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Üç ilahî din açısından da kutsal kabul edilen Kudüs'ün Müslümanlar tarafından fethedilmesinden sonra başlayan ve XI. yy'da İslâm dünyasına yönelen büyük çaplı askerî müdahaleye Haçlı seferleri denmiştir. Bu seferler görünüşte Kudüs'ü kurtarmak maksadına yönelik olsa da, Avrupa'nın o dönemdeki siyasî, sosyal ve dinî problemlerine çözüm bulmak maksadıyla başlatılmıştır. Özellikle Hıristiyanlar arasındaki mezhep ihtilafları ve güç mücadeleleri için bir kılıf olarak kullanılmıştır. Bu seferler, sonradan gerçek amacından saparak emperyalist bir amaca yönelmiş ve İslam dünyası açısından tam bir yıkıma dönüşmüştür. Haçlılara karşı en büyük mücadele de bölgedeki Türk devleti ve beyliklerince verilmiştir. İki asır boyunca devam eden Haçlı seferlerinden özellikle birincisi İslâm dünyası, dördüncüsü ise Hıristiyan dünyası açısından büyük yıkıma sebep olmuştur. Haçlı seferleri İslam dünyasında önemli ölçüde güç kaybı ve tahribata yol açarken, Batı dünyası açısından hem iç problemlerden kurtulma, hem de Müslümanlardan bilim ve teknoloji konusunda birçok şey öğrenerek Batı'ya taşıma sonucunda karlı bir şekle dönüşmüştür.
The large-scale military intervention was called the Crusades that turning to the Islamic world in the 11th century and after considered as sacred to three religions that Kudüs was conquered by Muslim. These expeditions were initiated European political, social and religious problems to find solutions in that period that though apparently for the purpose of recovering Jerusalem. It was especially used as a sheath for power struggle and sectarian conflicts between Cristians. These expeditions has turned into a complete destruction that subsequently deviated from the true purpose and directed a imperialist goal. The biggest challenge against the Crusaders was given by the Turkish state and principalities in the region. Especially the first one on the Islamic world, the fourt on the eastern Christians continued for two centuries of the Crusades that has caused huge devastation. Crusades led significantly destruction and power less in the Islamic World. It has become a profitable shape that For the western world to get rid of the internal problems as well as learned a lot about science and technology from the Muslims and as moved to the West.
The large-scale military intervention was called the Crusades that turning to the Islamic world in the 11th century and after considered as sacred to three religions that Kudüs was conquered by Muslim. These expeditions were initiated European political, social and religious problems to find solutions in that period that though apparently for the purpose of recovering Jerusalem. It was especially used as a sheath for power struggle and sectarian conflicts between Cristians. These expeditions has turned into a complete destruction that subsequently deviated from the true purpose and directed a imperialist goal. The biggest challenge against the Crusaders was given by the Turkish state and principalities in the region. Especially the first one on the Islamic world, the fourt on the eastern Christians continued for two centuries of the Crusades that has caused huge devastation. Crusades led significantly destruction and power less in the Islamic World. It has become a profitable shape that For the western world to get rid of the internal problems as well as learned a lot about science and technology from the Muslims and as moved to the West.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Haçlılar, Selçuklular, Kudüs, Malazgirt, The Crusaders, Seljuks, Jerusalem, Manzikert
Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
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