Sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinin sosyal katılıma ilişkin görüşleri
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Sosyal katılım, toplum hizmeti olarak, bağımsız ya da bir grubun üyesi olarak gönüllü hizmet faaliyetlerine katılma, burada aktif olarak tek başına ya da başkaları ile uyum içinde çalışmadır. Kollektif bir eylem olarak, insanların bir araya gelerek vatandaşlık rollerini yerine getirebilecekleri aktivitelere katılmalarıdır. Siyasi bir eylem olarak, siyasi süreçte sorunların çözümünde yurttaş katılımıdır. Sosyal değişim olarak, toplumun geleceğinin şekillendirilmesine yardımcı olacak katılım şeklidir. Sosyal bilgiler dersi açısından da önemli bir beceri olan sosyal katılım, vatandaşlık boyutu açısından önemlidir. Araştırmanın amacı, Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmenlerinin sosyal katılıma ilişkin görüşlerini incelemektir.Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmenlerinin görüşlerinin belirlenmesinde nitel araştırma modeli kullanılarak veriler toplanmış ve verilerin analizinde ise betimsel analizden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 30 Sosyal bilgiler öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Verilerin elde edilmesinde görüşme tekniği kullanılarak, araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formundan yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre, sosyal bilgiler öğretmenleri sosyal katılımı toplumsal sorunların çözümüne katkı sağlama olarak tanımlarken; katılım haklarında, en fazla seçme-seçilme ve düşünce-ifade özgürlüğü belirtilmiştir. Sosyal Bilgiler dersi açısından önemini aktif ve duyarlı vatandaşlar yetiştirmek olarak vurgularken, programın bilgi düzeyinde yeterli olduğu ancak etkinlik açısından yetersizliği belirtilmiştir. Öğretmenler, sosyal katılımı daha çok gönüllülük ve medya aracığı ile gerçekleştirirken; sosyal katılımı gerçekleştirmede zaman yetersizliği, konu yoğunluğu, bilgi eksikliği, ekonomik nedenler, prosedür, aile ve yaşcinsiyet faktörleri karşılaşılan sorunlar olarak belirtilmiştir
Social service is considered as participation in volunteer service activities either individually or being member of a group and to work in these services in person actively or with others in harmony. It is participating activities collectively in which individuals can fulfill their citizenship obligations as a collective action. As a political action, it can be considered as participation of citizens into solutions of problems in the political system. Social change is way of participation to contribute into outlining future of society. Social participation, an important skill for social sciences course, is essential for citizenship aspect. Purpose of the present study is opinions of Social Sciences teachers regarding social participation. Utilizing from qualitative research approach in determination of opinions of Social Sciences teachers, the relevant data was collected; and then, descriptive analysis method was utilized in analysis of collected data. Study group is consisted of 30 Social Sciences teachers. In acquisition of data, semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher was used. According to study findings, whereas social sciences teachers describe social participation as contribution into resolution of social problems, in terms of participation rights, right to elect and be elected and freedoms of taught and expression were reported as the ones most referred. Whereas purpose of Social Sciences course was indicated as raising active and sensitive citizens, it was reported that the program was sufficient in terms of theoretical aspect but not satisfactory in terms of activities. While teachers realize social participation mostly through volunteer-based and media, the prominent problems encountered during social participation were reported as lack of sufficient time, intensity of course content, lack of knowledge, economic disadvantages, procedures, family-age-gender factors.
Social service is considered as participation in volunteer service activities either individually or being member of a group and to work in these services in person actively or with others in harmony. It is participating activities collectively in which individuals can fulfill their citizenship obligations as a collective action. As a political action, it can be considered as participation of citizens into solutions of problems in the political system. Social change is way of participation to contribute into outlining future of society. Social participation, an important skill for social sciences course, is essential for citizenship aspect. Purpose of the present study is opinions of Social Sciences teachers regarding social participation. Utilizing from qualitative research approach in determination of opinions of Social Sciences teachers, the relevant data was collected; and then, descriptive analysis method was utilized in analysis of collected data. Study group is consisted of 30 Social Sciences teachers. In acquisition of data, semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher was used. According to study findings, whereas social sciences teachers describe social participation as contribution into resolution of social problems, in terms of participation rights, right to elect and be elected and freedoms of taught and expression were reported as the ones most referred. Whereas purpose of Social Sciences course was indicated as raising active and sensitive citizens, it was reported that the program was sufficient in terms of theoretical aspect but not satisfactory in terms of activities. While teachers realize social participation mostly through volunteer-based and media, the prominent problems encountered during social participation were reported as lack of sufficient time, intensity of course content, lack of knowledge, economic disadvantages, procedures, family-age-gender factors.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyal Katılım, Sosyal Bilgiler, Öğretmen, Social Participation, Social Sciences, Teacher
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri