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Öğe Abant Gölü (Bolu) ve çevre sularında mevsime bağlı su kalitesi değişimi ve ostrakoda (Crustacea) dağılımı(2003) Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Dügel, Muzaffer; Usta, ErdoğanAbant gölü (Bolu, Türkiye) ve çevre sularında yapılan iki senelik (2001-2003) çalışma nunda toplam 16 ostrakod türü tespit edilmiştir (Cypridopsis vidua, Ilyocypris bradyi, 7vnria ophthalmica, Heterocypris incongruens, Physocypria kraepelini, Darwinula Istevensoni, Herpetocypris chevreuxi, Candana neglecta, Candana Candida, Pseudocandona çompressa, Notodromas monacha, Eucypris pigra, Psychrodromus olivaceus, Psychrodromus cf fontinalis, Cyprispubera, Leucocythere sp.). Bunlardan 3 tür hariç (Psychrodromus cf. fontinalis, Cypris pubera, Eucypris pigra), kalan 13 tür göl suyundan toplanmıştır. Türlerden Psychrodromus cf fontinalis Türkiye ostrakod faunası için yeni kayıttır. Göl dışındaki Abant deresinden bulunan Eucypris pigra Türkiye için ikinci kez rapor edilmektedir. Bu türler arasında ilk sekiz tür kozmopolitan olarak bilinmektedir. Kozmopolitan türler kirlilik unsuru etkenlere toleranslı olmalarıyla bilinmektedir. Spearman Korrelasyon analizi tür sayısıyla suda çözünmüş oksijen miktarı arasında önemli (P < 0.05) bir pozitif ilişki göstermiştir. Buna göre oksijen miktarındaki azalmalar tür sayısını düşürmektedir. Bakteriyolojik analizler gölde toplam bakteri miktarında (çalışma süresi boyunca) bir artışın olduğunu ve bu durumun ise özellikle göl dışındaki Abant deresinde ciddi boyutlara ulaştığını göstermiştir. Bu durum gerek göl ve gerekse de Abant deresine doğrudan verilen atık sularla yakından ilişkilidir. Kaldı ki kimyasal su analiz sonuçlarıda bunu desteklemektedir. Genel bir sonuç olarak Abant gölü ve ona bağlı Abant deresi ve çevre sularının korunması ve uzun dönemde gelecek nesillere saklanması için özellikle atık suların arıtılmasına özen gösterilmesinin gerekliliği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Aksi halde bu durum sadece gölü değil ileri zamanlarda göl çevresindeki doğal hayatı ve hatta insan sağlığımda tehdit edecektir.Öğe Abant Gölü ve Gölköy Göleti arasında mevsime bağlı su kalitesi değişimi ve alg potansiyelinin karşılaştırmalı analizi(2005) Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Obali, Olcay; Dügel, Muzaffer; Kiliç, Mustafa; Çelekli, AbuzerAbant Gölü ve Gölköy göletinde Ağustos 2003 ve Ağustos 2005 tarihleri arasında aylık olarak yapılan fıtoplankton ve su kalitesine ait ölçümler değerlendirilmiştir. Buna göre Abant Gölünde 292 ve Gölköy Göletinde ise 289 fitoplankton'a ait olmak üzere, toplam 369 takson kaydedilmiştir. Sorenson (2.77) ve Jaccard (0.99) benzerlik analizlerine göre her iki ortamdaki sayısal benzerlik çok yüksektir. Her iki ortamda da kozmopolitan özellik taşıyan veya kirlilik gösterge tür olarak kabul edilen türler baskın halde bulunmuştur. Türkiye'de yaygın olarak görülen ve ötrofık göl karakterini temsil eden Navicula crytocephala türü her iki ortamda da düzenli olarak kaydedilmiştir. Koliform bakteri koloni sayıları yine her iki sucul alanda mevsime göre değişim (Abant Gölünde $1,1x10^3-2,2x10^6$ cfu ve Gölköy Göletil,$1.3x10^4-3,5x10^6$ cfu) göstermiştir. Bulgularımız her iki ortamda fıtoplankton gruplarının çevresel faktörlerden dolayı olumsuz etkilendiğini ve bununda genel anlamda bu sucul ekosistemlerin yapısal bozulma yolunda olduğunu ifade eder. Gözlemlerimiz ve bulgular söz konusu kirlenmenin temel nedenini insan unsuru faktörlere bağlamaktadır. İçme suyu kaynağı olarak düşünülen Gölköy Göleti mezotrofık-ötrofik yapı gösterirken, bir doğa harikası olan Abant Gölü ise mezotrofîk yapıdadır. Her iki ortamın koruma statüleri üzerinde ciddi bir iyileştirme çalışması yapılması gerektiği önerilmektedir. Aksi halde bu ortamlardaki bozulmanın yakın bir gelecekte çevre sağlığını olumsuz etkileme riski gelişebilir.Öğe Alpha and beta species diversity of freshwater Ostracoda (Crustacea) and their seasonal distribution in Seben-Taşliyayla Reservoir (Bolu, Turkey)(Central Fisheries Research Inst, 2017) Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Tanyeri, Meriç; Yılmaz, OzanTo complete the first long-term study on freshwater ostracods and estimate their alpha and beta species diversity in a newly established Seben-Tasliyayla Reservoir (Bolu, Turkey) along with nine different environmental variables, monthly samples were collected from 15 stations located around the reservoir between August 2013 and September 2014. A total of 19 taxa (10 living and 9 subfossils) was reported for the first time from the reservoir. Cypridopsis vidua was the most frequently occurring species with a wide ecological ranges and seasonal distribution. Numbers of living ostracods (the alpha diversity) were found lower than the average numbers of species per lake in Turkey (13.2 spp./lake). When the alpha diversity of the reservoir (2.079) was in the medium, beta diversity (5.2) was ranged from low to medium. Results exhibited natural aquatic habitats showed relatively higher dissimilarities in species composition than small man-made habitats and the reservoir. A possible implication of finding such low numbers of species in such artificial habitats may depend on the age of the reservoir. Finding most of the cosmopolitan (and cosmoecious) species from the reservoir is the indication of ostracods primary succession. Accordingly, long-term studies are recommended to understand possible changes in species assemblages in future.Öğe An annotated checklist of the non-marine ostracods (Crustacea) of Algeria with some ecological notes(Magnolia Press, 2017) Ghaouaci, Souad; Yavuzatmaca, Mehmet; Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Amarouayache, MouniaA total of 47 non-marine ostracods are listed from Algeria including both, the species reported in literature and those collected from 117 water bodies in humid, semi-arid and arid regions of Algeria between 2012 and 2016. Twenty seven taxa were identified with three species (Cypris pubera, Limnocythere inopinata, Potamocypris variegata) new to Algeria and nine taxa (Eucypris kerkyrensis, E. lilljeborgi, Heterocypris rotundata, Ilyocypris decipiens, I. cf. japonica, Isocypris beauchampi, Potamocypris smaragdina, P. villosa, Prionocypris zenkeri) as new reports for North Africa. Considering the presence of highly diverse water bodies, seasonal differences and difficulties of access to water sources, the number of species listed in here is believed to be underestimated. Further studies are required to complete this list.Öğe The aquatic diversity of ostracoda, phytoplankton and zooplankton from freshwater cave habitats in Turkey(British Cave Research Association, 2014) Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Yavuzatmaca, Mehmet; Karacaoğlu, Didem; Telli, MuratDuring this study, a total of 13 ostracod, 2 zooplankton and 43 phytoplankton taxa were recorded from 22 aqueous caves visited between 2010 and 2013 in Turkey. Whereas three ostracods (Candona cf. Candida, Eucypris sp., Potamocvpris sp.) were new records for caves in Turkey, two others (Ilyocypris cf. gibba and Pseudocandona eremita) were reported for the second time from Turkey. With the inclusion of these taxa, the number of freshwater ostracods reported from caves globally has increased to 68 taxa, although this is probably an underestimate of the total diversity. The records of two zooplankton species (Diacyclops bisetosus, Tropocyclops prasimts) found in Cumayani Cave (Zonguldak) is not surprising because of their cosmopolitan distribution and habitat preference characteristics. Among the phytoplankton, Bacillariophyta had the highest richness with 22 taxa followed by Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta and Euglenophyta with 13, 6 and 2 taxa respectively. The results suggest that each cave has its own unigue biological diversity and species richness that should be recognized and studied in detail.Öğe Bicornucandona gen. nov., sp nov (crustacea, ostracoda) from finegan springs (Texas, USA)(Magnolia Press, 2011) Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Gibson, Randy; Diaz, Peter H.; Colin, Jean-PaulA new freshwater ostracod genus, Bicornucandona gen. nov. and its type species (Bicornucandona fineganensis sp. nov.) are described from Finegan Springs, Texas, U. S. A. The new genus differs from the related genera in the presence of two horn-like structures on the dorsal margin of the left valve in both sexes. This is also the diagnostic character of the type species. Differences in the structure of the hemipenes and prehensile palps of the male, and the shapes of some other soft body parts also separate this genus from the related species. Taxonomic status of the new genus and species are compared and discussed with both living and fossil relatives.Öğe Biyotik ve Abiyotik Faktörlerin Ostrakoda (Crustacea) Üreme Şekilleri Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması(2017) Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Dere, Şükran; Alper, Alp; Özcan, Gürkan; Dalkiran, Nurhayat; Gürer, Umutcan; Yilmaz, OzanToplamda 83 (79 tür ve 4 tane de cf olarak tanımlanmış) ostrakod türü 16 farklı habitatı içeren 1129 farklı sucul noktadan toplanmıştır. Bunların 37 tanesi partenogenetik, 39 tanesi seksüel ve 9 tanesi de her iki üreme şekline sahip olan popülasyonlardır. Wolbachia bakterisinin varlığı sadece birkaç ostrakod türünde görülmesine karşın Cardinium bakterisi birçok türde literatürde ilk kez teşhis edilmiştir. Ancak her iki bakterinin ostrakodların üreme şekilleri üzerine etkileri belirlenememiştir. Su sıcaklığı, yükseklik ve redoks potansiyelinin türler üzerinde etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Seksüel üreyenlerin %37’sinde A2’de yüzme setası varken, %63’ünde yoktur. Partenogenetik üreme şekline sahip olan türler arasında %67’sinde yüzme setası varken, %33’ünde seta yoktur. Bulunan 83 canlı ostrakod türü 12 ile ait toplam tür sayı olup aynı zamanda bu çalışmanın gama çeşitlilik değerini vermektedir. Shannon-Wiener alfa çeşitlilik indeksine göre en fazla ostrakod tür çeşitliliğine sahip üç il sırasıyla: Malatya (2,20), Ağrı (2,14) ve Osmaniye (2,02) olmuştur. Whittaker Beta çeşitlilik indeksi değeri (0,512) iller arasında tür dağılımındaki farkın kısmen az olduğunu ancak habitatlar arası farkın görece ortanın üzerinde olduğunu ifade eder. Bütün iilerin indeks değeri (2,22) herbirin indeks değerinden azda olsa yüksektir. Habitat tipine göre en çok alfa indeks değerlerine sahip beş habitat su birikintisi, dere, yalak, göl, havuz ve kaynak suyudur. Zooplankton (Cladocera ve Copepoda) için 66 tür bulunurken, fitoplankton grubu için ise toplamda 880 alg taksonu tespit edilmiştir. Kopepod ve kladoserlerin illere göre dağılımlarına bakıldığında ise kladoserlerde Chydorus sphaericus örneklenen 12 ilin 10’unda, kopepodlarda Eucyclops serrulatus örneklenen 12 ilde de tespit edilmiştir. Alg divizyoları içinde en yüksek takson sayısına sahip üç divizyon şöyledir: Bacillariophyta (339 takson), Chlorophyta (217 takson), Cyanobacteria (129 takson). Yapılan çalışma sonucunda, Kuzey enlemlerinden güney enlemlerine doğru inildikçe toplam takson sayısı artmaktadırÖğe Bolu ili büyüksu deresi'nin çevre kalitesinin biyolojik ve fiziko-kimyasal(2007) Dügel, Muzaffer; Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Çelekli, Abuzer-Öğe Cave ostracoda (Crustacea) from western black sea region of Turkey(2011) Yavuzatmaca, Mehmet; Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Mengi, Hamdi; Sarı, Necmettin; Başak, ElifThe studies about cave ostracods in the world are limited but need more attention.Öğe Çevresel faktörlerin Sünnet Gölü (Bolu, Türkiye) Ostrakoda (Crustacea) faunası üzerine mevsimsel etkileri(2007) Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Dügel, Muzaffer; Kiliç, Mustafa Kemal-Öğe Comalcandona gibsoni sp. nov. (Ostracoda, Candonidae) from Comal Spring, Texas, USA(2019) Külköylüoğlu, OkanA new species, Comalcandona gibsoni sp. nov., was found from Comal Springs, Comal County, Texas, USA. The new species has four horn-like projections located on the antero- and posterodorsal ends of the valves and this unique character separates this species from Comalcandona tressleri. Some other distinguishing differences in chaetotaxy (e.g., position, length, and number of setae on the segments) can also be seen in the soft body parts (e.g., absence of gamma seta on mandibula, duckbill shape of clasping organ of first leg, numbers of whorls in Zenker’s organ). Based on the differences, Comalcandona gibsoni sp. nov. is proposed as the second species of the genus.Öğe Comments on “Is Copytus Skogsberg, 1939 (Crustacea: Ostracoda) a neocytherideid? With description of a new family and two new species” by Coimbra, Bergue & Ramos (2020)(Magnolia Press, 2021) Külköylüoğlu, OkanMost recently, Coimbra et al. (2020) published an article in this journal (Zootaxa, 4729 (2): 177–194) questioning the taxonomic position of the genus Copytus Skogsberg, 1939 (Crustacea, Ostracoda) along with proposing it as the type genus of their new family (Copytidae Coimbra et al., 2020), and erecting two new species that were listed by previous authors as Copytus sp. 1 and Copytus sp. 2. The main diagnostic characteristics of their new proposed family (and the genus Copytus) are the hinge type and muscle scars on the carapace and/or valves (see lines 6–8 from the bottom, p. 179 in Coimbra et al. 2020). They also underlined that (p. 179) “...this study is based exclusively on the morphology of the animals’ hard parts”. While the authors considered another genus (Neocopytus) proposed by Külköylüoğlu, Colin & Kılıç (2007) of the family Neocytherididae as invalid, they interestingly transferred some species of Neocopytus to Copytus as species of their new family (Coimbra et al. 2020). Herein, my point with the comments listed below is to clarify that, when possible, both soft and hard parts should be considered in taxonomy, and such an integrated approach clearly indicates that Neocopytus is a valid and taxonomically useful genus.Öğe Comparative ecology of Ostracoda (Crustacea) in two rheocrene springs (Bolu, Turkey)(The Ecological Society of Japan, 2008) Sarı, Pınar Karakaş; Külköylüoğlu, OkanA total of ten taxa belonging to the class Ostracoda of the Crustacea (Darwinula stevensoni, Candona neglecta, Cypria ophthalmica, Ilyocypris bradyi, Prionocypris zenkeri, Herpetocypris chevreuxi, Psychrodromus olivaceus, Heterocypris incongruens, Scottia pseudobrowniana, Eucypris sp.) were collected from two rheocrene Darwinula stevensoni springs (Cetin Bey and Caygokpinar springs) on 15 separate occasions between November 2002 and November 2004. Almost all of the species identified exhibit cosmopolitan distributions - at least in the Holarctic region. The presence of Scottia pseudobrowniana represents the second recording of this species in the ostracod fauna of Turkey. The dominant taxa in both springs was Cy. ophthalmica, I. bradyi, Pr. zenkeri and Ca. neglecta. Correlation analyses suggested a significant positive relationship in relative abundance between I. bradyi, Pr. zenkeri and Cy. ophthalmica. Species composition differed significantly between the upper and lower study sites for each spring, but differences could not be detected between sites at the same elevation across sites. Environmental tolerance index (ETI) values suggest that species with high optima and tolerance ranges show cosmopolitan characteristics.Öğe Comparative phylogenic analyses of cave-And surface-water Ostracoda from northwest Anatolia based on mitochondrial CO-I(British Cave Research Association, 2016) Telli, Murat; Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Bozdağ, Ozan Gönensin; Yavuzatmaca, MehmetThe class Ostracoda comprises one of the most diverse taxonomic groups within the subphylum Crustacea. Because of their unique community structure, species diversity and richness, ostracods can be used as indicator species of changes in aquatic conditions. In this study the phylogenetic relationships of 16 individual ostracods were investigated. Mitochondrial CO-I genes of eight species, belonging to six genera, collected from surface and cave environments were analyzed. Phylogenetic relationships were calculated using Bayesian, Maximum Likelihood (ML), and Neighbour Joining (NJ) methods, and the topology of all calculations were consistent with each other in that they showed a close phylogenetic relationship and monophyletic clustering within and between most individual genera of Heterocypris, Candona, Psychrodromus. Cave samples did not show clear separation from surface samples. Cave and surface species of the genus Candona are placed as sister groups in Bayesian and NJ trees, but are paraphyletic in ML. Cave and surface samples of Ilyocypris bradyi are sister groups in NJ but paraphyletic in ML and Bayesian analyses. © British Cave Research Association 2016.Öğe Comparison of Ostracoda (Crustacea) species diversity, distribution and ecological characteristics among habitat types(E Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2017) Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Yılmaz, Sinem; Yavuzatmaca, MehmetTo understand the relationship between habitat differences and ostracod species diversity, distribution and ecological characteristics, eleven different habitat types (spring, creek, stream, lake, waterfall, cave, puddle, pond, reservoir, trough, irrigation canal) across 162 aquatic bodies were sampled from July to September of 2012 in the Karabuk and Duzce regions of Turkey. A total of 36 (Karabuk) and 30 (Duzce) ostracod taxa were found from 148 out of 162 sites. All taxa are newly reported for Karabuk whereas 16 species are new for Duzce. In Duzce, total numbers of species and sites were higher at altitudes 0-400 m and lower at altitudes 401-1200 m a.s.l. than in the Karabuk region. However, they were equal at altitudes 1201-1400 m. Most species were found in troughs followed by streams, springs and ponds. Canonical Correspondence Analysis explains about 74 % of the relationships between species and environmental variables in both regions where water temperature was a significant (p < 0.01) predictor explaining the variance of ostracods assemblages. The most common five species (Candona neglecta, Heterocypris incongruens, H. salina, Ilyocypris bradyi, Psychrodromus olivaceus) with 4534 individuals comprise more than 67% of the total abundance of all living ostracod species in both regions. Heterocypris incongruens showed the highest values of ecological optimum and tolerance for electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen. Based on the occurrence patterns, UPGMA showed five clustering associations among the species. Results suggest that species habitat preferences may depend both on species ecological tolerance and optimum values and on the suitability of conditions in each of the habitat types sampled.Öğe Contribution to the freshwater ostracoda (crustacea) fauna of Turkey : distribution and ecological notes(2014) Rasoulı, Hamidreza; Aygen, Cem; Külköylüoğlu, OkanBu çalışmada, 31 Ağustos 2010 ile 23 Haziran 2011 tarihleri arasında 47 istasyondan toplam 37 tatlısu ostrakot türü toplanmıştır. Bunlardan üç tür (Eucypris kerkyrensis, Cypridopsis elongata, Bradleystrandesia parva) Türkiye ostrakot faunası için yeni kayıttır. Üç türün (Ilyocypris inermis, Trajancypris serrata ve Psychrodromus olivaceus) eşeysel popülasyonuna ise Türkiye’de tekrar rastlanılmıştır. Spearman Rank Correlation analizi, en sık rastlanılan dört tür (Condona neglecta, Heterocypris salina, Eucypris lilljeborgi ve Potamocypris villosa) ile elektriksel iletkenlik arasında anlamlı bir korelasyon gösterirken, sıcaklık ile bu türlerin rastlanılması arasında hiç bir anlamlı ilişki göstermemektedir. Çevresel değişkenler ile hiç bir korelasyon göstermemiş olan beş tür bulunmaktadır (Pseudocandona albicans, Ilyocypris gibba, Heterocypris incongruens, Heterocypris rotundata ve Eucypris virens). Ancak Potamocypris villosa türü üç değişken (pH, elektriksel iletkenlik ve tuzluluk) ile güçlü bir ilişki göstermiştir. Çevresel Tolerans İndeks (ETI) değerlerine bakıldığında, geniş dağılıma sahip olan (kozmopolit) çoğu türün aynı zamanda yüksek ETI değerine de sahip olduğu görülmektedir. Bu gibi toleransı yüksek ve geniş dağılımlı türlere “cosmoecious species” denilmektedir.Öğe Correlational analyses of the relationships between altitude and carapace size of Ostracoda (Crustacea)(Edp Sciences S A, 2020) Dalgakıran, Enes; Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Yavuzatmaca, Mehmet; Akdemir, DeryaThe relationship between ostracods body size and altitude was studied from 117 aquatic habitats of Mersin province (Turkey). 72.6% of the relationship between 12 ostracods and five environmental variables was explained. Water temperature and pH were the two most effective variables on the species. The mean length of right and left valves of the species were significantly different (p < 0.01, N=3980) at all altitudinal ranges. A strong tendency of changes in valve height with increasing altitude seems to be more prominent than the changes in length for some species. To explore the relationship between ostracods carapace (body) size and altitude, 117 non-marine aquatic habitats were sampled from Mersin province (Turkey) during 03-09 October 2015. A total of 36 species and 14 sub-fossils were detected from 66 of 117 sites located between -3 m and 1630 m a.s.l. Thirty-four of the species are previously unknown in the province. In addition, four of the taxa were new records for the Turkish Ostracoda fauna. Five species (Ilyocypris bradyi, Heterocypris salina, H. incongruens, Psychrodromus olivaceus, Potamocypris fallax) were the most common among all habitats with relatively wide ecological and altitudinal ranges. Canonical correspondence analyses revealed 72.6% of the relationship between 12 ostracods and five environmental variables. Water temperature and pH were the two most influential variables (p < 0.05) on the species. The mean length of right and left valves of the species were significantly different (p < 0.01, N = 3980) at all altitudinal ranges. A strong tendency of changes in valve height with increasing altitude seems to be more prominent (p < 0.05) than the changes in length for some species. Our results do not support some ecological rules but rather, suggest that a linear relationship between carapace size and altitude may only be applicable for some ostracods.Öğe Correlational patterns of species diversity, swimming ability and ecological tolerance of non-marine ostracoda (Crustacea) with different reproductive modes in shallow water bodies of agri region (Turkey)(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2019) Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Yavuzatmaca, Mehmet; Akdemir, Derya; Yılmaz, Ozan; Çelen, Ebru; Dere, Şükran; Dalkıran, NurhayatA total of 52 ostracod taxa (35 live spp. 17 subfossils) were collected from 70 shallow aquatic bodies with 11 different habitat types in Agri province (Turkey). Fabaeformiscandona acuminata is a new record for the Turkish ostracod fauna while 29 species were new for the province. Three types of habitats (stream, ditch and pond) contained the highest numbers of 24, 15, 11 species, respectively. Species were clustered into four main groups based on their distribution among habitats. Canonical Correspondence Analysis was able to explain 73.9% of the correlation between the 18 most frequently found species and five environmental variables. Water temperature and elevation were found to be the most effective factors on ostracods. Species with and without swimming setae tend to be found mostly in lentic and lotic habitats, respectively. Besides, species with swimming setae showed relatively higher ecological optimum and tolerance values for pH, electrical conductivity and water temperature than species without setae. The numbers of non-swimmer sexually reproducing species were twice the number of parthenogenetic species. Parthenogenetic species tend to have higher tolerance and optimum values for different environmental variables than sexual species. Results suggest a strong correlation among reproductive modes, swimming ability and ecological tolerances of the species.Öğe Çubuk gölü'nde (Göynük, Bolu) zamana bağlı değişimlerin limnoekolojik yapı üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi(2011) Külköylüoğlu, Okan; Dere, Şükran; Dügel, Muzaffer; Kayam, Sezer-Öğe Cyclocypris vinyardi n. sp (Ostracoda) described from a rheocrene spring in Nevada (USA)(Brill Academic Publishers, 2008) Külköylüoğlu, OkanA new freshwater ostracode, Cyclocypris vinyardi n. sp., belonging to the family Cyclocyprididae is described from a slow flowing rheocrene spring in Nevada, U.S.A. The new species is distinguished from the other 12 extant species of the genus in the United States based on the double rows of pore openings on the anterior end of the carapace, differences in the shape of the hemipenis, and asymmetry in the clasping organs.