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Öğe An analysis of depression and anxiety symptoms in non-psychotic adult patient an university hospital outpatient setting(Kure Iletisim Grubu A S, 2009) Boztaş, Mehmet Hamid; Arısoy, Özden; Sercan, Mustafa; Çifci, Çiğdem; Ateş, OrkunObjective: This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of some variables, socio-demographic factors, patients' presentation of their own complaints and psychiatric examination signs, in prediction of depression and anxiety diagnosis in an outpatient setting. Also, patients' presentations of their own complaints were grouped. Relation of socio-demographic factors, diagnosis, treatment and psychiatric examination with these groups and variables that were effective in prediction of depression and anxiety diagnosis were studied. Method: This study was conducted on records of 405 patients admitting for the first time to our policlinics between January and March 2008. From these 309 patients' records aging over 16 was investigated. Policlinic records comprise socio-demographic data, patients' presentations of their own complaints in the interview, signs of patients in the examination and diagnosis according to DSM IV classification. Results:The socio-demographic and clinic features of 309 patients admitted on January-March 2008 and whose ages were between 17-75. Diagnostic and treatment features of patients were summarized in Table 2. There was not any association with sex and age, region, definite diagnosis, drug usage and disease severity (p=0.05). But association between sex and depression or anxiety disorder was statically significance, and women had higher diagnosis than men (p=0.009). Work and activity complaints for men (p=0.03) and somatic complaints for women (p=0.05) were higher. Conclusions: This study indicates that depression and anxiety disorders were the most common diseases in patients admitting to a psychiatry policlinic. Somatoform disorders followed these diseases. In the study, grouping patient complaints according to Hamilton Depression Scale items predicted depression and anxiety disorders and multi drug usage more than examination signs. When the first 5 drugs being prescribed to patients investigated, it Was seen that SSRI and Venlafaksin were the most common drugs.Öğe Assaultiveness in psychiatric patients and approach to assaultive patients(2013) Bilici, Rabia; Sercan, Mustafa; Tufan, Ali EvrenPsikiyatrik hasta saldırıları ruh sağlığı alanında çalışanların mesleki uygulamada karşılaştıkları önemli olaylardandır. Bu saldırılar yaralanma, geçici veya kalıcı sakatlıklar, travma sonrası stres bozukluğu dahil ciddi sorunlar meydana getirmekte ve hatta bazen ölümle sonuçlanabilmekte, ayrıca klinik ve ekonomik yüke neden olmaktadır. Konu, önemine oranla az ilgi görmektedir çünkü saldırılar, mağdur personel tarafından, görevinin bir parçası olarak kabul görmekte, dile getirilmemekte ve yasal işleme başvurulmamaktadır. Psikiyatristlerin %5-48’inin hasta ve/veya hasta yakınları tarafından şiddet gördüğü, 4 yıllık asistanlık eğitimi boyunca asistanların %40-50’sinin fiziksel saldırıya uğradığı gösterilmiştir. Yardımcı sağlık personeli de hastalar, hasta yakınları ve ziyaretçiler tarafından sıklıkla duygusal, sözel ve fiziksel şiddete maruz kalmaktadır. Saldırıya maruz kalma riski yüksek olan personelin güvenliğinin sağlanması önemlidir ve çalışanlara bu konularda devamlı eğitim verilmelidir. Bu yazıda hasta saldırılarının nedenleri ve saldırgan hastaya yaklaşım (farmakolojik tedavi ve diğer önlemler) gözden geçirilmiştir.Öğe Comparison of first episode and recurrent major depression patients in terms of cognitive function(2013) Kaygusuz, Çiğdem Çiftçi; Arısoy, Özden; Boztaş, Mehmet Hamid; Sercan, MustafaAmaç: Kognitif bozukluk, depresyonun yeti yitimine yol açan önemli nedenlerindendir. Ancak literatürde, depresyondaki kognitif bozukluk ve doğası hakkında çelişkili sonuçlar mevcuttur. İlk atak (İA) ve rekürren depresyon (RD) hastaları arasında kognisyon açısından fark bulan ve bulmayan çalışmalar, kognitif bozukluğun depresyon şiddetinden bağımsız olduğunu gösteren ve göstermeyen çalışmalar vardır. Bu araştırmada, İA ve RD hastalarının kognitif işlevler açısından karşılaştırılması, atak sayısının ve depresyon şiddetinin kognitif işlevlere etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Psikiyatri polikliniğine ayaktan başvuran, ek psikiyatrik/nörolojik bozukluğu olmayan, kognitif işlevleri etkileyebilecek bedensel hastalığı bulunmayan, ilaç kullanmakta olmayan 33 İA ve 37 RD hastası sözel bellek süreçleri, sözel akıcılık, Stroop, Benton yüz tanıma, Boston adlandırma testleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: İA ve RD grupları arasında, 3'ten fazla ya da az atak geçiren RD hastaları arasında kognitif işlevler açısından bir fark yoktu. Ancak ağır depresyonu olan hastaların kendiliğinden adlandırdıkları kelime sayıları ve anlık bellek puanları daha düşüktü. Depresyon puanı Stroop renkli kelimeleri okuma süresiyle pozitif, Sözel Bellek Süreçleri Testi öğrenme puanıyla negatif biçimde koreleydi. Perseverasyon puanı da toplam depresif atak süresiyle pozitif biçimde koreleydi.Sonuç: Depresif atak sayısından ziyade depresyon şiddeti bilişsel işlevler üzerinde daha belirleyici görünmektedir. Depresyon şiddetlendikçe basit dikkat, kodlama, adlandırma, mental hız ve öğrenme bozulmakta; depresyon süresi uzadıkça da kognitif esneklik azalmaktadır. Bu bulgular, depresyonda prefrontal bir işlev bozukluğu olduğu hipotezini desteklemektedirÖğe Does internal migration affect criminal behavior in schizophrenia patients?(Yerkure Tanıtım & Yayıncılık Hizmetleri A.Ş., 2015) Sercan, Mustafa; Öncü, Fatih; Ger, M. Can; Bilici, Rabia; Ural, CenkObjective: In our research, we aimed to attract attention whether internal migration has an effect on criminal behavior of schizophrenic patients. Method: Schizophrenic (according to DSM-IV) patients (66 from the general psychiatry units and 69 from forensic psychiatry clinics) participated in the research from a regional hospital in the northwest of Turkey. Forensic psychiatric patients are divided into two subgroups, namely those who migrated (n=30) within the country and not (n=39), with those who are repetitive offenders (n=29) and not (n=40); then groups were compared in the point of parameters of crime and migration. Results: Most of the patients who have not committed a crime were from cities. Even though there was no significant difference, with those who have committed a crime, the age of internal migration was younger. Migration raised the possibility of the recidivism of the criminal acts up to 5 fold whereas, having already been prisoned before raised this possibility up to 17 fold and childhood within the criminal group. Conclusions: Although our data indicated the internal migration not to affect the rate of the criminal acts among the patients with schizophrenia meaningfully, it significantly affected repetition of crime within the criminal group. The need to focus on internal migration and urbanization as disruptive environmental conditions effecting schizophrenia and crime in countries like Turkey where the urbanization process is still ongoing, is obvious.Öğe The effect of TNF-alpha blockers on psychometric measures in ankylosing spondylitis patients: a preliminary observation(Springer Heidelberg, 2013) Arısoy, Özden; Bes, Cemal; Çifçi, Çiğdem; Sercan, Mustafa; Soy, MehmetThere is a high co-morbidity between chronic inflammatory disorders and depression. Proinflammatory cytokines like TNF-alpha seem to play a central role in the pathogenesis of these disorders, and its neutralization provides a potent treatment for inflammatory disorders. Few studies showed that TNF-alpha blockers also caused an improvement in depressive symptoms associated with these chronic inflammatory disorders. To evaluate the effectiveness of TNF-alpha blockers on symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis (AS), depression, anxiety and quality of life, 9 AS patients resistant to classical therapy were enrolled and followed-up at 2nd and 6th weeks after a TNF-alpha blocker was started. Hamilton Depression and Anxiety Scales (HAM-D, HAM-A), Hospital Depression and Anxiety Questionnaire (HAD), Quality of Life Scale (SF36) and AS severity index (BASDAI) were applied to the patients at weeks 0, 2 and 6. ESR and CRP were evaluated to monitor biological disease activity. There was a significant reduction in HAM-D (p = 0.00), HAM-A (p = 0.00), HAD anxiety scores (p = 0.02) and a significant improvement in SF36 physical function (p = 0.00), physical role limitations (p = 0.00), bodily pain (p = 0.05), general health (p = 0.01), vitality (p = 0.03) and emotional role limitations (p = 0.00) subscales, BASDAI scores (p = 0.00), ESR (p = 0.00) and CRP (p = 0.00). Change in clinical disease activity (BASDAI) was not correlated with change in depression-anxiety scores, while change in biological disease activity (CRP) was correlated with change in depression-anxiety scores. TNF alpha blockers may have a potential antidepressant effect besides its anti-inflammatory effect that seems to be independent of its clinical effect.Öğe The effect of TNF? blockers on psychometric measures in treatment resistant ankylosing sponylitis patients: A pilot study(Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2011) Arısoy, Özden; Beş, Cemal; Çifci, Çiğdem; Sercan, Mustafa; Soy, MehmetThere is a high co-morbidity between chronic inflammatory disorders and depression1. Proinflammatory cytokines like TNFα seems to play a central role in the pathogenesis of these disorders and its neutralization provides a potent treatment for inflammatory disorders2. Trying et al (2006) showed that a TNF-α blocker -etanercept- caused at least a 50% improvement in depression scores in psoriasis patients.3 These observations together with the theoretical background led to the hypothesis that TNF-α blockers may reverse depressive symptoms associated with chronic inflammatory disorders.Öğe Is headache only headache? Comorbidity of headaches and mental disorders(Yerkure Tanitim & Yayincilik Hizmetleri, 2015) Akyıldız, Keriman; Sercan, Mustafa; Yıldız, Nebil; Çevik, Ayşe; Kıyan, AysuObjective: To determine the psychiatric disorders comorbid with headaches and the characteristics of these disorders. Method: Patients who admitted to the neurology outpatient clinic with a main complaint of headache (n=71), and the same number of patients matching with age and sex (n=71) who admitted to the psychiatry outpatient clinic and had a non-psychotic diagnose in axis I were included into the study. Socio-demographic data and information about their headaches were obtained from all patients. The Visual Analog Scale and MINI-scan form were obtained and psychiatric diagnoses were made after the assessment by MINI. Results: There was not any difference between headache and psychiatric patients group in terms of sociodemographic data. Headache history was found higher in the families of headache group than the psychiatric patients group. High prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity was found in patients with headache (80.3%). All of the patients with tension-type headache (TTH) fulfilled the criteria for diagnosing a pain disorder by MINI, and also the high prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity (63.4%) was still taking place after excluding the pain disorder. The most frequent diagnose of psychiatric comorbidity was found as depressive disorders (64.8%) which is compatible with the literature. Discussion: The high prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity with headache is remarkable. More common family history of headache in headache patients than the other group suggests that there is a tendency to have headache independent from a psychiatric disorder in these patients. High comorbidity rate in the presence of psychosocial stressors suggests that there is a continuum among psychiatric comorbidity, headache and psychosocial stressors. Among the psychiatric comorbidity, depressive disorders predominate. On the other hand, the higher frequency of psychiatric comorbidity in patients with TTH is remarkable. It is observed that the uncertainty between the diagnostic criteria of pain disorder in DSM-IV and diagnostic criteria of TTH (Tension Type Headache) in ICHD (International Classification of Headache Disorders) causes some problems both in diagnosing and treatment of patients and also in researches.Öğe Levels of the staff's exposure to violence at locked psychiatric clinics: a comparison by occupational groups(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2016) Bilici, Rabia; Sercan, Mustafa; İzci, FilizThis study explored the rates of exposure to violence among physicians, nurses, and other health care staff members working at the locked psychiatric clinics, to examine the quantity and types of violence exposed, and to compare occupational groups by the level of exposure to violence. In parallel with the existing literature, the present study supports the proposition that physicians and nurses working at psychiatric units represent a risky group in terms of exposure to violence. The survey found that 87.6% of staff members viewed security measures insufficient. It is considered by the authors that preventive actions should be taken to reduce the risk of exposure to violence against the staff members working at the locked psychiatric clinics.Öğe A neurosyphilis case presenting with cognitive dysfunction, epileptic seizures, high signal intensity and significant atrophy in left amygdala/hippocampal region(Turkish Neurological Society, 2014) Arısoy, Özden; Altunrende, Burcu; Boztaş, Mehmet Hamid; Gürel, Safiye; Sırmatel, Fatma; Sercan, MustafaSyphilis is a sexually transmitted, chronic, multisystemic disease. Central nervous system involvement occurs in secondary and tertiary stages. Neurosyphilis presents itself as meningitis or meningovasculitis in secondary stage, and general paresis or tabes dorsalis in tertiary stage. In the antibiotic era, however, instead of classical neurosyphilis atypical forms with intertwined clinical symptoms started to occur more frequently, making the diagnosis more difficult. In this article, we present a neurosyphilis case who applied to the clinic with generalized tonic clonic convulsions resulting in multiple traffic accidents. The characteristic of this case is the ongoing memory problems due to attentional dysfunction as shown in neuropsychological tests despite the penicillin treatment and the presence of a high signal intensity and significant atrophy in his left amygdala/hippocampal area seen in cranial magnetic resonance imaging.Öğe Physical comorbidity in hospitalized patients in a üniversity affliated mental hospital in Bolu- Turkey(Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2010) Arısoy, Özden; Kılıç, Barış; Akyıldız, Keriman; Boztaş, Mehmet Hamid; Güney, Ekrem; Sercan, MustafaÖğe Psikiyatri kliniklerinde yalıtım ve bağlama uygulamaları(Düşünen Adam: Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler Dergisi, 2013) Bilici, Rabia; Sercan, Mustafa; Tufan, EvrenPsikiyatri kliniklerinde yalıtım ve bağlama uygulamaları psikiyatri kliniklerinde yatarak tedavi gören hastaların kendilerine, diğer hastalara veya hastane çalışanlarına yönelik zarar verici davranışlarına engel olmak amacıyla yalıtım ve bağlama (tecrit ve tespit) gibi kısıtlayıcı yöntemler uygulanmaktadır. Yalıtımın beklenen sonucu, tehlikeyi bertaraf etmek ve/veya hastanın ruhsal durumunun servisteki diğer hastalara katılabilecek kadar ilerlemesini sağlamaktır. Toplumlardaki yalıtım ve bağlama uygulamaları tarih boyunca dönemin kültürel özelliklerinden etkilenmiştir. Bu yazıda, ilk çağlardan günümüze kadarki yalıtım ve bağlama olaylarının kısa tarihçesi, uygulamanın gerekçesi, endikasyon ve kontrendikasyonları, uygulamaya bağlı komplikasyonlar gözden geçirilmiştir. Ayrıca yalıtım ve bağlama uygulamalarını azaltma girişimleri hakkında farklı ülkelerdeki uygulamalar gözden geçirilerek, başarılı olan programların öğelerine yer verilmiştir. Konuya ilişkin yasal düzenlemelere ve ülkemizdeki duruma da değinilmiştir.Öğe The relationship of cognitive impairment with neurological and psychiatric variables in multiple sclerosis patients(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2014) Karadayı, Hüsna; Arısoy, Özden; Altunrende, Burcu; Boztaş, Mehmet Hamid; Sercan, MustafaObjective. Cognitive impairment (CI) in multiple sclerosis (MS) can develop any time. CI is associated with the degree of neuronal loss, but disease duration, fatigue, comorbid affective disorder, and drug dose may also affect cognition. Our aim was to assess which cognitive domain was disturbed primarily in mild MS patients and to see whether CI was related with clinical and psychiatric features. Method. Neurological and psychiatric evaluation of 31 MS patients and 31 age, sex, and education-matched healthy controls were made with Structured Clinical Interview for Axis I Disorders (SCID-I). Depression, anxiety, functionality, fatigue, and disability scoring were determined with Hamilton Depression-Anxiety scales, Global Assessment of Functionality, Fatigue Severity and Expanded Disability Status Scales. Cognitive functions were assessed using Mini Mental, Serial Digit Learning, Verbal and Nonverbal Cancellation, Stroop and Rey Auditory Verbal Learning tests. Results. Retrieval from long-term memory and psychomotor speed were significantly worse in MS group. CI was correlated with disease duration, number of attacks, and physical disability but not with depression and anxiety severity. Disease duration predicted disturbances in recall and psychomotor speed, whereas fatigue and disability predicted depression. Conclusion. Psychomotor speed and memory were primarily impaired in MS patients, and CI was closely associated with clinical aspects of MS rather than with depression and anxiety.Öğe Restraint Variables in a Regional Mental Health Hospital in Turkey(Turkiye Sinir Ve Ruh Sagligi Dernegi, 2009) Sercan, Mustafa; Bilici, RabiaObjective: To obtain a database to be used in the effort to reduce the use of restraint in mental health hospitals in and to compare the data with results of similar studies. Method: The sociodemogrophic characteristics, history of violent or suicidal behavior, and BPRS scores of restrained during a 1-month period, and data concerning the number of beds and staff working during day and shifts were collected. The restraint variables, number of restraints used and duration of restraint use, in all words determined and adult psychosis words were compared according to these variables. Results: Approximately 25% (194) of 810 hospitalized patients were restrained for a total of 1524.25 h (mean: 3.25 h) during 1 month. In all, 182 restrained patients were analyzed and most were male, elementary school graduates, married, and living with first-degree relatives. There were no correlations between these variables, and the of restraints used and the duration of their use. Mean age of the females (36.27 years) was higher than that of males (32.46 years), the difference was significant. In all, 66.6% of restraint use was because of violent behavior or probability of violent behavior. The rate of restraint use was lower during day shifts (43.82%). Patients on adult were not different in terms of diagnosis, BPRS score, rate of violent behavior, and reasons for using restraint, but markedly different in terms of the number of restraints used and the duration of restraint. Conclusion: The number of restraints used and the duration of restraint was on average level. Restraint was with being female and older and having more severe symptoms. Night and weekend shifts were more risky for and duration of restraint. Non-clinical institutional factors were a determining factor in the use of restraint.Öğe Severity of minor physical anomalies as a possible trait marker in schizophrenia(Turkish Neuropsychiatry Assoc-Turk Noropsikiyatri Dernegi, 2012) Boztaş, Mehmet Hamid; Güney, Ekrem; Arısoy, Özden; Sercan, Mustafa; Ensari, HülyaObjective: To investigate, 1-whether siblings of patients with schizophrenia had higher minor physical anomalies (MPAs) than controls, 2-whether symptom ratings were associated with MPAs in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: The sample included 38 subjects with schizophrenia, their 34 unaffected siblings and 38 healthy controls. Semi-structured interview was used to make schizophrenia diagnosis and screen other DSM-IV disorders. Patients with substance abuse, affective psychosis and head trauma were excluded from the study. Siblings and healthy controls with DSM-IV Axis I diagnosis were excluded from the study. Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANNS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) to evaluate psychotic, depressive and anxiety symptoms, respectively. Waldrop scale was used to assess MPAs. Results: PANNS, BDI, BAI and Waldrop scores were significantly higher in the schizophrenia group when compared with the siblings and the healthy control group. Waldrop score was higher in the siblings than healthy controls. PANNS, BDI and BAI scores were not significantly different in this two groups. PANNS, BDI and BAI scores were significantly correlated in the healthy controls but not in the schizophrenia and the siblings group. Discussion: In a more homogeneous sample consisting only of unaffected siblings; our results showed that patients with schizophrenia had higher MPAs then their siblings who had higher MPAs then healthy controls. These results argue in favor of MPAs as risk markers for schizophrenia. (Archives of Neuropsy-chiatry 2012; 49: 188-191)Öğe Severity of minor physical anomalies as a possible trait marker in schizophrenia(2012) Boztaş, Mehmet Hamid; Güney, Ekrem; Arisoy, Özden; Sercan, Mustafa; Ensari, HülyaAmaç: Çalışmanın iki ana amacı vardır. İlki şizofreni hastalarının kardeşlerinde sağlıklı kontrollere göre minor fiziksel anomalilerin (MFA) daha fazla olup olmadığını araştırmak ikincisi de şizofreni hastalarında belirti şiddetiyle MFA arasında ilişki olup olmadığını incelemektir. Yön tem: Çalışma örneklemi 38 şizofreni hastası, 38 sağlıklı kontrol ve 34 şizofreni hastasının sağlıklı kardeşlerinden oluşmaktadır. Şizofreni tanısı konmasında ve diğer hastalık taramalarında DSM IV e göre yarı yapılandırılmış göru? şme yöntemi kullanılmıştır (SCID). Şizofreni hastalarında kafa travması, madde kötu?ye kullanımı ve afektif psikoz varsa çalışmadan dışlanmıştır. Kardeşlerde ve sağlıklı kontrollerde herhangi bir DSM IV Tanımlanmış bozukluk varsa çalışma dışı bırakılmıştır. Psikoz, depresyon ve kaygı bulguları için sırasıyla Pozitif ve Negatif Semptom Skalası (PANNS), Beck Depresyon Envanteri (BDE), Beck Anksiyete Envanteri (BAE) kullanılmıştır. MFA değerlendirilmesi için Waldrop ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Şizofreni hastalarında PANSS, BDI, BAI ve Waldrop puanları kardeşler ve sağlıklı kontrollere göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı du?zeyde yu?ksektir. Waldrop puanları kardeşlerde sağlıklı kontrollere göre anlamlı olarak daha yu?ksektir. PANSS, BDI, BAI puanları kardeşler ve sağlıklı kontrollerde farklı bulunmamıştır. PANSS, BDI, BAI puanları sağlıklı kontrollerde korelasyon gösterirken şizofreni hastalarında ve kardeşlerinde korelasyon göstermemiştir. So nuç: Sadece kardeşleri içermesi acısından homojen bir birinci derece akraba grubunu kapsayan örneklemde, şizofreni hastalarında minor fiziksel anomaliler kardeşlerinden ve kardeşlerde de sağlıklı kontrollerden daha fazla olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuçlarımız MFA derecesinde yu?ksekliğin şizofreni için bir işaretleyici olabileceğine destek teşkil etmektedir.Öğe A specific mental health intervention for healthcare workers in Turkey(Elsevier, 2020) Çapraz, Necip; Erim, Burcu Rahşan; Küçükparlak, İlker; Sercan, MustafaThe novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become an unprecedented crisis affecting millions of people since it was detected in the city of Wuhan, China, in December 2019. As the number of cases has increased, healthcare service providers have been overloaded in some countries. As frontline responders, healthcare workers deserve special consideration of their psychological vulnerability. However, the psychological burden of pandemics on healthcare workers unfortunately has not been fully recognized or understood. Previous research from other outbreaks shows that healthcare workers present high psychological distress related to work overload, risk of contagion, treating infected colleagues, perception of stigmatization, social isolation, workplace stress and concerns about family members (Maunder et al., 2006). Indeed, one in six healthcare workers showed signs of severe psychological distress (Lu et al., 2006).Öğe Study on physician preferences first five drug in patient with diagnosed of anxiety disorders an university hospital outpatient setting(Kure Iletisim Grubu A S, 2009) Boztaş, Mehmet Hamid; Arısoy, Özden; Sercan, Mustafa; Çifci, Çiğdem; Ateş, OrkunObjective: Anxiety disorders, like depressive disorders, are one of the common disease groups in psychiatry policlinics Preference of antidepressants in anxiety treatment, especially SSRI, according to Benzodiazepines is increasing Method: Psychiatry Department of Abant Izzet Baysal University Medical Faculty of Izzet Baysal has policlinic services in two different hospitals. Patients that must be hospitalized or having psychotic and bipolar disorders are followed in izzet Baysal Mental Health and Disorders Region Hospital by our physicians. This study was conducted on records of 405 patients admitting for the first time to our policlinics between January and March 2008. From these 83 patients' records aging over 16 and had only anxiety disorder was investigated. Policlinic records comprise socio-demographic data, patients' presentations of their own complaints in the interview, signs of patients in the examination and diagnosis according to DSM IV classification. Results: Mean age of the patients was 36.40 (standard deviation=14.95) and range between 17 and 70 years. Of the patients 85.6% had mild or moderate illness. Age, using psychotropic drug in past, having any previous psychiatric disease diagnose, preference of the first five drugs and psychiatric examination signs were not different in men and women. Women were stating depressive mood complaints more than men (p=0.05). SSRI5 were predominant drugs in treatment (76.6%) (Table 2). Sertralin, Paroksetin and Fluoksetin were the first three drugs prescribed as SSRI. Conclusions: Not anyone diagnosed as posttraumatic stress disorders tithe study group was interesting. Study group were mostly students might caused this result. Students, who were the majority of the group, could explain the increase in performance anxiety. Increased using SSRIs in anxiety disorders for study patients were similar with the recent general drug preferences for anxiety disorders. Sertralin and paroksetin were the most preferred drugs.Öğe Study on physician preferences first five drug in patient with diagnosed of depression an university hospital outpatient setting(Kure Iletisim Grubu A S, 2009) Arısoy, Özden; Boztaş, Mehmet Hamid; Sercan, Mustafa; Çifci, Çiğdem; Ateş, OrkunObjective: Stating depression complaints might differ by culture was indicated Patients' own expressions should be considered in examinations as cultural differences in stating complaints might affect depression diagnose and treatment Method: Psychiatry Department of Abant Izzet Baysal University Medical Faculty of Izzet Baysal has outpatient medical clinic in two different hospitals. Patients that must be hospitalized or having psychotic and bipolar disorders are followed in Izzet Baysal Mental Health and Disorders Region Hospital by our physicians. Other patients are followed in Abant Izzet Baysal University Izzet Baysal Faculty of Medicine. This study was conducted on,records of 169 patients, who had only depression diagnose and admitting for the first time to our policlinics between January and March 2008. Policlinic records comprise socio-demographic data, patients' presentations of their own complaints in the interview, signs of patients in the examination and diagnosis according to DSM IV classification Results: The socio-demographic and clinic features of 169 patients admitted on January-March 2008 and whose ages were between 17-75 was summarized. Multi type complaints (p=6.041) and general physical symptom (p=0.002) items were higher in women than men was statically significance. Of the patients 88.5% was using SSRI. The order of first five drugs was Sertralin, Es(sitalopram), Fluolcsetin, Paroksetin and Venlafaksin The variables that might influence antidepressant preference were given in Table 3. Conclusions: Although depression disorders were more prevalent in psychiatry policlinics debate for phenomenology presently continue. Stating depression complaints clearly differing by culture was indicated. Mild and moderate intensity of depression in study group might affect drug preference. And also as most of the patients in the group were students might oriented the physician towards drugs that would not increase complaints on cognitive functions.Öğe Türkiye'de bir ruh sağlığı bölge hastanesindeki hasta bağlama uygulamalarının değişkenleri(2009) Sercan, Mustafa; Bilici, RabiaAmaç: Türkiye'nin en büyük ruh sağlığı bölge hastanesinde uygulanan hasta bağlamayı azaltma-kaldırma çabalarına veri tabanı oluşturmak, uygulamaları dünyadaki kısıtlama değişkenlerine göre değerlendirmek.Yöntem: Bir aylık sürede bağlanan hastaların sosyodemografik özellikleri, geçmiş intihar-şiddet davranışları, KPDÖ puanları, servislerin yatak sayısı, çalışma zamanı ve dışı çalışanlarının sayısı belirlenmiştir. Tüm servislerin bağlama sayı ve süre değişkenleri saptanmış, erişkin psikoz servisleri bu değişkenler yönünden karşılaştırılmıştır.Bulgular: Bir ayda yatırılan 810 hastanın 194 (%23.9)'ü bağlanmıştı, ortalama bağlanma süresi 3.25 saatti ve tüm hastalar toplam 1524.25 saat bağlı tutulmuştu. Değerlendirmeye alınan 182 hastanın (%59.3)'ü erkek, (%52)'si ilkokul mezunu, (%60)'ı hiç evlenmemiş ve (%64.8)'i birinci derecede yakınlarıyla oturuyordu. Bunlarla bağlanma sayı-süreleri arasında ilişki bulunamadı. Kadınların yaş ortalaması (36.27), erkeklerinkinden (32.46) daha yüksekti ve fark anlamlıydı. 2/3'ünün bağlanma nedeni, insana dönük etkin ve olası şiddetti. Çalışma saatlerinde bağlanma oranı (% 43.82), çalışma dışından düşüktü. Karşılaştırılan erişkin servisleri, şiddet, tanı, KPDÖ puanları, bağlanma nedenleri yönünden farksız olduğu halde, servisler arasında bağlanma sayısı, oranı, süresi yönünden anlamlı farklılıklar saptandı.Sonuç: Bağlanma sayı ve oranları uluslar arası oranlara göre orta değerlerde bulunmuştur. Bağlanma ve uzun süre bağlı kalma olasılığı, hastanın kadın olmasına, yaşının ileriliğine, belirtilerinin şiddetine bağlı olarak yükselmektedir. Çalışma dışı saatler, bağlanma sayı-süresi açısından daha risklidir. Çalışanların ön yargılarının, yönetim anlayışlarının, deneyim, davranış, tutumlarının, kısıtlamada belirleyici olduğu görülmüştür.Öğe Türkiye’de bir ruh sağlığı bölge hastanesindeki hasta bağlama uygulamalarının değişkenleri(2009) Sercan, Mustafa; Bilici, RabiaAmaç: Türkiye'nin en büyük ruh sağlığı bölge hastanesinde uygulanan hasta bağlamayı azaltma-kaldırma çabalarına veri tabanı oluşturmak, uygulamaları dünyadaki kısıtlama değişkenlerine göre değerlendirmek. Yöntem: Bir aylık sürede bağlanan hastaların sosyodemografik özellikleri, geçmiş intihar-şiddet davranışları, KPDÖ puanları, servislerin yatak sayısı, çalışma zamanı ve dışı çalışanlarının sayısı belirlenmiştir. Tüm servislerin bağlama sayı ve süre değişkenleri saptanmış, erişkin psikoz servisleri bu değişkenler yönünden karşılaştırılmıştır. Bulgular: Bir ayda yatırılan 810 hastanın 194 (%23.9)'ü bağlanmıştı, ortalama bağlanma süresi 3.25 saatti ve tüm hastalar toplam 1524.25 saat bağlı tutulmuştu. Değerlendirmeye alınan 182 hastanın (%59.3)'ü erkek, (%52)'si ilkokul mezunu, (%60)'ı hiç evlenmemiş ve (%64.8)'i birinci derecede yakınlarıyla oturuyordu. Bunlarla bağlanma sayı-süreleri arasında ilişki bulunamadı. Kadınların yaş ortalaması (36.27), erkeklerinkinden (32.46) daha yüksekti ve fark anlamlıydı. 2/3'ünün bağlanma nedeni, insana dönük etkin ve olası şiddetti. Çalışma saatlerinde bağlanma oranı (% 43.82), çalışma dışından düşüktü. Karşılaştırılan erişkin servisleri, şiddet, tanı, KPDÖ puanları, bağlanma nedenleri yönünden farksız olduğu halde, servisler arasında bağlanma sayısı, oranı, süresi yönünden anlamlı farklılıklar saptandı. Sonuç: Bağlanma sayı ve oranları uluslar arası oranlara göre orta değerlerde bulunmuştur. Bağlanma ve uzun süre bağlı kalma olasılığı, hastanın kadın olmasına, yaşının ileriliğine, belirtilerinin şiddetine bağlı olarak yükselmektedir. Çalışma dışı saatler, bağlanma sayı-süresi açısından daha risklidir. Çalışanların ön yargılarının, yönetim anlayışlarının, deneyim, davranış, tutumlarının, kısıtlamada belirleyici olduğu görülmüştür.