"Onurlu giriş"ten "Akdeniz ortaklığı"na: Bir Avrupa Birliği öyküsü
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Avrupa bütünleşme hareketi, İkinci Paylaşım Savaşı sonrası dönemin ve Keynesci Refah Devleti koşullarının bir ürünüdür. ABD – SSCB ikili geriliminde varolan kapitalizm – komünizm rekabeti, kapitalist kampta sosyal devlet uygulamalarını adeta zorunlu kılmış, AET SSCB’ye yönelik karantina kuşağının Avrupa’daki en önemli yapı taşını oluşturmuştur. Ancak dünyada neoliberal iktisadi yapının yaygınlaşması ve Berlin duvarının yıkılması sonrasında, bu temel dönüşüme duyarlı bir siyasal – ekonomik model arayışı AB için öncelikli hedef niteliğine dönüşmüştür. Maastricht ile sağlanan bu dönüşüm kapsamında AB, merkezi Avrupa’nın bütünleşmesinin 1995’te tamamlanmasından sonra, merkez- çevre kurgusuna yönelik katmanlı bir eklemleme politikasını, genişleme stratejisinin odağına yerleştirmiştir. Ancak bu neolibaral yapı, Avrupa halkları tarafından geniş oranda kabul görmemektedir. Avrupa Anayasası’nın Fransa ve Hollanda referandumlarıyla reddedilmesinin ardından, benzer bir içerikle oluşturulan Lizbon Anlaşması bu kez halkoyuna sunulmaksızın üye ülke Parlamentolarından geçirilmiş, referandumun yapıldığı tek ülke olan İrlanda’da ise bir kez daha reddedilmiştir. Buna karşılık, kendi dışındaki bu gelişmelerden doğrudan etkilenen Türkiye, 45 yıllık Ankara Anlaşması’nın varlığına rağmen, Müzakere Çerçeve Belgesi’nde yazılan “mümkün olan en güçlü bağla Avrupa yapılarına demirleme” seçeneğine zorlanarak tam üyelik ekseninden uzaklaştırılmaktadır. Fransa’nın önderliğinde geliştirilen “Akdeniz İçin Birlik Projesi”, bu yaklaşımın siyasal bir sonuca taşınması açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır.
The European unification movement is a result of a Welfare State condition of Keynes following the II World War. The competition between capitalism and communism during the tension between US and USSR, made almost necessary the implementations of social state at the capitalist camp, and the EEC has been the most concrete stone of the cordon sanitaire against the USSR. But following the enlargement of the neoliberal economic structure and the fall of the Berlin Wall, a search of political-economic model which is convenient with this evolution has become a priority objective for EU. In this evolution provided with the Maastricht Agreement, EU, following the completion of the unification of the Central Europe at 1995, has put an idea of a stratified linkage policy aiming a center- periphery fi ction, at the hearts of its enlargement strategy. However this neoliberal structure did not have wide support of European populations. Following the refusal of the European Constitution at the referendums in France and Netherlands, the Lisbon Treaty prepared almost with the same ingredients has been ratified at the parliaments without the vote of people however has been refused in Ireland; the only referendum had country, once again. On the contrary, Turkey that is affected highly from these developments, regardless the existence of Ankara Agreement of 45 years is being pushed out of the full membership objective with the sentence at the Negotiations Framework “anchoring strongly to the European structures”. This idea under the leadership of France of “Union for Mediterranean” is tremendously important in this sens of carrying this idea towards a political result.
The European unification movement is a result of a Welfare State condition of Keynes following the II World War. The competition between capitalism and communism during the tension between US and USSR, made almost necessary the implementations of social state at the capitalist camp, and the EEC has been the most concrete stone of the cordon sanitaire against the USSR. But following the enlargement of the neoliberal economic structure and the fall of the Berlin Wall, a search of political-economic model which is convenient with this evolution has become a priority objective for EU. In this evolution provided with the Maastricht Agreement, EU, following the completion of the unification of the Central Europe at 1995, has put an idea of a stratified linkage policy aiming a center- periphery fi ction, at the hearts of its enlargement strategy. However this neoliberal structure did not have wide support of European populations. Following the refusal of the European Constitution at the referendums in France and Netherlands, the Lisbon Treaty prepared almost with the same ingredients has been ratified at the parliaments without the vote of people however has been refused in Ireland; the only referendum had country, once again. On the contrary, Turkey that is affected highly from these developments, regardless the existence of Ankara Agreement of 45 years is being pushed out of the full membership objective with the sentence at the Negotiations Framework “anchoring strongly to the European structures”. This idea under the leadership of France of “Union for Mediterranean” is tremendously important in this sens of carrying this idea towards a political result.
Anahtar Kelimeler
A La Carte Avrupa, Müzakere Çerçeve Belgesi, Avrupa Anayasası, Akdeniz Ortaklığı, Genişleme
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