2000-2005 yılları arasında Düzce Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalına başvuran cinsel saldırı olgularının muayene süreçlerinin değerlendirilmesi
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2000 - 2005 yılları arasında Düzce Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı’na cinsel saldırı iddiası ile başvuran olgular retrospektif olarak incelendi. Toplam 53 olgunun 44’ ünün ( %83,1) kadın olduğu saptandı. Mağdurların 03-39 (ortalama 17,11 ± 6,74) yaş arasında, saldırganların ise 17-56 (ortalama 27,09 ± 11,24) yaş aralığında bulunduğu görüldü. %47,2 olgu bir kez cinsel saldırıya maruz kaldığını belirtirken, %39,6 olgu cinsel saldırının 5’den fazla sayıda gerçekleştiğini beyan etmişti. Saldırganlardan 23’ü (%43,4) tanıdık, 7’si (%13,2) daha önceki sevgili, 4’ü (%7,5) baba ve 4’ü (%7,5) yakın erkek akraba olup, 6 (%11,3) olgu eşleri tarafından istemedikleri şekilde cinsel ilişkiye zorlandıklarını belirtmişlerdi. Olguların 34 (%64,15)’ünün ilk başvuru yeri Cumhuriyet Savcılığı olup, sadece 2 (%3,77) olgu ilk olarak hastaneye başvurmuştu. Mağdurların 11’i (%20,8) ilk 24 saat, 4’ü (% 5,7) ilk 72 saat içinde şikayetleri sonucu ilk muayeneye alınmışlardı. 7 olguda “Akut Stres Bozukluğu” ve olaydan 6 ay sonra yeniden muayeneye gönderilen 10 olguda “Trav-ma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu” (TSSB) tanısı konmuş, 6 olguda aşağı debilite düzeyinde zeka geriliği saptanmıştı.
The claims of sexual assault that were presented to Düzce Medical Faculty Department of Forensic Medicine between the years 2000-2005 were examined retrospectively. All of the 53 cases 44 were female (83.1%). The age of the victims was between 03-39 years (mean 17.11 ± 6.74), the age of the perpetrators was between 17-56 years (mean 27.09 ± 11.24). Although 47.2% of the cases were exposed to one sexual assault, 39.6% claimed they had had sexual intercourse with the attacker more than five times. Perpetrators were 23 843.4) acquaintance, 7 (13.2%) ex lover, 4 (7.5%) victim’s own fathers, 4 (7.5%) relatives, 7 (11.64%) strangers. First application were done attorney generalship at 34 (64.15%) event, and at only 2 (3.77%) event were done hospitals. First examination for victims were done in 24 hours at 11 ( 20.8%) events, and at 4 (5.7%) events first examination were done in first 72 hours. At 7 events were determined acute stress disorder and 10 events were determined post traumatic stress disorder who were examined 6 mounts later than assaults.
The claims of sexual assault that were presented to Düzce Medical Faculty Department of Forensic Medicine between the years 2000-2005 were examined retrospectively. All of the 53 cases 44 were female (83.1%). The age of the victims was between 03-39 years (mean 17.11 ± 6.74), the age of the perpetrators was between 17-56 years (mean 27.09 ± 11.24). Although 47.2% of the cases were exposed to one sexual assault, 39.6% claimed they had had sexual intercourse with the attacker more than five times. Perpetrators were 23 843.4) acquaintance, 7 (13.2%) ex lover, 4 (7.5%) victim’s own fathers, 4 (7.5%) relatives, 7 (11.64%) strangers. First application were done attorney generalship at 34 (64.15%) event, and at only 2 (3.77%) event were done hospitals. First examination for victims were done in 24 hours at 11 ( 20.8%) events, and at 4 (5.7%) events first examination were done in first 72 hours. At 7 events were determined acute stress disorder and 10 events were determined post traumatic stress disorder who were examined 6 mounts later than assaults.
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