Sekret, IrynaDurmuş, SonerGürer, Melih DeryaCuraoğlu, Orhan2021-06-232021-06-232019978-3-030-05026-9; 978-3-030-05025-2 chapter reports on the results of the case study related to the implementation of online tutoring in one of the state universities in Turkey. The research is a qualitative study based on the free interview of the focus group of online tutors and ICT experts on their experiences and problems they faced during their first year of online tutoring to the university students. The problems identified were grouped in four clusters (a) technical, (b) managerial, (c) instructional and (d) psychological. Based on the findings, a complex of solutions have been suggested and being implemented into practice in order to enhance the quality of online tutoring in the framework of the formal university education. The main purpose of the enhancements is to raise the online tutors’ competences in ICT tools for online tutoring purposes and to reformat their teaching experience from the face-to-face mode of teaching to the specifics of online tutoring and communication mediated by appropriate ICT tools. Considering the results of the study, we developed an outline of skills and competences required for an online tutor and formulated principles of effective online tutoring. The results of the case study imply that the online tutor’s competences should include the areas of the pedagogy and methodology of online tutoring, strategies of online instruction and managing appropriate ICT tools.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessOnline TutoringFace-to-Face TeachingICT ToolsOnline Tutor’s CompetencesHigher EducationFrom face-to-face teaching to online tutoring: Challenges, solutions and perspectivesBook Chapter10.1007/978-3-030-05026-9_1010171183WOS:000487328400011N/A