Basar, CengizOzhan, HakanCaglar, Sabri OnurYalcin, SubhanAslantas, YusufEkinozu, Ismail2024-09-252024-09-2520121305-64331305-6441 sheath hematoma is an uncommon complication of anticoagulation that generally presents as sudden onset of abdominal pain. Enoxaparin; a widely used low molecular weight heparin in acute coronary syndrome may rarely cause about abdominal wall hematoma. This complication is potentially fatal and needs prompt recognition and treatment. We report here a case of rectus sheath hematoma due to enoxaparin with the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. The potential diagnostic and treatment modalities were discussed in the light of the literature .eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessRectus hematomaenoxaparinENOXAPARIN INDUCED MASSIVE RECTUS SHEATH HEMATOMAArticle7522224WOS:000409857100002N/A