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Öğe Comparison of the Efficacy of High Intensity Laser and Ultrasound Therapies in Chronic Shoulder Pain; Randomized Controlled Single Blind Study(2017) Ökmen, Burcu Metin; Okmen, Korgun; Özkuk, Kağan; Uysal, Bilal; Sezer, Refia; Koyuncu, EnginObjective: The aim of our study was to compare the efficacy of the High IntensityLASER Therapy (HILT) and Ultrasound (US) for pain and daily activities of patients with chronicshoulder pain. Material and Methods: In this prospective, randomized, controlled, single blindstudy; 141 patients were randomized into two groups by using random table, as Group 1: US (n=70)and Group 2: HILT (n=71). HILT or US treatment was applied to the patients in addition to 14 sessionsof Hotpack in (HP) +Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) +Balneotherapy +Exercise. Pre-treatment (W0), Post-treatment 1st day (W2) and Post-Treatment findings 30th day(W6) findings were recorded using the visual analog scale (VAS) and shoulder pain and disabilityindex (SPADI) scoring. Results: There were no statistically significant difference neither in demographiccharacteristics nor pretreatment evaluation parameters between the two groups (p>0.05).In Group 1 and Group 2, statistically significant improvements were found in all the evaluation parametersboth at W2 and W6 (p<0.05). When the groups are compared to each other; statisticallysignificant difference was found in favor of Group 2 both at W2 and W6, in all evaluation parameters(p<0.05). Conclusion: This study demonstrates that in chronic shoulder pain HILT is superiorto US therapy in decreasing pain and improving function in short term.Öğe Lumbar Microdiscectomy Under Spinal and General Anesthesia: A Comparative Study(Turkish Neurosurgical Soc, 2015) Dagistan, Yasar; Okmen, Korgun; Dagistan, Emine; Guler, Ali; Ozkan, NezihAIM:To compare the safety and efficacy of spinal anesthesia (SA) in patients undergoing lumbar microdiscectomy (LM). MATERIAL and METHODS: We evaluated 180 patients who underwent LM between 1 January 2012 and 5 July 2013. Demographic, clinical, laboratory, and pre-, intra-, and postoperative information was determined from the patients' medical records. RESULTS: Total anesthetic times were longer in the general anesthesia (GA) group. There was less bleeding at the surgical site in the SA group. Intraoperative blood pressure was significantly also lower in the SA group. Meanwhile, tachycardia was significantly higher in the GA group. The analgesic requirement in post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) was higher in the general anesthesia group. At PACU admission, analgesic requirement, heart rate, and the mean arterial pressure were higher in the GA group. Postoperative nausea and vomiting was more frequent among patients recovering in general anesthesia group. SA patients had an increased incidence of urinary retention compared with GA patients. Pulmonary complications requiring specific treatment were insignificantly higher among GA patients. CONCLUSION: In patients who undergo lumbar disc surgery, SA is a good alternative for experienced surgeons because of a more comfortable healing process.Öğe Spinal ve Genel Anestezi Altında Lomber Mikrodiskektomi: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Çalışma(2015) Dağistan, Yaşar; Okmen, Korgun; Dağistan, Emine; Güler, Ali; Özkan, NezihAmAÇ: Lomber mikrodiskektomi (LM) uygulanan hastalarda spinal anestezi (SA) güvenirliğini ve etkinliğini karşılaştırmaktır. yÖntem ve GereÇler: 1 Ocak 2012 ve 5 Temmuz 2013 tarihleri arasında LM uygulanan 180 hastanın demografik, klinik, laboratuvar, pre-, intra-, postoperatif bilgileri tıbbi kayıtlarından elde edilerek değerlendirildi. BulGulAr: Total anestezi zamanı genel anestezide (GA) daha uzundu. SA grubunda operasyon alanında kanama daha az idi. İntraoperatif kan basıncı SA grubunda anlamlı derecede düşük bulundu. Buna karşın, taşikardi GA grubunda anlamlı olarak daha yüksekti. Anestezi sonrası bakım ünitesinde (PACU) analjezik gereksinimi, GA grubunda daha yüksek idi. PACU kabulde, analjezik gereksinimi, kalp atım hızı ve ortalama arter basıncı GA grubunda yüksek bulundu. Postoperatif bulantı ve kusma GA grubunda daha sık oldu. SA hastalar GA hastalarla karşılaştırıldığında idrar retansiyonu görülme sıklığı arttı. Spesifik tedavi gerektiren pulmoner komplikasyonlar GA hastalarında önemli olmamakla beraber yüksek bulundu.sOnuÇ: SA altında lomber disk cerrahisi uygulaması hastalar için daha konforlu bir iyileşme süreci geçirilmesine neden olduğundan dolayı deneyimli cerrahlar için iyi bir seçenektir.