Kuru, Tuğba ŞaşmazAkçakale, Nürettin2021-06-232021-06-2320161302-31602146-0205https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TWpFeU1qYzVPUT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12491/939NR (natural rubber) and SBR (synthetic rubber) elastomers are have in a wide range of applications due to their interesting properties. These are primarily in the automotive, aerospace, machinery manufacturing, construction and shoe industry [1,2]. NR/SBR based materials have increasingly attention with some different additions. In this study, dielectric tunability properties of the mica powder inlaid NR/SBR elastomer have been by using dielectric spectroscopy. The dielectric constant of the sample has been measured by using a LCR meter in the interval of 0-2500 V/m electric field. The measurements have been carried out at some fixed frequencies starting from 100 Hz. The dielectric constant depends on frequency and applied electric field. It decreases with the increase of frequency and applied field. The decreasing proportion of the dielectric constant with applied field decreases with increasing frequency. Finally, it is constant with applied field at high frequencies. The properties of the sample have been explained with tunability properties of the sample.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNR (Natural Rubber)SBR (Synthetic Rubber)TunabilityTunability properties of mica powders inlaid nr/sbr materialArticle174703707TR-DizinID