İkinci, NurselBayındır, Necati2021-06-232021-06-2320191018-46191610-2304https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12491/10209https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000459235700029Vascular aquatic plant diversity of seven major wetlands of Bolu province (North Western Turkey) were analyzed and a complete list of aquatic plants of Bolu with information on their life forms are provided. We prepared the plant inventory as a result of field investigations and herbarium specimen examination. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) using Jaccard Similarity analysis was applied to understand the similarities between the wetlands according to species composition. The unweighted pair-group mean arithmetic method (UPGMA) was performed as a clustering analysis based on Jaccard's similarity coefficient. Shannon's index of diversity was used to measure species richness in seven wetlands. As a result of our investigations, there are 184 vascular aquatic plant taxa in Bolu belonging to 94 genera and 42 families. NMDS analysis resulted in four clusters for the seven wetlands. The first group contains Yenicaga, Abant and Golcuk and the second group consists of Golkoy and Yumrukaya. Lake Suluklu and Lake Sunnet were placed separately. UPGMA analysis grouped seven wetlands in the same way as NMDS. In terms of species diversity Yenicaga has the highest value (Shannon diversity index value, H'= 4.65) followed by Abant (H'= 4.60) and Yumrukaya (H'= 4.25). Golcuk and Golkoy have the same species diversity values (H'= 4.01). Lake Sunnet (H'= 3.47) and Lake Suluklu have the lowest species diversity (H'= 3.18). Results were evaluated in the light of physico-chemical properties of the wetlands, eutrophication status, dominant species, age and type of the wetland, depth, and surface area.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAbantGolcukYenicagaGolkoyMacrophytesYumrukayaDistribution and richness of aquatic plants of Bolu province (Turkey)Article2812442562-s2.0-85065738562N/AWOS:000459235700029Q4