Benek, Bedri SelimSakar, HakanBayram, RecepGümüştekin, Kenan2021-06-232021-06-2320152148-23572148-2357 Seljuks built up so many medical buildings and darüssifas in lots of cities, and gave importance to medicina as well as the other branches of science. They provided great contributions to the development of modern medicine with darüssifas and medical centers by the treatment they applied as well as health care. Music therapy was applied with certain methods in these health centers where mental and spiritual diseases were tried to be treated. Sivas Divrigi Darüssifa, amongst the first ones in this concept and continued its existence until today, has an important place in terms of our medical history.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGenel ve Dahili TıpAn example for the application of music therapy in the medical history: Divrigi DarüssifaOther326366192597