Altıparmak, İpek BeyzaAktaş, Gülçin2021-06-232021-06-2320150972-0073 have existed from the primeval era until now and give shape to human behaviors. These beliefs arise out of some socio-cultural, socio-economic, and psychological factors that affect people in different ways in terms of their acre, education and cultural gains. Keeping this in mind, it is aimed to search superstitious beliefs of academicians, the relation between their tendency to these believes and some socio-demographic features and how the cultural environment affects their point of view in this paper. The research is conducted between July 2014 and August 2014 in Abant Izzet Baysal University Science and Literature Faculty. At the end of the research it is found out that academicians have different superstitious beliefs related to their gender and cultural background.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessSuperstitionFortune-tellingMagicEvil EyeHoroscopeLuck and Bad LuckHow superstitious are academicians?Article2135485572-s2.0-84957892078N/AWOS:000364257000021Q4