Türkiye’de yayınlanan yetişkin eğitimine ilişkin makalelerin meta değerlendirmesi
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bilimsel araştırmada bulunması gereken temel unsurlar bağlamında meta değerlendirmesini amaçlamaktadır. Bu temel amaç doğrultusunda araştırma- inceleme türünde hazırlanmış 49 makale giriş, yöntem, bulgular, sonuç ve öneriler başlıkları altında değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmanın yöntemi nitel araştırmalarda kullanılan doküman incelemedir. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde nitel analiz tekniklerinden, betimsel analiz tekniği kullanılmış, geliştirilen “makale değerlendirme formu” kullanılarak makaleler değerlendirilmiş, veriler frekans/ yüzde değerleri ile ifade edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda genellikle, yetişkin eğitimine yönelik yazılmış makalelerin paradigmatik olarak nicel araştırmalardan oluştuğu ve bu araştırmaların betimsel tarama türünde desenlendiği görülmüştür. Ayrıca veri toplama aracı olarak çoğunlukla anket/ölçek kullanıldığı; veri analiz tekniklerinden frekans, yüzde, ortalama, t-testi, Ki kare ve ANOVA’nın sıklıkla tercih edildiği, ileri analiz tekniklerinin ise çok az sayıda kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir.
This article aims the meta-evaluation of the articles published in Turkey with regards to the field of “adult education” in terms of the essential elements required to be present in a scientific study. In line with this aim, 49 articles written in the form of research-investigation have been evaluated under the headings of ‘introduction’, ‘method’, ‘findings’, ‘conclusion’ and ‘suggestions’. The method of the research is document review, which is used in qualitative studies. The data obtained has been analyzed by using the descriptive analysis technique, which is a qualitative analysis technique; the articles have been evaluated by the “article evaluation form” developed for this purpose; and the data has been presented by frequency/percentage values. It was seen at the end of the research that, in general, the articles written on the subject of adult education paradigmatically comprised qualitative researches and that these researches had been patterned in the form of a descriptive screening type of research. It was also determined by means of the present study that the survey/scale had been used as the data collection tool in most of these studies; that the frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, Chi-square and ANOVA had been preferred as the data analysis techniques; and that the advances analysis techniques had been used very rarely.
This article aims the meta-evaluation of the articles published in Turkey with regards to the field of “adult education” in terms of the essential elements required to be present in a scientific study. In line with this aim, 49 articles written in the form of research-investigation have been evaluated under the headings of ‘introduction’, ‘method’, ‘findings’, ‘conclusion’ and ‘suggestions’. The method of the research is document review, which is used in qualitative studies. The data obtained has been analyzed by using the descriptive analysis technique, which is a qualitative analysis technique; the articles have been evaluated by the “article evaluation form” developed for this purpose; and the data has been presented by frequency/percentage values. It was seen at the end of the research that, in general, the articles written on the subject of adult education paradigmatically comprised qualitative researches and that these researches had been patterned in the form of a descriptive screening type of research. It was also determined by means of the present study that the survey/scale had been used as the data collection tool in most of these studies; that the frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, Chi-square and ANOVA had been preferred as the data analysis techniques; and that the advances analysis techniques had been used very rarely.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yetişkin Eğitimi, Bilimsel Araştırma Süreci, Meta Değerlendirme, Adult Education, Research Process, Meta-Evaluation
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