Çankaya, CemUlaş, FatihDoğanay, Derya 'Fırat, PenpegülDoğanay, Selim2021-06-232021-06-2320182636-76882636-7688https://doi.org/10.5455/jtomc.2017.12.159https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TWpnMU5EazFOUT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12491/1019Aim: This study was designed to investigate the alteration of intraocular pressure measurements and biomechanical properties of the cornea in patients who underwent uneventful standard coaxial phacoemulsification cataract surgery through 2.75 mm corneal main incision with intraocular lens implantation. Material and Methods: 15 eyes of 15 patients admitted to our clinic because of the cataract problems in the study. Corneal hysteresis (CH), corneal resistance factor (CRF) measurements, Goldmann correlated (IOPg), and corneal compensated intraocular pressure (IOPcc) values were recorded by ocular response analyzer (ORA) before and 1 day, 1 week and 1 month after surgery. Results: The mean age of the patients was 64.3 ± 8.06 years. Preoperative mean CH, CRF, IOPg and IOPcc values were 8.23±2.10, 9.33±2.27, 18.54±3.42 and 19.66±3.22, respectively. The mean CH, CRF, IOPg and IOPcc values were 5.50±2.07, 8.69±2.04, 22.29±3.37 and 23.83±3.32, respectively on the first day after the surgery. The mean CH, CRF, IOPg and IOPcc values were 5.25±1.83, 8.29±2.10, 18.86±2.72 and 20.20±3.37, respectively of the first week after the surgery. The mean CH, CRF, IOPg and IOPcc values were 7.88±1.99, 8.37±1.83, 15.81±2.60 and 16.41±2.80, respectively in the first month after the surgery. Conclusion: These results revealed that the biomechanical properties of the cornea may change during the first one month period after uneventful standard coaxial phacoemulsification surgery.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBiyolojiAlerjiAnatomi ve MorfolojiAndrolojiAnesteziOdyoloji ve Konuşma-Dil PatolojisiBiyokimya ve Moleküler BiyolojiBiyofizikBiyoteknoloji ve Uygulamalı MikrobiyolojiKalp ve Kalp Damar SistemiHücre BiyolojisiKlinik NörolojiYoğun Bakım, TıpDermatolojiAcil TıpEndokrinoloji ve MetabolizmaGastroenteroloji ve HepatolojiGeriatri ve GerontolojiSağlık Bilimleri ve HizmetleriHematolojiİmmünolojiEnfeksiyon HastalıklarıTamamlayıcı ve Entegre TıpTıbbi EtikTıbbi İnformatikTıbbi Laboratuar TeknolojisiGenel ve Dahili TıpAdli TıpTıbbi Araştırmalar DeneyselMikrobiyolojiNörolojik BilimlerKadın Hastalıkları ve DoğumOnkolojiGöz HastalıklarıOrtopediKulak, Burun, BoğazPatolojiPediatriPeriferik Damar HastalıklarıFizyolojiTemel Sağlık HizmetleriPsikiyatriHalk ve Çevre SağlığıRadyoloji, Nükleer Tıp, Tıbbi GörüntülemeRehabilitasyonSolunum SistemiRomatolojiSpor BilimleriCerrahiTransplantasyonTropik TıpÜroloji ve NefrolojiEvaluation of corneal biomechanical properties after uneventful standard coaxial phacoemulsification surgeryArticle10.5455/jtomc.2017.12.159252180183TR-DizinID