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Öğe Innovation, employment and market structure: Firm level evidence from Turkey(Physica-Verlag Gmbh & Co, 2023) Dalgıç, Başak; Fazlıoğlu, Burcu; Güven, AytekinThis paper aims to examine the impact of innovation activities on employment for Turkish manufacturing industry with a special focus on market structures. We utilize an endogenous switching technique which accounts for selection bias issues and endogeneity. We show that there exist employment gains from product innovations only for firms operating in highly concentrated sectors, whereas we cannot find evidence for low concentration sectors. Our results point out a negative association between process innovation and employment only for firms operating in high concentration sectors.Öğe How housing conditions affect health: findings from the Turkish National household panel survey(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2023) Çakmak, Işıl Şirin Selçuk; Köktaş, Altuğ Murat; İpek, EgemenHousing is an important expression of prosperity for a society and a determinant of health and well-being. Despite the fact that the housing industry, which has faced rapid transformation and growth in Turkey since the 2000s, has made many people homeowners, being a homeowner alone does not ensure the subjective well-being of individuals. The conditions of individuals' houses are also significant for their well-being. Accordingly, the Survey on Income and Living Conditions covering the years 2014-2017 was used to determine whether inequalities in housing conditions are linked to health problems among households. An index that measures the housing conditions of 5,549 households was devised and its effects on self-rated health, along with other socioeconomic indicators, were examined using a random-effects ordered logistic model. The findings indicate that the quality of housing enhances self-rated health in Turkey. More specifically, improved housing conditions tend to increase the likelihood of individuals being healthier. As the results show that inequality in housing conditions has a significant effect on general health, alongside education, gender, and marital status, housing policies should not only focus on the affordability of housing but should also take social welfare indicators into account.Öğe The change dynamic of the political economy after the global crisis: The new state capitalism(Sosyoekonomi Soc, 2020) Dinar, Gülenay Baş; Durusoy, SerapThe current discussions on state capitalism are focused on whether post-crisis state capitalism practices can be a solution for the capitalism crisis. However, considering the change the concept of state capitalism has been through in time, it is important to study its relationship with the policies that emerged after the global crisis and led to new phase called "the new state capitalism". Within this framework, the object of this study is to review post-global crisis state intervention practices by taking into consideration the change state capitalism went through history and to analyse how these practices impact global capitalism. To this end, this study is divided into two sections: The first section will look at state capitalism from a historical perspective and tackle its differences from today's state capitalism practices. The second section will tackle the new state capitalism practices and their possible outcomes.Öğe An applied study on women's poverty in Turkey in the context of the capability approach(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2020) Topuz, Senem Kurt; Erkanlı, HülyaPurpose The purpose of this study is to present a detailed picture of the poverty conditions of women in Turkey in the context of the capability approach. In other words, it is to analyze their perception of how much women in Turkey can benefit from economic opportunities, political freedoms and social opportunities and to what degree they can have protective security services and transparency assurance. Design/methodology/approach The field study was conducted in seven cities across Turkey with 741 women. Data from the field study were gathered by using the survey method. A 5-point Likert scale that was developed by the researchers and comprised of 39 statements. Findings According to the scale means of the instrumental freedoms obtained from the survey study, it cannot be claimed that women in Turkey have a completely negative perception of all of the instrumental freedoms. However, if the instrumental freedoms are compared to each other, it is seen that the participants have different perceptions of these instrumental freedoms. Originality/value This study basically discusses the issues of women's poverty and freedom in Turkey. In this context, the capability approach by Amartya Sen and capability deprivation; in other words, "being deprived of capabilities", that is prominent in this approach form the basis of the study. The issue of women's poverty in Turkey is dealt with through deprivations in this study in contrast to the poverty conceptualizations through the individuals' income or expenditure levels.Öğe Türkiye’de enflasyon ve faizin eşitsizlik üzerine etkisi(Ilem, 2020) Yıldırım, CengizhanEşitsizlik, toplumsal refahın dağılımında adaletsizliği belirlediğinden eşitsizliğin detaylı analiz edilmesi ve eşitsizliğe etki eden faktörlerin ortaya konulması önem arz etmektedir. GSYH’nin oluşumu kadar nasıl bölüştürüldüğü de bir ülke ekonomi açısından oldukça önemli bir konudur. Türkiye uzun yıllardır enflasyon sorunu ile mücadele etmektedir ve dış ticaret açığı, bütçe açığı ve tasarruf açığı üçlüsü, ekonomiyi kırılgan hâle getirmektedir. Cumhuriyet tarihi boyunca fiyat istikrarının sağlandığı yıllar istisnadır. Üçüz açığın doğurduğu borç sorunu dönem dönem krizlerin ortaya çıkmasına neden olmakla beraber önemli bir miktarda parasal kaynağın el değiştirmesine de sebep olmaktadır. Türkiye iktisadi büyümesini ancak yüksek faizle gelen yabancı sermaye ile gerçekleştirmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; Türkiye’de enflasyon ve faiz oranları ile eşitsizlik arasında bir ilişkinin olup olmadığını belirlemektir. Yöntem olarak VAR analizi kullanılmıştır. Enflasyon verileri Dünya Bankası veri tabanından, eşitsizliği temsilen Gini verileri Solt’tan (2019), faiz verileri Louis Federal Rezerv Bank’tan elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre Gini katsayısı ve enflasyon ile reel faiz arasında güçlü bir ilişki olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.Öğe Wage inequality and wage mobility in Turkey(Springer, 2019) Tansel, Ayşit; Dalgıç, Başak; Güven, AytekinThis paper investigates wage inequality and wage mobility in Turkey using the surveys on income and living conditions. Providing the first evidence on wage mobility for Turkey, our paper also differs from the existing literature by investigating wage inequality and wage mobility over various socio-economic groups. We first present an overview of wage inequality over the period 2005-2011. Next, we compute several measures of wage mobility and explore the link between wage inequality and wage mobility. Further, emphasizing positional mobility, we compute transition matrices and investigate the determinants of transition probabilities. The results show that, overall, wage inequality exhibits a slight increase over the analysis period. Wage mobility in Turkey is lower than what is observed in European Union countries although it increases as the time horizon expands. Wage mobility has an equalizing impact on wage distribution; however, this impact is not substantial enough to overcome the high and persistent wage inequality in Turkey.Öğe A panel data analysis for European NUTS 2 regions(Edusoft Publishing, 2019) Konur, FatihThe purpose of this study is to examine the relationship for gross value added, employment, gross fixed capital formation and patent applications using data from the period of 1995-2012 of 78 European Union NUTS 2 regions. This study uses Panel Unit Root Tests and Westerlund Panel Cointegration tests. Empirical results show that Westerlund test, which ignores the cross-sectional dependence, indicates the long-term relationship for all variables.Öğe Identifying relationship between macroeconomic and fiscal policy variables for EU countries and Turkey(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Temur, Yusuf; Çiçek, Halit; Eroğlu, İlhan; Erdem, CumhurFollowing the 2008 global financial crisis, the European Debt Crisis has affected the world economy more than any other event. The member states of the European Monetary Union have deviated from the Maastricht Convergence Criteria (MCC) and this has led to the European Debt Crisis. We have used the 2000 Q1-2011 Q4 data and multivariate time series and panel data analysis for determining the relationship among the variables that establish the MCC comprising inflation, burden of net public debt, interest rate, budget deficit and exchange rate. The vector autoregression model/vector error correction model results have showed that there is an interaction between the variables. However, the panel cointegration results have confirmed increases in budget deficits and interest rates will increase the burden of net public debt and inflation will decrease it.Öğe The effects of public risk factors, presence of bureaucracy and the formation of fixed capital on economic growth in the middle income countries(Maliye Bakanligi, 2017) Esener, Selçuk Çağrı; Biber, Ahmet Emre; Darıcı, BurakIn this study, the effects of both public risks and physical capital variables on growth of middle-income countries (MICs) were analysed. The annual data for 33 MICs including Turkey were examined by using static and dynamic panel data methods for the period between 1999-2014 and according to the results, it is found that both public risk indicators and physical capital variables have strong effects on growth. Hence, stability of government policies, foreign direct investment, gross fixed capital formation and ratio of exports to GDP have positive effects on growth. Contrary to the theoretical expectations but consistent with some literature, a decrease in the level of institutional strength and bureaucratic quality have favourable effects on growth in analysed economies.Öğe Research ethics education in economics(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016) Yalçıntaş, Altuğ; Selçuk, Işıl ŞirinIn this paper, we report the findings from the data we collected from a survey in order to measure how common research ethics education in economics is. We have found out that (1) research ethics is taught in only a very few economics departments around the globe; (2) topics related to research ethics are not taught in courses on economics and ethics; and (3) the number of papers published in specialised peer-reviewed journals on economics education is only a tiny fraction of the number of papers published in these journals. There has been no evidence in economics showing that economics departments have taken strong initiative on teaching research ethics to undergraduate and graduate students.Öğe Do rising class differentials in earnings increase productivity? evidence for non-production and production employees in US manufacturing industries(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2016) Güven, Aytekin; Sakamoto, ArthurQuantitative sociological research rarely investigates productivity but it is pertinent to the study of inequality and social stratification. In this analysis, we focus on the earnings differential between non production and production employees and evaluate the extent to which it has a net effect on productivity across U.S. manufacturing industries. Contrary to assumptions of traditional economics, the findings indicate that this earnings differential increased significantly since the 1980's but actually had a negative effect on productivity. There is also some evidence that this effect has become more negative in recent years. We interpret these findings as suggesting that, rather than inexorably enhancing economic efficiency, rising earnings differentials between non-production and production employees partly derive from changes in the relative bargaining power of these two class categories in the labor market. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Recent problem of global capitalism: rate of exchange wars(Elsevier Science Bv, 2015) Durusoy, Serap; Beyhan, ZeynepGlobalization has a vital role in economic, social and political modeling of the 20th century. Along with globalization, trading contracts, discounts in the applied tariffs and expanded trading networks have restored economics to a totalitarian structure. Favorable and unfavorable effects of this totalitarian structure, generated by rapidly expanding globalization, have revealed themselves in time. However, given the economic crises experienced in global economy during recent years, unfavorable and destructive effects of globalization are discussed a lot more. Hence, during the second quarter of 2007, the crisis, which started in the real estate market in USA and reflected in financial and real sectors, has folded into a global dimension and driven many EU countries to the brink of bankruptcy, particularly Greece, and this in turn has become the most prominent indication of destructive effects recently. Countries, especially USA, which experienced depression with the effect of the crisis, have been seeking solution for reinstating economic power in the centerline of protectionism. Indeed, a similar search was observed following 1929 Crisis and especially USA had increased protectionist measures following the crisis in its economy surrounded by high customs walls. These arrangements made in quota and tariffs in 1930s substantiate as interventions in the rate of exchange nowadays. Countries, which interfere in the rate of exchange and attempt to solve their economic problems by securing drop of their national currency against foreign currencies, influence exports of other countries and gain substantial power advantage. Thus, this war started years ago by China, one of the greatest economies in the world, was continued by USA due to 2008 Crisis and by Japan and China later on, and has carried the rate of exchange war appeal into the international agenda once again. However, USA, supporting the economy with dollars by purchasing bonds from the market starting in the first year the crisis emerged, announced a decrease in the bond program that was continued for five years by considering the improvement experienced in macroeconomic data by the end of 2013. Certainly this decrease would create unfavorable effects for economies struggling for financing the current deficit in developing countries specifically. Since the decrease in bond purchase would increase bond interests in USA, directing of capitals to USA market by foreign investors would affect countries unfavorably such as decrease in hot money flow in developing countries. In this study, the way the developed countries, for instance USA and Japan, referred to monetary expansion was scrutinized and the rate of exchange wars were examined, and negative effects of this policy on the economy of developing countries, especially in the economy of Turkey were studied, when decrease in monetary expansion was observed in USA in the macroeconomic data. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Öğe The analysis of intervention to ecological field by economic instruments in terms of the relationship between nature and accumulation(Türkiye Orta Doğu Amme İdaresi Enstitüsü, 2015) Uzunyayla, FerdaIn the face of the increasing dimension of ecological problems after 1970, the intervention to ecological field by the means of economics has begunin the framework of the preservation of nature argument. The roots of ecological problems have been explained through the concepts of economic field, such as externalities, the lack of market and private property rights and monetary value of the ecosystem services. Thus, the solution has been constructed based on economic logic, and it has been argued that the excessive use of ecological entities can be prevented determining their prices and establishing markets. For this purpose, different pricing methods have been developed; ecosystem services have been classified and thus, have been rendered exchangeable, and nature has been defined as 'natural capital', a new form of capital. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not the intervention to ecology by economic instruments produces a solution, and to analyze various social and natural consequences of this intervention.Öğe Wages, profitability and market structure: threshold regression analyses(Bilgesel Yayincilik San & Tic Ltd, 2013) Dalgıç, Başak; Güven, Aytekin; Yeni, OnurThis paper employs threshold regression techniques to examine the effect of product market structure on real wages and profitability. Using longitudinal data on Turkish manufacturing industries over the period of 1985-2001, we show that market concentration has positive effects on wages and profitability. The positive effect of market concentration on wages is only significant over a certain threshold level whereas, the positive effect of market concentration on profitability exists in both regimes determined by a lower threshold level of concentration but weakens over this threshold. Our results suggest that the imperfectly competitive structure of Turkish manufacturing industry offers more monopoly rent to employers than employees.Öğe Veblen's institutonal evolution theory in the context of the concepts of institution, instinct and habit(Ankara Haci Bayram Veli Univ, 2013) Dinar, Gülenay BaşThe concepts of instinct, institution, and habit constitute the foundation of Veblen's economic analysis. Veblen makes his evaluations on institutional evolution process over these concepts. This study analyzes the roles of these concepts in the theory of Veblen's institutional evolution, and argues that Veblen's theory brings a new perspective to the discussions in the literature on the role of the individual in the process of social and institutional evolution, especially to the approach called "New Economic Sociology".Öğe Factors affecting international tourism flows to Turkey: a gravity model approach(I P Publishing Ltd, 2010) Eryiğit, Mehmet; Kotil, Erdoğan; Eryiğit, ResulA gravity-based modelling effort is undertaken to analyse the factors affecting the numbers of international tourists visiting Turkey from the top 11 originating countries for 1995-2005. It is found that an eight-factor model (GDP per capita, tourism climate index, Population of the originating country, tourism price index, distance, earthquake, neighbouring country, September 11 terrorist attacks) can explain most of the data. The usual negative distance effect and the tourism climate index are found to be the most important indicators of the magnitude of tourism flows. An unexpected finding, however, is the relative insignificance of the Iraq War dummyÖğe Inheritance and Intergenerational Wealth Transmission in Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Kastamonu: an Empirical Investigation(Sage Publications Inc, 2009) Ergene, Boğaç A.; Berker, AliThis article investigates the relationship between inheritance and wealth in the context of eighteenth-century Ottoman Kastamonu. Based on the estate inventories of the deceased (sing. tereke) as recorded in Kastamonu court records (sicils), the article introduces a variety of quantitative techniques to measure the impact of Islamic inheritance practices on wealth accumulation across subsequent generations and to understand how it influenced wealth mobility among various socioeconomic groups. The estimations provided in this article suggest that while the inheritance practice in Kastamonu caused wealth fragmentation, the process also contributed to the durability of economic divisions within the provincial Ottoman society.Öğe The impact of aid on the fiscal behaviour of governments in transition economies(Slovak Academic Press Ltd, 2009) Erden, Lütfi; Güven, AytekinThis study contributes to the aid-effectiveness literature by applying a fiscal response model to a panel of 24 transition nations over the periods 1990 - 2005. The study employs various dynamic panel estimation methods in an effort to analyze the impact of foreign aid on governments' fiscal behaviour; that is, government investment, government consumption, public revenue creation and borrowing activities. The findings shed some light on the aid-growth nexus, indicating that aid promotes government investment while does not influence government consumption behaviour. Further, there appears to be a positive association between aid and public borrowing, which can be detrimental to the growth process in transition economies.Öğe Energy consumption, economic growth, and carbon emissions: Challenges faced by an EU candidate member(Elsevier, 2009) Soytaş, Uğur; Sarı, RamazanThis paper investigates the long run Granger causality relationship between economic growth, carbon dioxide emissions and energy consumption in Turkey, controlling for gross fixed capital formation and labor. The most interesting result is that carbon emissions seem to Granger cause energy consumption, but the reverse is not true. The lack of a long run causal link between income and emissions may be implying that to reduce carbon emissions, Turkey does not have to forgo economic growth. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe The impact of internal migration on educational outcomes: Evidence from Turkey(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2009) Berker, AliSimilar to the relation between the inflows of immigrants and educational outcomes that are found in immigration studies, the spatial distribution of internal migrants within a given country also may influence educational outcomes. at least in the short run. This could be particularly true in Turkey, where inter-provincial mobility is high and where striking differences in educational resources and therefore educational success across regions persist. Using the 1990 and 2000 Turkish Censuses, this study exploits variations over time in the inflow of internal migrants across provinces to identify the causal effect of internal migration on natives' educational outcomes. The evidence suggests that the inflow of migrants lowers natives' completion rates for middle school and high school. Evidence also indicates that while the negative effects appear to be greater among native children from low-SES households, native high-SES households are able to mitigate these adverse effects for their children. Furthermore, the estimated effects exhibit some differences by children's gender and migrant status. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.