was observed in any group. There was no correlation between the type of Peyronie's curvature and the penile doppler ultrasonographic findings in normopotent patients.Öğe Double intrauterine device: Presented with protruding urethral stone(2008) Kandıralı, Engin; Topçuoğlu, Mehmet Ata; Semerciöz, Atilla; Metin, Ahmetİntrauterin araçlar doğum kontrol yöntemi olarak sık kullanılmaktadır. Uterus perforasyonu ve intrauterin aracın yer değiştirmesi seyrek görülen ciddi bir komplikasyondur. Burada üretra taşı bulgusuyla başvuran hastada saptanan çift intraüterin araç vakası sunulmuştur.Öğe DOUBLE INTRAUTERINE DEVICE: PRESENTED WITH PROTRUDING URETHRAL STONE(Marmara Univ, Fac Medicine, 2008) Kandirali, Engin; Topcuoglu, Mehmet Ata; Semercioz, Atilla; Metin, AhmetIntrauterine devices (IUDs) are widely used for reversible contraception. Perforation of the uterus and migration of the device into the retroperitoneal or abdominal cavity is a major but an infrequent complication. We present this report to highlight two interesting aspects of this case: One is that two IUDs were present simultaneously and second is that the patient presented with urethral stone after an asymptomatic period of 10 years.Öğe The effect of urinary catheters on microbial biofilms and catheter associated urinary tract infections(Urol & Nephrol Res Ctr-Unrc, 2017) Kırmusaoğlu, Sahra; Yurdugül, Seyhun; Metin, Ahmet; Vehid, SuphiPurpose: The aims of this study were to determine relationship between biofilm producer microorganisms attached to urinary catheters (UCs) and urinary catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs), to determine the rate of CAUTI development and the relationship between CAUTI and catheterization period in catheterized patients. Materials and Methods: Urinary catheters from 143 inpatients who were hospitalized in Abant Izzet Baysal University Hospital Urinary Service, and urine samples of these patients before and after catheterization of urinary catheter were collected. Culture-based microbiological evaluation of urinary catheters removed from inpatient and urine samples collected from inpatients were performed before and after catheterization of urinary catheter to identify various organisms and determine biofilm production by them. Results: The incidence of CAUTIs was 13% (18/143) in catheterized inpatients. Biofilm producer microorganisms such as Escherichia coli (E. cnli), Klebsiella pneuinoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis that were isolated from UCs removed from inpatients were found to cause CAUTI (P <.001). Conclusion: Incidence of CAUTIs is increased by the usage of UCs and prolonged catheterization period.Öğe The efficacy of human chorionic gonadotropin in retractile testis(Maghira & Maas Publications, 2005) Metin, Ahmet; Kayıgil, Önder; Ahmed, S. IftekharOBJECTIVES: To evaluate the efficacy of hCG therapy on retractile testis in various testicular locations and age groups. S SETTING AND DESIGN: This study comprised 123 boys whose diagnosis were retractile testis with scrotal base, high scrotal and superficial inguinal localizations with an average age of 4,2 (1-8) years. METHODS: 123 boys with retractile testes were given a total dose of 9000 hCG and its effect on scrotal base, high scrotal and superficial inguinal located testes were evaluate after 2 weeks and 6 months of completing hCG course. The patients were evaluated in four age groups such as less than 2 years of age, between 2-4, 4-6 years and more than 6 years of age and the response rates were also noted in these age groups. RESULTS: In unilateral cases, the response in base, high scrotal and superficial inguinal levels were found as 100%, 83,3%, 72,7% respectively where as these rates were found as 100%, 92,6%, 76,3% respectively in bilateral cases after 2 weeks of hCG therapy. The response rates in less than 2 year old group, 2-4, 4-6 and more than 6 years group were found as 0%, 80%,78,7%, 100% respectively in unilateral cases and 33,3%, 90%, 86,9% and 83,3% respectively in bilateral cases. After 6 months, reascend was observed in 12,4% in unilateral group and 6,7% in bilateral group. MAIN FINDINGS: 72,7-100% of retractile testes respond to hCG administration with the highest response in the age of more than six year group. CONCLUSION: High response rates observed in retractile testes after hCG therapy in more than 2 years old age group indicate that hCG must be given as a primary treatment in retractile testes and orchiopexy for the failures. Also patients must be followed up closely for reascend cases.Öğe Efficacy of prophylactic calcium dobesilate in renal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats(2020) Akkoç, Ali; Metin, AhmetAim: In this study, the objective was to investigate the protective effect of calcium dobesilate, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, on the experimental renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Methods: Twenty-four male Wistar-Albino rats were divided into three groups: Sham group (Group 1), ischemia-reperfusion group (Group 2), and treatment group (Group 3). Before the ischemia-reperfusion procedure, rats in Group 3 received calcium dobesilate through gavage (100mg/kg/day) for 10 days. Groups other than the sham group underwent ischemia for 45 minutes and reperfusion for 24 hours. Plasma urea and creatinine levels, erythrocyte superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase enzyme activity levels were measured. In addition, histopathological changes that may be related to ischemia-reperfusion injury in the renal tissue, were investigated. Results: The median glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase enzyme levels were higher in Group 2 compared to Groups 1 and 3. However, the differences were not statistically significant. The creatine levels were statistically lower in Group 3 compared to Group 1 and Group 2. The median urea levels were lower in Group 3 than in Group 1 and Group 2, but the differences were not statistically significant. The histopathological examination showed that parameters such as cellular necrosis, flattened tubular epithelial cells, cytoplasmic vacuolization, tubular lumen obstruction, and chronic inflammation, which are indicators of the ischemia-reperfusion injury, were statistically less common in the treatment group compared to the control group. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that prophylactic calcium dobesilate had a protective effect on ischemia-reperfusion injury.Öğe Enterovesical fistula secondary to Crohn's disease mimicking bladder tumor(2006) Kandirali, Engin; Şengül, Neriman; Akkoç, Ali; Türkeli, Vildan; Semerciöz, Atilla; Metin, AhmetIntroduction: Although most fistulas in Crohn's disease are perianal or enterocutaneous, a small portion involves the bladder and urinary system. We describe enterovesical fistulas in a patient with Crohn's disease that presented exclusively as urinary symptoms mimicking bladder tumor. A 55 years-old man presented with lower urinary tract symptoms to our clinic. Ulrasonographic examination showed a normal upper urinary tract and 4 cm papillary bladder tumor. TUR-T was performed and an enterovesical fistula was noticed during operation. Patient underwent abdominal exploration and partial resection of the ileum, ileostomy, and primary bladder repair was performed. Urologic manifestations must be recognized of fistulizing Crohn's disease and urologist should be aware that Crohn's disease may involve the bladder as inflammatory tumor.Öğe ENTEROVESICAL FISTULA SECONDARY TO CROHN'S DISEASE MIMICKING BLADDER TUMOR(Aves, 2006) Kandirali, Engin; Sengul, Neriman; Akkoc, Ali; Turkeli, Vildan; Semercioz, Atilla; Metin, AhmetIntroduction: Although most fistulas in Crohn's disease are perianal or enterocutaneous, a small portion involves the bladder and urinary system. We describe enterovesical fistulas in a patient with Crohn's disease that presented exclusively as urinary symptoms mimicking bladder tumor. A 55 years-old man presented with lower urinary tract symptoms to our clinic. Ulrasonographic examination showed a normal upper urinary tract and 4 cm papillary bladder tumor. TUR-T was performed and an enterovesical fistula was noticed during operation. Patient underwent abdominal exploration and partial resection of the ileum, ileostomy, and primary bladder repair was performed. Urologic manifestations must be recognized of fistulizing Crohn's disease and urologist should be aware that Crohn's disease may involve the bladder as inflammatory tumor.Öğe Escherichia coli sepsis that developed after prostate needle biopsy in a patient under ciprofloxacin prophylaxis(2006) Karabay, O?uz; Koço?lu, Esra; Uysal, Bülent; Metin, AhmetIntroduction: Transrectal prostate biopsy (TPB) is frequently used for diagnosis in urological practice and complications such as hematuri, pain, voiding difficulty, asymptomatic bacteriurea, urinary infection are reported to occur. Quinolons have been used safely for TPB prophylaxis for many years. However, increasing resistance to quinolons, similar to many other antibiotics, may cause many problems in these patients too. In this paper, we present a patient with septic shock that developed after TPB despite to adequate and reliable oral siprofloxacin prophylaxis.Öğe ESCHERICHIA COLI SEPSIS THAT DEVELOPED AFTER PROSTATE NEEDLE BIOPSY IN A PATIENT UNDER CIPROFLOXACIN PROPHYLAXIS(Aves, 2006) Karabay, Oguz; Kocoglu, Esra; Uysal, Blent; Metin, AhmetIntroduction: Transrectal prostate biopsy (TPB) is frequently used for diagnosis in urological practice and complications such as hematuri, pain, voiding difficulty, asymptomatic bacteriurea, urinary infection are reported to occur. Quinolons have been used safely for TPB prophylaxis for many years. However, increasing resistance to quinolons, similar to many other antibiotics, may cause many problems in these patients too. In this paper, we present a patient with septic shock that developed after TPB despite to adequate and reliable oral siprofloxacin prophylaxis.
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