Muhasebe meslek mensuplarının sosyal sorumluluk algılarının, kendine saygı ve iş performansına etkileri
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Bu çalışma, muhasebe profesyonellerinin sosyal sorumluluk algılarının öz saygı ve iş performansı algılarını ne şekilde etkilediğini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bunun için 225 meslek mensubunun (SMMM, YMM) araştırma değişkenleri açısından algıları anket yolu ile ölçülmüş ve toplanan veriler yapısal eşitlik modellemesinde kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda elde edilen bulgular; (a) paydaşlara ve hissedarlara dönük sosyal sorumluluk algılarındaki artışla muhasebe profesyonellerinin kendilerine saygıları arasında pozitif ve anlamlı bir ilişkinin varlığını, (b) kendine saygı düzeyi ile algılanan performans düzeyinin aynı yönlü ve anlamlı bir ilişki sergilediğini ortaya koymaktadır.
This study aims to survey how accountant professional's social responsibility perceptions affect their self esteem and job performance perceptions. In order to achieve that 229 profession members’ (ICPA, CPA) perceptions in the sense of research parameters have been quantified by questionnaires and the findings have been used in structural equation modelling. Findings obtained from the result of the analysis show that; (a) there is a positive and significant relationship between the social responsibility perceptions towards stakeholders and professional accountants’ self-esteem, and (b) there is a directly proportional and significant positive relationship between self-esteem level and performance level, and (c) there is also a positive relationship between social responsibility perceptions and professional accountants’ job performance.
This study aims to survey how accountant professional's social responsibility perceptions affect their self esteem and job performance perceptions. In order to achieve that 229 profession members’ (ICPA, CPA) perceptions in the sense of research parameters have been quantified by questionnaires and the findings have been used in structural equation modelling. Findings obtained from the result of the analysis show that; (a) there is a positive and significant relationship between the social responsibility perceptions towards stakeholders and professional accountants’ self-esteem, and (b) there is a directly proportional and significant positive relationship between self-esteem level and performance level, and (c) there is also a positive relationship between social responsibility perceptions and professional accountants’ job performance.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İktisat, İşletme
Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi
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