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Çeşitli hükümetlerde görev olan hatta başbakanlık yapmış olan Necmettin Erbakan Türkiye'de yakın siyasi tarihe damga vuran siyasetçilerden bir tanesidir. Erbakan'ın iktisadi görüşlerinin öncesi de olmakla beraber Adil Ekonomik Düzen (AED) söylemi Erbakan'ın 1980 sonrası Refah Partisiyle seçim propagandası haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada önce Adil Düzen'in teorisi ele alınmıştır. Erbakan'ın kapitalizm ve sosyalizme alternatif bir iktisadi örgütlenme biçimi olduğunu iddia ettiği AED, genel olarak; devlete biçilen rol, para, vergilendirme sistemi, kredi esasları ve ortaklık, üretim ve ihracat, enflasyon, işsizlik ve sosyal güvenlik esasları gibi konular üzerinde durmaktadır. Daha sonra AED'in İslam ekonomisi ile ne kadar örtüştüğü değerlendirilmiştir. Bu karşılaştırmayı zorlaştıran unsur, İslam ekonomisi hakkında birbirinden farklı görüşlerin olmasıdır. Çalışmada AED'in genel olarak İslam'ın ekonomik anlayışıyla örtüştüğü sonucuna varılmıştır
Necmettin Erbakan is one of the politicians marked the recent political history of Turkey. He served as minister, deputy prime minister and prime minister in the different cabinets. Although his economic opinions has back round before1980, the Just Economic Order (JEO) became election propaganda of the Welfare Party after 1980s. First of all this study focuses on the theory of the JEO. Erbakan claimed the JEO was an alternative of both capitalism and socialism. The JEO is generally based on the subjects such as role of state, money, taxation system, essentials of credit, cooperation, production, export, inflation, unemployment and essentials of social security. Thereafter, we want to clear that the JEO coincides with Islamic economic order or not. It makes difficult this comparison that there are different Islamic visions. According to the study, the JEO generally overlaps Islamic economy
Necmettin Erbakan is one of the politicians marked the recent political history of Turkey. He served as minister, deputy prime minister and prime minister in the different cabinets. Although his economic opinions has back round before1980, the Just Economic Order (JEO) became election propaganda of the Welfare Party after 1980s. First of all this study focuses on the theory of the JEO. Erbakan claimed the JEO was an alternative of both capitalism and socialism. The JEO is generally based on the subjects such as role of state, money, taxation system, essentials of credit, cooperation, production, export, inflation, unemployment and essentials of social security. Thereafter, we want to clear that the JEO coincides with Islamic economic order or not. It makes difficult this comparison that there are different Islamic visions. According to the study, the JEO generally overlaps Islamic economy
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Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
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