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Öğe Could red cell distribution width and mean platelet volume be a predictor for lumbar disc hernias?(Literatura Medica, 2016) Dağıstan, Yaşar; Dağıstan, Emine; Gezici, Ali Rıza; Halıcıoğlu, Sıdıka; Akar, Semih; Özkan, Nezih; Aktaş, GülaliBackground Lumbar disc herniation (LDH) causes major disabilities worldwide. Several studies in the literature had reported the correlation between radiculopathy and inflammatory markers. Mean platelet volume (MPV), red cell distribution width (RDW) and neutrophil to lymphocyte (N/L) ratio are parameters of hemogram which have been found to be associated with inflammatory conditions. Purpose - Since inflammation has an important role in lumbar disc hernias, and RDW, MPV and N/L ratio are also known to be in correlation with inflammation, we have investigated these parameters of the patients with lumbar disc hernias and compared them with the results of the healthy subjects. Methods - Our study group was composed of patients with lumbar disc hernia, whereas the control group was consisted of healthy volunteers whom visited our outpatient clinics for a routine check-up. Patient characteristics and hemogram parameters of the study cohort were obtained from computerized database system of our institution. SPSS software (SPSS 15.0 for Windows, Chicago, IL, USA) was used for the analysis. Results - There was no significant difference between study and control groups in terms of WBC, neutrophil count, lymphocyte count, neu\lym ratio, Hb, Htc, MCV, and PLT levels (all p>0.05). RDW was significantly increased in study group [15.6 (12.3-22.5)] when compared to control group [14.5(11.9-16.3)] (p=0.004). And MPV in the study group [9.25 (6.38-14.5)] was also significantly increased in comparison to the control subjects [8.8 (6-10.1)] (p=0.013). Discussion In this retrospective study, we found that, RDW and MPV values in hemograms were increased in patients with lumbar disc herniation when compared to the control group. Conclusions - We suggest that, elevated RDW and MPV may help physicians in decision taking to order radiological imagings in patients with symptoms which can be associated with possible LDH diagnosis. However, for the sake of precision, prospective studies with larger populations are needed.Öğe Evaluation of lumbosacral angle ( LSA) and its impact on patients with lumbar disc herniation(Derman Medical Publ, 2016) Aycan, Abdurrahman; Güzey, Feyza Karagöz; Özkan, NezihAim: One of the most common causes of low back pain is lumbar disc herniation (LDH). One of the treatments for patients with LDH is a surgical operation. Changes in the lumbar lordosis angle have a negative impact on patients, clinically. The significance of changes in the lordosis-sacral inclination angle that are associated with muscle spasms and are seen after LDH surgery is known. In this study, we would like to examine the clinical impact on patients due to changes in the lumbosacral angle measured before and after surgical operations in patients with LDH. Material and Method: Between 2005-2007, preoperative and postoperative lumbosacral angles of 139 patients operated on for a diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation were measured. Patients were evaluated with the Oswestry Scale, Visual Analogue Scale, Narcotic Score, and Patient Satisfaction Evaluation. Lumbar lordosis angle, sacral inclination angle, and disc height were calculated by direct radiography. Statistical analysis was performed with GraphPad Prisma V.3 software package. Results: In this study, increases of lordosis angles and sacral inclination angles have been observed, postoperatively. It has been shown that these have a positive impact on the clinical course. Discussion: The clinical effects of the biomechanics of angles of patients with LDH are clear. Biomechanical parameters should be considered at preoperative treatment, postoperative treatment, and postoperative controls. The patient's lordosis angle, neighboring disc structure, and relationship with the sacrum must be carefully evaluated for surgical decision.Öğe Kafa travmasının akut döneminde hipofiz fonksiyonlarının değerlendirilmesi(2012) Doğan, Kazım; Seyithanoğlu, Mehmet Hakan; Özkan, Nezih; Emel, Erhan; Karagöz, Feyza Güney; Ovalıoğlu, Talat CemAMAÇ: Travmatik beyin hasarı sonrası hipofiz bezinin fonksiyonlarını değerlendirmek ve olası etkenleri ayırt etmek için travmanın akut döneminde hipofiz fonksiyonlarını sunmak. YÖNTEM: Çalı?mada Eylül 2009 ve Temmuz 2010 arası kayıtları olan 30 hasta (22 erkek ve 8 kadın) yer aldı. Glasgow Koma Skorlarına göre hastalar ağır, orta ve hafif travma olmak üzere üç gruba ayrıldılar. Ya?, cinsiyet, etiyoloji, hastanede kalma süresi ve hipofiz hormon seviyelerini içeren veri incelendi. p değerinin <0,05’ten küçük olması anlamlı kabul edildi. BULGULAR: Kafa travması olan erkek hastalar (40,5±21,76) belirgin olarak kadın hastalardan (49,13±27,93) daha gençtiler. Kafa travmasının akut döneminde büyüme hormonu, ACTH ve LH/FSH eksiklikleri sırasıyla %36,6, %20 ve %20 hastada vardı. Travmatik beyin hasarlarının önde gelen sebepleri yüksekten dü?me (%46,6) ve motorlu araç kazalarıydı (%33,3). ACTH seviyelerinin yüksekliği, Glasgow coma skoru ve prolaktin seviyesinin dü?üklüğü daha uzun hastanede kalma süresine sebep oldu. SONUÇ: Travma sonrası hipopitüiterizm geli?mesi açısından ?iddetli travmatik beyin hasarı en önemli risk faktörü sayılsa da, daha hafif bir hasar da hipopitüiterizme yol açabilir. Post travmatik hipopitüiterizm tanısından uzakla?mak için bütün kafa travması hastaları yeterince uzun süre izlenmelidir.Öğe Spinal ve genel anestezi altında lomber mikrodiskektomi : karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma(2015) Dağıstan, Yaşar; Ökmen, Korgun; Dağıstan, Emine; Güler, Ali; Özkan, NezihAim: To compare the safety and efficacy of spinal anesthesia (SA) in patients undergoing lumbar microdiscectomy (LM). Material and Methods: We evaluated 180 patients who underwent LM between 1 January 2012 and 5 July 2013. Demographic, clinical, laboratory, and pre-, intra-, and postoperative information was determined from the patients’ medical records. Results: Total anesthetic times were longer in the general anesthesia (GA) group. There was less bleeding at the surgical site in the SA group. Intraoperative blood pressure was significantly also lower in the SA group. Meanwhile, tachycardia was significantly higher in the GA group. The analgesic requirement in post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) was higher in the general anesthesia group. At PACU admission, analgesic requirement, heart rate, and the mean arterial pressure were higher in the GA group. Postoperative nausea and vomiting was more frequent among patients recovering in general anesthesia group. SA patients had an increased incidence of urinary retention compared with GA patients. Pulmonary complications requiring specific treatment were insignificantly higher among GA patients. Conclusion: In patients who undergo lumbar disc surgery, SA is a good alternative for experienced surgeons because of a more comfortable healing process.Öğe Spinal ve Genel Anestezi Altında Lomber Mikrodiskektomi: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Çalışma(2015) Dağistan, Yaşar; Okmen, Korgun; Dağistan, Emine; Güler, Ali; Özkan, NezihAmAÇ: Lomber mikrodiskektomi (LM) uygulanan hastalarda spinal anestezi (SA) güvenirliğini ve etkinliğini karşılaştırmaktır. yÖntem ve GereÇler: 1 Ocak 2012 ve 5 Temmuz 2013 tarihleri arasında LM uygulanan 180 hastanın demografik, klinik, laboratuvar, pre-, intra-, postoperatif bilgileri tıbbi kayıtlarından elde edilerek değerlendirildi. BulGulAr: Total anestezi zamanı genel anestezide (GA) daha uzundu. SA grubunda operasyon alanında kanama daha az idi. İntraoperatif kan basıncı SA grubunda anlamlı derecede düşük bulundu. Buna karşın, taşikardi GA grubunda anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti. Anestezi sonrası bakım ünitesinde (PACU) analjezik gereksinimi, GA grubunda daha yüksek idi. PACU kabulde, analjezik gereksinimi, kalp atım hızı ve ortalama arter basıncı GA grubunda yüksek bulundu. Postoperatif bulantı ve kusma GA grubunda daha sık oldu. SA hastalar GA hastalarla karşılaştırıldığında idrar retansiyonu görülme sıklığı arttı. Spesifik tedavi gerektiren pulmoner komplikasyonlar GA hastalarında önemli olmamakla beraber yüksek bulundu.sOnuÇ: SA altında lomber disk cerrahisi uygulaması hastalar için daha konforlu bir iyileşme süreci geçirilmesine neden olduğundan dolayı deneyimli cerrahlar için iyi bir seçenektir.Öğe Spontaneous resolution of paraparesis because of acute spontaneous thoracolumbar epidural hematoma(Kowsar Publ, 2012) Gündağ, Meliha; Hakan, M.; Doğan, Kazım; Kitiş, Serkan; Özkan, NezihBackground: Symptomatic spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma(SSEH) is an uncommon cause of cord compression that commonly is considered an indication for emergent surgical decompression. We aimed to investigate a patient with a SSEH that completely resolved clinically and radiographically, without surgical treatment. The patient presented three days after the sudden onset of back pain, numbness, and weakness. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) revealed a posterior thoracolumbar epidural hematoma extending from the level of T10 to L2 with significant cord compression. Decompression was recommended but he refused surgery and was managed conservatively. One month later weakness totally recovered and hematoma was absent on MRI.