Toksik multinodüler guatr'da cerrahi tedavinin solunum fonksiyonları üzerine etkisi
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Bu çalışmada cerrahi tedavi uygulanan toksik multinodüler guatr'lı hastalarda cerrahi tedavinin solunum fonksiyonları üzerindeki etkileri incelendi. Toksik multinodüler guatr nedeniyle cerrahi tedavi endikasyonu konan hastalarda cerrahi tedavi ile solunum fonksiyon testleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek için prospektif bir çalışma planlandı. Hastaların ameliyat öncesi ve ameliyattan bir ay sonra tiroid volümü, boyun çevresi ölçümleri ve solunum fonksiyon testleri yapıldı. Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası değerler karşılaştırıldı. Hastaların 21'i kadın, 9'u erkek olup yaş ortalamaları 44 idi. Ameliyat öncesi tiroid Ultrasonografisi (TUSC) ile yapılan tiroid volüm ölçümü 51.8 mL, boyun çevresi ölçümü 36.1 cm, solunum fonksiyon testi hava yolu obstrüksiyonunu gösteren FEV1, FVC, FEF25-75, FIVC, PIFR değerleri sırası ile 2.47 Lt, 2.71 U, 3.02 U, 2.95 U, 4.04 U bulundu. Ameliyat sonrası tiroid volüm ölçümü 8.5 mL, boyun çevresi ortalaması 35 cm, FEV1, FVC, FEF25-75, FIVC, PIFR değerleri sırası ile 2.48 Lt, 2.42 Lt, 2.55 Lt, 2.60 Lt, 3.34 Lt olarak teshil edildi. Sonuç olarak toksik multinodüler guatr nedeniyle cerrahi tedavi uygulanan hastaların tiroid volümünde küçülme saptanmasına rağmen, boyun çapı ölçümü ve ameliyat sonrası solunum fonksiyon testlerinde ameliyat öncesine göre anlamlı bir değişiklik görülmemiştir.
Current study was planned to investigate the effect of surgical therapy on respiratory functions in toxic multinoduler goitre patients. In this prospective study, the patients were evaluated by respiratory function tests, thyroid volume and neck circumference that was measured preoperatively and on postoperative first month. Both results were compared statistically. Twenty-one of patients were female and nine were male. Mean age was 44 years old. Preoperative mean thyroid volume and cervical circumference were 51.8 mL, and 36.1 cm respectively. Postoperative thyroid volume and cervical circumference were 8.5 mL and 35.1 cm respectively. Preoperative FEV1, FVC, FEF25-75, FIVc, PIFR values were 2.47 Lt, 2.71 Lt, 3.02 Lt, 2.95 Lt, 4.04 Lt respectively. Postoperative FEV1, FVC, FEF25-75, FIVc, PIFR values were 2.48 Lt, 2.42 Lt, 2.55 Lt, 2.60 Lt, 3.34 Lt, 3.34 Lt respectively. There were no significant difference between two groups regarding all these parameters. As a result although thyroid volume were reduced in patients who were operated for toxic multinodüler goitre, there were no significant difference between preoperative and postoperative cervical circumference and respiratory functions.
Current study was planned to investigate the effect of surgical therapy on respiratory functions in toxic multinoduler goitre patients. In this prospective study, the patients were evaluated by respiratory function tests, thyroid volume and neck circumference that was measured preoperatively and on postoperative first month. Both results were compared statistically. Twenty-one of patients were female and nine were male. Mean age was 44 years old. Preoperative mean thyroid volume and cervical circumference were 51.8 mL, and 36.1 cm respectively. Postoperative thyroid volume and cervical circumference were 8.5 mL and 35.1 cm respectively. Preoperative FEV1, FVC, FEF25-75, FIVc, PIFR values were 2.47 Lt, 2.71 Lt, 3.02 Lt, 2.95 Lt, 4.04 Lt respectively. Postoperative FEV1, FVC, FEF25-75, FIVc, PIFR values were 2.48 Lt, 2.42 Lt, 2.55 Lt, 2.60 Lt, 3.34 Lt, 3.34 Lt respectively. There were no significant difference between two groups regarding all these parameters. As a result although thyroid volume were reduced in patients who were operated for toxic multinodüler goitre, there were no significant difference between preoperative and postoperative cervical circumference and respiratory functions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çağdaş Cerrahi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri