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Yeşil Yaprak dergisi, Bolu Muallimler Birliği tarafından 1 Aralık 1925 ile 31 Mayıs 1926 yılları arasında, toplam 13 sayı olarak yayımlanmıştır. Altın Yaprak Dergisi'nin devamı niteliğini taşıyan dergi hakkında henüz akademik bir çalışma yapılmamıştır. Dergide Bolu ilinin eğitim-öğretim uygulamaları ile yörenin sosyal ve kültürel hayatına ilişkin bilgiler ve haberler yer almaktadır. Derginin yazar kadrosu, Bolu Muallimler Birliği üyesi öğretmenler, imtiyaz sahibi ve aynı zamanda Bolu Maarif Müdürü İbrahim Fehmi Bey, derginin mesul müdürü daha önce de çeşitli dergiler çıkartmış olan Agâh Tuğrul Bey'den oluşmaktadır Bu araştırmada Yeşil Yaprak dergisinin tüm sayıları gözden geçirilerek dergide çıkan yazı ve haberler incelenerek, derginin yazar kadrosu, yayın ilkeleri ve politikası hakkında veriler değerlendirilmiştir. Bolu'nun eğitim tarihine ait bilgilerin yanı sıra Cumhuriyet'in ilk yıllarında yürütülen eğitim uygulamaları da dergide yer alan haberler çerçevesinde aktarılmıştır. Milli Kütüphane ve Beyazıt Kütüphanesi'nde yer alan Hakkı Tarık Us koleksiyonundan dijital nüshalar temin edilerek yapılan çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır
Yeşil Yaprak Magazine, comprising 13 issues in total, was published by Bolu Teachers Association between December 1, 1925 and May 31 1926. As of today, there are no academic studies about this magazine which was published as the continuation of Altın Yaprak (Golden Leaf) Magazine. The magazine included information and news related to the educational practices implemented in Bolu and the social and cultural life of the region. Editorial staff of the magazine was composed of teachers who were the members of Bolu Teachers Association, İbrahim Fehmi Bey, the publisher and also Bolu Director of Education and Agâh Tuğrul Bey, the responsible manager of the magazine who had previous experience in publication. This study explored the editorial staff, publication guidelines and policy by reviewing all the published issues of the Yeşil Yaprak Magazine and examining the articles and news. In addition to information on the history of education in Bolu, the magazine reported educational practices implemented during the first years of the Republic in the context of the news included in the magazine. The study, based on examining the digital copies of the magazine obtained from the National Library and Beyazıt State Library for research, utilized a qualitative method
Yeşil Yaprak Magazine, comprising 13 issues in total, was published by Bolu Teachers Association between December 1, 1925 and May 31 1926. As of today, there are no academic studies about this magazine which was published as the continuation of Altın Yaprak (Golden Leaf) Magazine. The magazine included information and news related to the educational practices implemented in Bolu and the social and cultural life of the region. Editorial staff of the magazine was composed of teachers who were the members of Bolu Teachers Association, İbrahim Fehmi Bey, the publisher and also Bolu Director of Education and Agâh Tuğrul Bey, the responsible manager of the magazine who had previous experience in publication. This study explored the editorial staff, publication guidelines and policy by reviewing all the published issues of the Yeşil Yaprak Magazine and examining the articles and news. In addition to information on the history of education in Bolu, the magazine reported educational practices implemented during the first years of the Republic in the context of the news included in the magazine. The study, based on examining the digital copies of the magazine obtained from the National Library and Beyazıt State Library for research, utilized a qualitative method
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