Türkiye’de liberalizm: Bir eklemlenme ideolojisi
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Bu çalışmada, liberalizm, bir çevre ülkesinin egemen sınıflarının kapitalist dünya sistemine eklemlenme projelerinden biri olarak kavramsallaştırılmış, Osmanlı’dan günümüze bu projenin sürekliliği ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Yaygın kanının aksine, liberalizm, Osmanlı-Türkiye modernleşme sürecinde zayıf bir ideoloji olmamış, egemen sınıflar açısından her zaman önemli bir nitelik taşımıştır. Dünya sistemine, uluslararası işbölümünün doğasına uygun bir şekilde, yani serbest ticaret yoluyla eklemlenme anlamında liberalizm, 19. Yüzyıldan bu yana bir süreklilik, bu işbölümüne aykırılık teşkil eden planlamacılık, devletçilik vb. gibi uygulamalar ise bir arızilik teşkil eder. Liberalizme böyle bakmak, Türkiye’yi devlet-toplum ya da merkez-çevre gibi ikilikler üzerinden okuyan liberal-muhafazakar paradigmanın eleştirilmesi anlamına gelmektedir. Çalışma, bu eleştiri için bir dayanak noktası sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.
In this essay, liberalism is conceptualized as one of the articulation projects of a peripheral country‘s dominant classes into the capitalist world-system. I seek to show the continuity of this project from the late Ottoman period until today. Contrary to popular belief, liberalism has not been a weak ideology, but it has always been important for the dominant classes throughout the Ottoman-Turkish modernization process. Liberal- ism, in the sense of being articulated into the world-system via free trade in accordance with the character of international division of labour, dis- plays continuity from the 19th century to the present. Policies such as planning and state control which in contradiction with international divi- sion of labour are incidental in the process of incorporation into the world-system. Reading liberalism from this perspective means criticizing the liberal-conservative paradigm that explains history and political sys- tem of Turkey by using dichotomies such as state-society or center- periphery. This study aims to form a mainstay for that criticism.
In this essay, liberalism is conceptualized as one of the articulation projects of a peripheral country‘s dominant classes into the capitalist world-system. I seek to show the continuity of this project from the late Ottoman period until today. Contrary to popular belief, liberalism has not been a weak ideology, but it has always been important for the dominant classes throughout the Ottoman-Turkish modernization process. Liberal- ism, in the sense of being articulated into the world-system via free trade in accordance with the character of international division of labour, dis- plays continuity from the 19th century to the present. Policies such as planning and state control which in contradiction with international divi- sion of labour are incidental in the process of incorporation into the world-system. Reading liberalism from this perspective means criticizing the liberal-conservative paradigm that explains history and political sys- tem of Turkey by using dichotomies such as state-society or center- periphery. This study aims to form a mainstay for that criticism.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Liberalizm, Güçlü Devlet Geleneği, Eklemlenme Projeleri, Uluslararası İşbölümü, Otoriter Devletçilik
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