Bayram, İsmailMidilli, MustafaBozkurt, ZehraKaradaş, ErkanKöken,Tülay2021-06-232021-06-2320060019-6479 present experiment was conducted to determine the effect of rations containing different levels of poppy seed meal (PSM) on BWG, FC, FCR, carcass yield, pathological changes and also some blood parameters in broiler. Totally 480 day old broiler chicks (Cobb) were divided into 6 groups and fed with containing a control (0% PSM) and 5 experimental diets containing different levels (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25%) PSM. Diet containing different levels of PSM significantly (P<0.001) increased in BWG and FC, but did not cause significant change in the FCR and carcass yield; and significantly (P<0.001) reduced the proportional organ weights. Although no significant differences were observed among the groups for cholesterol, trigliseride, AST and ALT levels were found the highest in the PSM (P<0.01). Some pathological lesions in organs of the birds fed different levels of PSM for 42 days were observed.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess[No Keywords]Effect of poppy seed meal in broiler dietsArticle8311118611892-s2.0-33845260509Q4