Akran aracılı sunulan etkileşim ünitesi öğretim materyalinin zihinsel yetersizliği olan öğrencilerin tane kavramını öğrenmeleri üzerindeki etkililiği
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, akran aracılı sunulan etkileşim ünitesi öğretim materyalinin (ASEÜÖM) zihinsel ye- tersizliği olan öğrencilerin tane kavramını öğrenmeleri üzerindeki etkililiğinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmaya ilköğretim okulu birinci kademe üçüncü sınıfta öğre- nim gören normal gelişim gösteren bir öğrenci ile aynı okulun özel sınıfına devam eden iki zihinsel yetersizli- ği olan öğrenci ve başka bir ilköğretim okulunun özel sınıfına devam eden zihinsel yetersizliği olan öğrenci olmak üzere, toplam dört öğrenci katılmıştır. Araştır- mada, tek denekli araştırma yöntemlerinden yoklama evreli deneklerarası çoklu yoklama modeli kullanılmış- tır. ASEÜÖM, bire-bir öğretim düzenlemesi biçiminde, ilk oturumda 70-75 dakika, sonraki öğretim oturum- larında ise yaklaşık 60 dakika uygulanmıştır. Öğretim oturumları sonunda, izleme ve genelleme oturumları yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonunda, ASEÜÖM’nin zi- hinsel yetersizliği olan öğrencilerin tane kavramını kazanmalarında, sürdürmelerinde ve farklı ortam ile farklı materyallere genellemelerinde etkili olduğu gö- rülmüştür.
The purpose of this study was to present the effective- ness of interactive unit teaching material via peer tuto- ring (IUTMPT) on the learning of the concept of grain on students with mental retardation. One normally developing student attending to first grade in regular lassroom, and two students, attending to a self- contained special education classroom of the same primary school and one student attending to a self- contained special education classroom of the another primary school in Bolu, totally four students participa- ted in this study. The study was conducted as a multiple probe design with probe session across subject models, which is one of the single subject designs. IUTMPT was applied by one-on-one instruction; first session was las- ted approximately 70-75-minute, others sessions was lasted 60 minutes. At the end of intervention settings, follow-up and generalization settings were conducted. The findings showed that IUTMPT was effective in acquisition, maintaining and generalizing in different settings and materials of the concept of grain to the stu- dents with mental retardation.
The purpose of this study was to present the effective- ness of interactive unit teaching material via peer tuto- ring (IUTMPT) on the learning of the concept of grain on students with mental retardation. One normally developing student attending to first grade in regular lassroom, and two students, attending to a self- contained special education classroom of the same primary school and one student attending to a self- contained special education classroom of the another primary school in Bolu, totally four students participa- ted in this study. The study was conducted as a multiple probe design with probe session across subject models, which is one of the single subject designs. IUTMPT was applied by one-on-one instruction; first session was las- ted approximately 70-75-minute, others sessions was lasted 60 minutes. At the end of intervention settings, follow-up and generalization settings were conducted. The findings showed that IUTMPT was effective in acquisition, maintaining and generalizing in different settings and materials of the concept of grain to the stu- dents with mental retardation.
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