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Öğe Akut intermittan porfirili bir hastada Pantoea agglomerans bakteremisi(2004) Özdemir, Davut; Yılmaz, Zeynep; Öksüz, Şükrü; Şencan, İrfanPantoea agglomerans, Enterobacteriaceae ailesinden Gram-negatif bir bakteridir. Doğada yaygın olarak bulunur, ancak fırsatçı infeksiyonlara neden olabilir. Yirmi-üç yaşındaki kadın hasta akut intermittan porfiri atağı nedeniyle yoğun bakıma yatırılmış ve takibi sırasında hastada P. agglomerans bakteremisi gelişmiştir. Gelişen bakteremi, akut intermittan porfiri atağını tetiklemek açısından muhtemelen güvenli olan ve bakterinin de duyarlı olduğu ampisilin/sulbaktam ile tedavi edilmiştir.Öğe Akut intermittant porfirili bir vakada vankomisin ve meropenemin birlikte kullanımı(2004) Şencan, İrfan; Yılmaz, Zeynep; Özdemir, DavutAkut intermittant porfiri (AİP), nedeni açıklanamayan karın ağrısı, akut periferik ya da santral sinir sistemi disfonksiyonu, hiponatremi ve ataklar sırasında idrarda porfobilinojen olması ile ortaya çıkan otozomal dominant bir hastalıktır. Genç kadınlar daha çok semptomatik olurlar. Porfiri atakları, özellikle mitokondriyal sitokrom P-450'yi indükleyen ilaçlarla olduğu gibi karaciğerde hem sentezinin dışarıdan uyarılması ile ortaya çıkar. Porfirili hastalarda oldukça az sayıda antibiyotiğin kullanımı güvenli kabul edilmektedir. Literatürde vankomisin veya meropenem kullanımı ile ilgili sınırlı sayıda vaka bildirilmiştir. Ancak vankomisin ve meropenemin birlikte kullanılmış olduğu duruma rastlayamadık. Bu yazıda AİP atağı sırasında, hayatı tehdit eden nozokomiyal sepsis nedeniyle vankomisin ve meropenemin birlikte kullanıldığı ve herhangi bir istenmeyen etkinin ortaya çıkmadığı bir vaka bildirilmiştir.Öğe Andiscriminated aseptic meningitis case between rickettsia and leptospiral meningitis(TIP ARASTIRMALARI DERNEGI, 2008) Özdemir, Davut; Sencan, İrfan; Yıldırım, Mustafa; Güçlü, Ertuğrul; Yavuz, Tevik; Karabay, OğuzRickettsial meningitis and leptospiral meningitis should be included in the differential diagnosis of aseptic meningitis in patients exposed to endemic areas. In this report we describe a case of aseptic meningitis in which neither a rickettsial nor leptospiral etiology could be established.Öğe Brusellozise bağlı subakut tiroidit olgu sunumu ve literatür değerlendirmesi(2007) Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Yildirim, Mustafa; Özdemir, Davut; Gergin, Rezan; Güçlü, ErtuğrulBrusellozis dünyada yaygın olarak görülen zoonotik bir hastalıktır. Hastalık birçok sistemi tutmakla birlikte tiroid bezi tutulumu nadirdir. Tanı; brusellozise ait klinik bulguları olanlar kişilerde standart tüp aglütinasyon testiyle (endemik olmayan yerlerde >1/1160, endemik yerlerde >1/320 veya >l/640) ve/veya kan, diğer doku veya vücut sıvılarından Brucella spp.'nin izole edilmesiyle konulur. Standart tüp aglütinasyon testinin negatif olması durumunda; uygun klinik bulguların varlığında Brusella Ig M antikorlarının pozitif olmasıyla da tanı konulabilir. Bu yazıda, subakut tiroidit tanısıyla takip edilen 19 yaşında bir bayan hasta sunulmuştur. Brusellozise bağlı subakut tiroidit tanısı; klinik bulgular, tiroid fonksiyon testlerinin, tiroglobülin ve tiroglobülin antikorlarının yüksekliği, Brusella Ig M antikorlarının pozitif bulunması ve tiroid sintigrafisi ile konulmuştur.Öğe Elution characteristics and mechanical properties of calcium sulfate-loaded bone cement containing teicoplanin(Springer Tokyo, 2007) Tüzüner, Tolga; Uygur, İlyas; Şencan, İrfan; Haklar, Uğur; Oktaş, Birhan; Özdemir, DavutBackground. Acrylic bone cement is the most widely used drug delivery system clinically. It has already been shown that antibiotic release is significantly increased when calcium sulfate-loaded acrylic bone cement is used. However, there is no information yet about the mechanical responses of these composite materials. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of calcium sulfate on the elution characteristics and mechanical behavior of teicoplanin-loaded acrylic bone cement. Methods. Four groups of acrylic bone cements (GI, GII, GIII, GIV) were prepared using the same liquid/powder ratios. After mixing, the bone cement and additive mixtures were packed into different-type molds to prepare the specimens for the elution and mechanical tests. All of the specimens were tested for two conditions (dry and human plasma solution). The mechanical tests included the setting time (hardness) and tensile, bending, and compression strengths. The fracture surfaces of the failed samples were also examined by scanning electron microscopy. Results. Teicoplanin release in the calcium sulfate powder added groups (GIII and GIV) was higher than that of GII. When the calcium sulfate and teicoplanin were added on acrylic bone cement, the compressive, bending and tensile strength, hardness values, and elastic modulus decreased. Also, further reductions were evident in human plasma solution. Conclusions. Although mechanical properties of tested specimens decreased, all of the results obtained were higher than those required by the American Society for Testing and Materials Standards, but further investigations are necessary before making definitive statements for clinical applications.Öğe Frequency of nasal helicobacter pylori carriage among cooks(Pakistan Medical Assoc, 2013) Karabay, Oğuz; Güçlü, Ertuğrul; Koçoğlu, Esra; Özdemir, Davut; Şencan, İrfanObjective: To investigate the frequency of nasal helicobacter pylori carriage among cooks living in Bolu, Ardahan and Sakarya province of Turkey. Methods: A total of 54 cooks (10 from Bolu, 29 from Ardahan and 15 from Sakarya) were enrolled. Nasal helicobacter was tested using polymerase chain reaction. Results: Helicobacter pylori was detected in only one cook. Conclusion: Nasal Helicobacter pylori colonisation ratio in cooks in Turkey was found to be very low. Presumably hand hygiene compliance lowered the frequency.Öğe İki yeni protein sentez inhibitörü: Linezolit ve streptograminler (kinopristin/dalfoprustin)(2006) Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Özdemir, DavutStreptogramin grubundan olan kinopristin/dalfoprustin kombinasyonu ve oksazolidinon grubundan olan linezolit Gram-pozitif infeksiyonlara neden olan patojenlere karşı etki gösteren ve 1999'dan beri kullanımda olan iki yeni kuşak antibiyotiktir. Her ikisi de protein sentezi inhibisyonu yaparak etki gösterirler. Oksazolidinonlar farklı etki mekanizmaları nedeniyle diğer antibiyotikler ile çapraz direnç göstermezler.Öğe In vitro activity of sodium benzoate against clinically relevant enterococcus faecalis and enterococcus faecium isolates(Microbiological Society Korea, 2006) Karabay, Oğuz; Koçoğlu, Esra; İnce, Nevin; Şahan, Tufan; Özdemir, DavutThe antimicrobial effects of sodium benzoate against Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium were investigated. The NHC90 of sodium benzoate were 64 mg/L for E. faecalis and 32 mg/L for E. faecium, while the MBC90 were 128 mg/L and 64 mg/L, respectively. Although further studies are required for clinical evidence, sodium benzoate seems to be effective against Enterococcus spp.Öğe In vitro bacterial adherence to teicoplanin and calcium sulfate-soaked bone cement(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2005) Şencan, İrfan; Şahin, İdris; Tüzüner, Tolga; Özdemir, Davut; Yıldırım, Mustafa; Leblebicioğlu, HakanThe aim of this study was to assess in vitro the improvement in release kinetics for teicoplanin and the inhibition of bacterial adhesion on calcium sulfate-soaked PMMA discs. Calcium sulfate has been used in vivo and shown to be biocompatible, and prevention of bacterial adhesion may be expected with calcium sulfate-soaked polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Discs were made by adding teicoplanin and calcium sulfate in powder form to PMMA powder. The antibiotic concentration eluted from PMMA discs was assayed by agar diffusion assay. Nonadherent bacteria were removed by washing and adherent bacteria were detached by sonication. The suspension including nonadherent bacteria was seeded on sheep blood agar plate and incubated for 24 h at 37 degrees C for the growth of microorganisms. The teicoplanin released from discs containing calcium sulfate was higher than that released from discs which had not been soaked with calcium sulfate. The count of bacteria adhering to the calcium sulfate-soaked discs was lower than that from the discs without calcium sulfate. In conclusion, the addition of calcium sulfate to teicoplanin-loaded PMMA bone cement may provide local antibiotic concentrations higher than MIC values due to increased antibiotic release. Furthermore, calcium sulfate was found to be effective in reducing bacterial adherence to treated discs.Öğe In vivo evaluation of teicoplanin- and calcium sulfate-loaded PMMA bone cement in preventing implant-related osteomyelitis in rats(Esift Srl, 2006) Tüzüner, Tolga; Şencan, İrfan; Özdemir, Davut; Alper, Murat; Duman, Seçkin; Yavuz, Tevfik; Yıldırım, MustafaThe objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of teicoplanin- and calcium sulphate-loaded polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) bone cements in preventing experimental implant-related osteomyelitis in rats. Four groups of antibiotic-loaded rods were prepared and were implanted into the lateral condylus of the rat femur after inoculation of Staphylococcus aureus. The effectiveness of these were assessed microbiologically, radiographically, and histopathologically. Radiographic evaluation revealed a significant reduction of periostal reaction and osteolysis in rats that received calcium sulphate- and teicoplanin-loaded rods. Histopathological evaluation confirmed these results. Acute infection and bone necrosis were found to be significantly lower in rats that had received calcium sulphate- and teicoplanin-loaded rods. The addition of calcium sulfate to teicoplanin-loaded PMMA bone cement appeared satisfactory as an antibiotic-carrying system for prophylaxis of experimental implant-related osteomyelitis, but further investigations are needed to reach definitive statements for clinical applications.Öğe Kısa bildiri: yatan hastalarda vankomisin ve yüksek düzey aminoglikozid dirençli enterokok taşıyıcılığının ve direnç ile ilişkili risk faktörlerinin araştırılması(2007) Yildirim, Mustafa; Şencan, Irfan; Özdemir, Davut; Öksüz, Şükrü; Yilmaz, Zeynep; Şahin, IdrisBu çalışmada, Düzce Tıp Fakültesi hastanesinde yatan hastalarda fekal vankomisin dirençli enterokok (VRE) kolonizasyonu, yüksek düzey aminoglikozid ve diğer antibiyotiklere direnç durumları ile antibiyotik direncine neden olabilecek risk faktörlerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Dahili (n: 61) ve cerrahi (n: 44) kliniklerinde yatan toplam 105 hastadan (%54.3'ü kadın; yaş ortalaması: 47.2±24.54 yıl) alınan birer adet dışkı örneği enterokok seçici besiyerlerine (BioMerieux, Fransa) ekilmiş ve tanımlama klasik mikrobiyolojik yöntemler ve APİ 20 Strep test kullanılarak yapılmıştır. İzolatların beta-laktamaz aktiviteleri nitrosefin diskleri ile araştırılmış, antimikrobiyal duyarlılık testleri ise disk difüzyon yöntemiyle yapılmıştır. Hastaların 81'inin (%77) dışkı örneğinden Enterococcus spp. izole edilmiş ve izole edilen türler E.faecium (%60.5), E.faecalis (%13.6), E.gallinarum (%11.1), E.durans (%7.4), E.raffinosus (%2.5), E.mundtii (%2.5), E.casseliflavus (%1.2) ve E.avium (%1.2) olarak tanımlanmıştır. Tüm izolatlar arasında yüksek düzey streptomisin direnci %19.8, yüksek düzey gentamisin direnci ise %9.9, olarak saptanmıştır. Diğer antimikrobiyallere direnç oranları; ampisiline %18.5, penisiline %27.2, nitrofurantoine %34.6, norfloksasine %65.4, tetrasiklin ve siprofloksasine %70.4 olarak bulunmuştur. Hiçbir enterokok susunda vankomisin direnci ve beta-laktamaz aktivitesi tespit edilememiştir. Hastanede uzun süre kalma, antibiyotik kullanımı ve intra-abdominal operasyon hikayesinin, dirençli bakteri kolonizasyonuyla ilişkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, hastanemizde yatan hastalarda fekai VRE taşıyıcılığı bulunmamakla birlikte, dirençli suşların erken, saptanabilmesi için periyodik olarak tarama testlerinin yapılması gerektiği düşünülmüştür.Öğe Ochrobactrum anthropi endocarditis and septic shock in a patient with no prosthetic valve or rheumatic heart disease: case report and review of the literature(Natl Inst Infectious Diseases, 2006) Özdemir, Davut; Soypaçacı, Zeki; Şahin, İdris; Bicik, Zerrin; Şencan, İrfanAlthough Ochrobactrum anthropi is an opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised patients, it is increasingly being recognized to be a causative agent in healthy hosts. In this paper, we report a case of O. anthropi endocarditis and septic shock in a patient who had no prosthetic valve or rheumatic heart disease, in contrast to previous reports.Öğe Ofloxacin induced Sweet's syndrome in a patient with Crohn's disease(2006) Özdemir, Davut; Korkmaz, U?ur; Şahin, Idris; Şencan, Irfan; Kavak, Ayşe; Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Çakir, SelmaSweet's syndrome is an acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis. This syndrome can be idiopathic, para-inflammatory, paraneoplastic, drug-induced, or pregnancy-related. In this paper, a case of Sweet's syndrome associated with ofloxacin therapy in a patient with Crohn's disease is reported. © 2005 The British Infection Society.Öğe An outbreak of oropharyngeal tularemia with cervical adenopathy predominantly in the left side(Yonsei Univ College Medicine, 2009) Şencan, İrfan; Şahin, İdris; Kaya, Demet; Öksüz, Şükrü; Özdemir, Davut; Karabay, OğuzPurpose: We describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics and the efficacy of a delayed initiation to therapy in an oropharyngeal tularemia outbreak in Duzce, Turkey. Materials and Methods: Between March and June 2000, 22 patients with tularemia were diagnosed by microagglutination tests. Results: Oropharyngeal and ulceroglandular forms of the disease were discovered. Most of the cases were oropharyngeal (19 cases). The most common symptoms were sore throat (95.4%) and fever (90.9%). Lymphadenopathy (95.4%) and pharyngeal hyperemia (81.8%) were usually observed signs. The lymphadenopathies were localized especially in the left cervical region (66.7%), a finding that has not been previously reported in the literature. The time between the onset of the symptoms and diagnosis was 40.7 +/- 22.8 (10-90) days. The patients were treated with streptomycin plus doxycycline and ciprofloxacin. The patients' recoveries took up to 120 days. Conclusion: This report describes the first outbreak of tularemia in northwest Turkey. Tularemia may occur in any region where appropriate epidemiological conditions are found and should be kept ill mind for differential diagnosis in oropharyngeal symptoms. Late initiation of therapy may delay complete recovery. In this outbreak, cervical lymph nodes predominantly localized on the left side were found, which had not been previously reported.Öğe Primary bacteremia associated with sphingomonas paucimobilis during the late period in a patient with ventriculoperitoneal shunt after neurosurgery with literature review(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012) Küçükbayrak, Abdülkadir; Demirli, Keziban; Özdemir, Davut; Küçükbayrak, Zeynep Seçkin; Hakyemez, İsmail NecatiSphingomonas paucimobilis is a Gram-negative aerobic rod, which is nonfermentative, nonspore forming, catalase positive, and oxidase positive. It is believed that the natural habitat of this organism is the natural environment, and it is also found in hospital settings. The infections caused by the bacteria are rarely life threatening. A 46-year-old woman was admitted to our clinic with right flank pain, groin pain, and fever. On clinical examination, right costovertebral angle pain and an operation scar in the temporal region were observed. A review of her medical history revealed an operation for subarachnoid hemorrhage secondary to aneurysm and a ventriculoperitoneal shunt 6 weeks before admission. Ceftriaxone 2 x 1 g/day was started. No growth was detected in urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and temporal fluid cultures; however, a Gram-negative rod grew in one of the blood cultures on the second day of treatment. Intravenous ciprofloxacin 400 mg 2 x 1/day was added to treatment. Ceftriaxone treatment was switched to cefoperazon-sulbactam 1 gr 2 x 1/day. No growth was observed in urine and blood control cultures on the third day of treatment. Cefoperazon-sulbactam was stopped on the 10th day, and ciprofloxacin was continued until the 21st day. In English literature, the presence of Sphingomonas paucimobilis bacteremia after neurosurgery has not been previously reported.Öğe Salmonella arizonae bacteraemia in a Turkish patient with AIDS but no history of contact with reptiles(Taylor & Francis As, 2006) Özdemir, Davut; Şahin, İdris; Şencan, İrfanPatients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are predisposed to infection with Salmonella spp. Although the majority of infections are due to S. enteritidis serotype typhimurium [1], S. arizonae is considered as an opportunistic pathogen in compromized patients and it is commonly found in reptiles [2]. There have been recent reports of Hispanic patients and a Puerto Rican patient ingesting dried rattlesnake powder or capsules of dried rattlesnake powder and developing S. arizonae infections [1 /3]. In this letter we report a Turkish patient with AIDS who had S. arizonae bacteraemia but no history of contact with reptiles.Öğe Serum neopterin concentrations in healthy healthcare workers compared with healthy controls and patients with pulmonary tuberculosis(Int Scientific Information, Inc, 2006) Özdemir, Davut; Cesur, Salih; Annakkaya, Ali Nihat; Tarhan, Gülnür; Güçlü, Ertuğrul; Şencan, İrfan; Balbay, ÖnerBackground: The aim of this study was to compare Serum neopterin levels in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis, healthy healthcare workers who had close contact with patients, and healthy volunteers. PVII of the healthy volunteers stated that they had not encountered possible risk factors for exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. 0 Material/Methods: Thirty-nine patients, 39 healthy healthcare workers, and a control group of 39 healthy volunteers who had no infection or other diseases were included in this study Neopterin assay was performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Results: Serum neopterin levels were 18.6 +/- 14.2 nmol/l in patients, 9.8 +/- 2.9 nmol/l in healthy healthcare workers, and 3.4 +/- 5.2 nmol/l in healthy volunteers. Serum neopterin levels in each group were significantly different from each other (p<0.01). Conclusions: Levels of neopterin in patients and healthy healthcare workers significantly differ from the levels in healthy controls. The higher serum neopterin levels in healthy healthcare workers may be attributed to latent Mycobacterium. tuberculosis infection, but it does not seem to be Used in the diagnosis of latent mycobacterium tuberculosis infection alone. However, more experiences are needed.Öğe The use of teicoplanin in a patient with acute intermittent porphyria(E I F T Srl, 2005) Özdemir, Davut; Karabay, Oğuz; Şencan, İrfanAcute intermittent porphyria is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by a defect in porphobilinogen deaminase activity. The latent form of the disease may exist indefinitely. Certain antimicrobial agents, infections, and excessive dieting (starvation) can precipitate attacks. Also, the safety of many of the drugs used in the treatments of acute intermittent porphyria patients is unknown 1. In this letter we reported the safety of using teicoplanin in a patient with acute intermittent porphyria.