Tarımda sözleşmeli üretim modeli
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Uygulanmaya başlaması oldukça eskiye dayanmakla beraber, özellikle 1990'h yıllarda yaygınlaşmaya başlayan "sözleşmeli üretim modeli" önemli farklılıklar göstermektedir. Geçmişte şeker pancarı üretimi ile tarımsal üretimde önemli yer tutan model, günümüzde sanayi tipi tarım ürünlerinin önemli bir kısmında uygulanır hale gelmiştir. Ancak, kamu kesiminin de dahil olduğu bu model, günümüzde yerini hiçbir yasal dayanağı olmayan tek taraflı, sadece üretici firmaların koşulları belirlediği sözleşmelerle yapılan bir uygulamaya bırakmıştır. Modelde kamu ayağı tamamen devre dışı kalmış ve küçük çiftçi ile büyük tarım işletmelerinin taraf olduğu bir yapıya dönüşmüştür. Bu yapı değişikliği, bir yandan küçük çiftçinin mağduriyetine yol açarken, diğer yandan makro çerçevede tarımsal üretimde planlamanın önünü kesen özellikler taşımaktadır. Çalışmada bu olumsuzluklar üzerinde durulmaktadır.
Although it has been a long time since the start of its implementation, "contractual agricultural production model" which especially began to spread in nineties, has crucial differences than other contractual agricultural production models. In the past, it had a large share in production with its application to sugar beet production. Today, the model has its applications in a large part of the industrial type agricultural products. In the beginning, this model included the public sector participation. Nowadays, the initial model has been replaced by a practice based on private contracts that have no legal foundation at all. In the transformed model, the public sector is excluded and the model is transformed into a structure in which the main sides are small farmers and big agricultural enterprises. This structural transformation resulted in both the unjust treatment of small farmers and obstacles to the planning of agricultural production at macro level. This study aims at emphasizing the negative aspects that are created by the contractual agricultural production model.
Although it has been a long time since the start of its implementation, "contractual agricultural production model" which especially began to spread in nineties, has crucial differences than other contractual agricultural production models. In the past, it had a large share in production with its application to sugar beet production. Today, the model has its applications in a large part of the industrial type agricultural products. In the beginning, this model included the public sector participation. Nowadays, the initial model has been replaced by a practice based on private contracts that have no legal foundation at all. In the transformed model, the public sector is excluded and the model is transformed into a structure in which the main sides are small farmers and big agricultural enterprises. This structural transformation resulted in both the unjust treatment of small farmers and obstacles to the planning of agricultural production at macro level. This study aims at emphasizing the negative aspects that are created by the contractual agricultural production model.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sözleşmeli Üretim Modeli, Tarımsal Üretim Planlaması, Contractual Agricultural Production Model, Agricultural Production Planning
Ekonomik Yaklaşım
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