Efeoğlu, BanuTerzioğlu, Serpil2021-06-232021-06-2320091307-9867https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/T1RJek16VTEhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12491/1592Yüksek sicaklik stresine karsi farkli hassasiyetleri olan Karacadag ve Firat bugday çesitleri üzerine 37°C veya 45°C, 8 saat yüksek sicaklik stresinin etkileri klorofil a floresansi, fotosentetik pigment içeriginin tayini ve tilakoid membran 2-D SDS poliamid jel elektroforezi (PAJE) yoluyla arastirilmistir. 45°C, 8 saat uygulamasi klorofil birikimini inhibe etmistir. 37°C veya 45°C, 8 saat uygulamalari ise klorofil a floresansi ve fotosentezde önemli derecede degisimlere yol açmist?r. Iki bugday çesidinin tilakoid membran proteinlerinin 2D-SDS PAJE yoluyla analizi 37°C veya 45°C, 8 saat uygulamalarinin kontrol sicakligina göre herhangi bir proteinin sentezini uyarmadigini veya baskilamadigini göstermistir. Karacadag çesidinin fotosentetik yanitlari Firat çesidine göre klorofil içeriginde, FV ve FV/FM parametrelerinde Firat çesidine göre daha az düsme gösterdiginden ve F0 parametresi yalnizca Firat çesidinde 45°C, 8 saat uygulamasinda arttigindan, Yüksek sicakliga dayanikli çesit olarak tanimlanan Karacadag çesidi daha sicak bölgelerde ekim için kullanilabilir.The effects of heat stress at 37°C and 45°C for 8 h on the seedlings of Karacadag and Firat wheat cultivars differing in sensitivity was investigated by means of chlorophyll a fluorescence, photosynthetic pigment content and 2-D SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the thylakoid membrane. Heat stress inhibited chlorophyll accumulation at 45°C for 8 h and caused marked alterations in the chlorophyll a fluorescence and photosynthesis in the primary leaves of the wheat cultivars at 37°C and 45°C for 8 h. Examination of the 2-D SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of the thylakoid membrane proteins from the two wheat cultivars showed that while a heat treatment at 37°C and 45°C did not induce or enhance the synthesis of any protein. While the synthesis of some proteins were repressed when compared to the control temperature cultivars, the photosynthetic responses of Karacadag were less altered than Firat to the effect that; Karacadag showed lower reduction in the chlorophyll content, FV and FV/FM parameters where the F0 parameter only increased in the Firat cultivar at 45°C. Therefore, Karacadag was determined to be a heat tolerant cultivar that can be used for cultivation in warmer regions.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessChlorophyll A FluorescenceTriticumHeat Stress2-D Electrophoretic AnalysisPhotosynthetic responses of two wheat varieties to high temperatureİki buğday çeşidinin yüksek sıcaklığa fotosentetik yanıtlarıArticle039710692335