Çocukluk çağında astım ve pnömoniyi taklit eden löffler sendromu: Olgu sunumu
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On dört yaşında erkek hasta yedi gündür devam eden öksürük, hışıltılı solunum, nefes darlığı ve balgam çıkarma yakınmalarıyla başvurdu. Hastaya bronşiyal astım ve pnömoni ön tanılarıyla tedavi başlandı. Tedaviye rağmen klinik ve radyolojik düzelme gözlenmedi. Toraksa yönelik yüksek çözünürlüklü spiral bilgisayarlı tomografide, sol akciğer üst lob apeksinde 8x7 cm ebatlarındaki kavite içerisinde spiral şeklinde Ascaris lumbricoides’e ait tipik görünüm izlendi. Sol akciğer alt lob süperiorda ve lingulada hiler düzeyde bronş boyunca devamlılık gösteren gezici pnömonik infiltrasyonlar gözlendi. Periferik kan yaymasında eozinofili (%40), serolojik incelemede ise yüksek serum immunoglobulin E düzeyi (350 IU/mL; normal: 0-100) saptandı. Bu bulgularla hastaya “A. lumbricoides’e bağlı Löffler sendromu” tanısı konuldu. Hastaya mebendazol 2x100 mg/gün (üç gün) verildi ve hasta başarıyla tedavi edildi. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde tedaviye dirençli bronşiyal astım ve pnömoni ile başvuran hastaların ayırıcı tanısında Löffler sendromu da düşünülmelidir. Paraziter enfeksiyonların erken tanısında radyolojik görüntülemeler yararlı olabilir. Bu olguda radyolojik yöntemle erken tanı konulması ve tedavi verilmesi gereksiz ilaç kullanımını ve ilişkili olabilecek komplikasyonları önlenmiştir.
A 14-year-old male child was hospitalized with complaints of a bronchial wheezing, cough, dyspnea, and sputum and a preliminary diagnosis of bronchial asthma and pneumonia. The patient was treated empirically for bronchial asthma and pneumonia, but gave neitherr clinical nor radiological response to treatment. On the high-resolution computerized tomography, a typical spiral image of Ascaris lumbricoides was identified inside a cavity in the upper lobe of the left lung with a diameter of 8x7 cm. Also,migratory pneumonic infiltrations progressing between the lower lobe and hilary region of the left lung were seen. Examination of the peripheral blood smear of the patient revealed eosinophilia (40%), while IgE was measured as 350 IU/mL. The patient was diagnosed as “Loeffler’s syndrome” due to A. lumbricoides”, and successfully treated with mebendazole 2x100 mg/day for three days. Loeffler’s pneumonia should be considered when patients with bronchial asthma and pneumonia do not respond to specific treatment in developing countries. Radiological investigations may be available in the diagnosis of parasitic infections. In this case, early diagnosis by radiologic methods have prevented unnecessary drug use and related complications.
A 14-year-old male child was hospitalized with complaints of a bronchial wheezing, cough, dyspnea, and sputum and a preliminary diagnosis of bronchial asthma and pneumonia. The patient was treated empirically for bronchial asthma and pneumonia, but gave neitherr clinical nor radiological response to treatment. On the high-resolution computerized tomography, a typical spiral image of Ascaris lumbricoides was identified inside a cavity in the upper lobe of the left lung with a diameter of 8x7 cm. Also,migratory pneumonic infiltrations progressing between the lower lobe and hilary region of the left lung were seen. Examination of the peripheral blood smear of the patient revealed eosinophilia (40%), while IgE was measured as 350 IU/mL. The patient was diagnosed as “Loeffler’s syndrome” due to A. lumbricoides”, and successfully treated with mebendazole 2x100 mg/day for three days. Loeffler’s pneumonia should be considered when patients with bronchial asthma and pneumonia do not respond to specific treatment in developing countries. Radiological investigations may be available in the diagnosis of parasitic infections. In this case, early diagnosis by radiologic methods have prevented unnecessary drug use and related complications.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ascaris Lumbricoides, Löffler Sendromu, Pnömoni, Çocuk, Ascaris Lumbricoides, Loeffler’s Syndrome, Pneumonia, Child
Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi
Turkish Journal of Parasitology
Turkish Journal of Parasitology
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